I hear, I see, I post: Real food, located at Central

Real food, located at Central

This is the Alfra-something juice which includes tons of fruits. And it is refreshing!!!

Cake...which is so wholesome delicious!

Menu is printed using the brownish paper! Looks so cool right?

Real food, located at Central (nearest MRT station- Clarke Quay) offers some of the most delicious vegetarian and yet organic food. And the pricing are quite affordable, since the food are all ORGANIC! And vegetarian (you could request for no garlic or parsley or egg-even the cakes are egg-less). Organic food are perceived to be beneficial to health, and also much more expensive because...(i still don't understand why organic food are expensive. It is just the same apple as your GM ones, just that GM ones are much more unorganic, with scientist playing with DNA of the apple to be more sweet and crunchy and pest-resistant.)
Overall, the food there is nice, delicious with lovely ambient 

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