I hear, I see, I post: July 2011

The journey ahead is dark and hazardous

And I shall need a million fireflies ahead of me to light up my path. On this journey called life, which seemed to be never ending. And not even a rest stop in sight. For what it is worth, for who it is for, for you may it be. It is extremely a path and journey few will want to even take. The thought of it just sent Goosebumps.

Beatbox with the thump and thuds.

And the Ahhhhhhhhhssssssssss when you eat drink something refreshing. NOT DR PEPPERS, period.

Where's the end…I cant seemed to see it

Railway tracks- Erm Jalan Bukit Merah to Tanjong Pagar

Tracks with the metal thing

Love this shot personally

Just like 2 straight parallel lines which does not gets to meet

The lines are always so straight

Leading to somewhere, out of nonewhere 

The gravels and stones

It was a windy and tormenting route

It doesn't really look like Singapore

Took a rock! Sssshhhhhh

Bend it like beckham?

Intimation on how the pics would look like on a moving train. Choo Choo

On board a fast moving train (I ain't on board a train)

HELP! Train stopped cos the train is too tall! LOL

When the journey will stop???

Tired, so sit on the track for a rest. And that's my shoe. So inappropriately dressed

Finally...the tracks gets to meet :)

Where will this all lead to? Or which route shall we take?

Walked through this plank to get out of the track at the end...

And reached this nice looking houses, build pre-HDB era, or the SIT times! 

Transportation woes

Just very and extremely recently, the transport operators had indicated their desire to increase bus and MRT (the equivalent of the metro or underground tube) again. This had led to a series of comments and discontent among the citizens of Singapore. Some express frustration and lose faith on what the government had termed it as 'world class' public transport network, citing the huge crowds during peak periods and also poor train and bus frequencies. Numerous citizens commented on poor etiquette among fellow commuters, like blocking the entrance of the train carriage and not allowing passengers to disembark first. This poor etiquette existed in spite of public campaigns undertook by the relevant authorities.

If the transport operators have their way, this would be the x number of times transport fares had increased within 2 years. Commuters showed signs of outrage since the service and standards of public transport network is not improving and efficiency remained stagnant. For instance, it is common for commuters, during the morning peak period to miss the first few train, because of the crowd and human traffic flow. Since the citizens had deemed the transport network as being inefficient and slow, there had been calls for public transport to be nationalized.

Yes, that's right. Nationalized the transport network.

First and foremost, is it variable? To group the very basic infrastructure of the building block of society under the care of the government?

Yes, it is variable. Since both major operator of the public transport companies had announced profits amounting to millions of dollars, it is pretty obvious it is variable. No buts, no however. Just go group it together under the government. Use the earnings to buy more train first. Thereafter, when everything else had more or less stabalised, go ahead and reduce the transport cost. It is inevitable that commuters might not get into the first train they see when they are at the platform during peak hours, but it isn't inevitable they still couldn't board the train after the 3rd or more train. There isn't really a need to reduce the number of staffs. Since the stations will remain operating and all.

And there is another way to nationalized the public transport network. But is more crumblesome, but will save some monies in the long run.

It is…tender out the operation of the public transport network.

I'm not very sure how the current system works. But all I know is there is a contract granted from LTA to either SMRT or SBSTransit to operate and charge commuters for the train services. Also include in the contract are some terms and conditions, like not having exceed the safety and such. My proposed method is more or less the same, but instead of granting SMRT/SBStransit to charge commuters…let the government charge commuters.

Basically, it goes something like this…

Government (LTA) own the stations and trains and tracks. Government pays a lump sum to an operator (via a tender) to operate the train. Contract terms are as follows:

  1. Safety must not be compromised
  2. Pay electrical bills
  3. Train frequencies during peak hours must be within 1.5minutes interval; train breakdowns during peak period will results in a fine
  4. Train frequencies during off peak periods must be within 3.5 minutes.
  5. Security of stations and trains comes under SPF/SCDF
  6. Shops at stations are under LTA. Company/operator cannot charge third parties for advert within stations and trains.
  7. Train servicing are at the cost of the operators.
  8. Efficient crowd control measures must be in place at all stations during peak periods and festive seasons.
  9. Commuters pay fares directly to LTA or PTC. Operators should not handle the fares.

Thus in this way, government should just pay a sum in an open tender for say 5 years with 2 years renewable contract. However, the government will say this is not effective since it is short term and operators might not want to continue the contract after 5 years. This might results to infatuation on the operating cost of transport, which in turns results in high transport cost now, and 5 years down the road, cheaper transport cost.

Just don't be too sad when it alls ended

Harry Potter outing!
It will always come one day. And that’s the ending. No matter how much you might loath, everything will comes to an end one day. Be it the good ones or the bad ones. Just like Harry Potter, where it all ends.
It is nice to watch HP with a bunch of friends. And it’s nicer to watch it with strangers who are true blue fans of this “1 author, 7 books, 8 movies” franchise. Those who clap, who goes “woah” and those who cry. It was akin to one big group of lovely people who share the sorrow of watching the last movie of HP.
The movie did really no justice to the books in the series. However, screenplay of HP is little. There was no mentioned of the romance between Harry and Ginny (though after voldermont died, the mvie skipped to 19 years later).
Anyway, why did people not thought of Ron and Hermione being together? HeRmiONe. See the words in caps. Now you know.  

I kept feeling so grumpy nowadays

Sometimes, humans are just so…human

I was on the phone with this person, since she wanted to collect some stuffs from my mum (who is out of town). And the conversation goes something like this:

Her: Is your mum in? I need to collect something from her

Me: No, not in. Please call again on Tuesday

Her: But she called me this morning! Can you like SMS her or something so I can come and take the stuffs later?

Me: No. She did not say anything.

Her: Is her handphone off? Because I couldn't call her now.

Me: Ya, her phone is off.

Isn't it so obvious that her phone is off, because you can't call her? Haiz. Why humans are so self-centered.

Haha I cannot think of a title

The little prince is one of the best novel one could ever read…it chronicles the journey of a person (the prince), who had crashed his plane and was stranded on a dessert. And than some stuffs happen like the prince realized his planet is not the best and there is others much more awesome one in the universe. I don't know why I'm sharing this, but there some life lessons to be shared like the best is perceived as by yourself.

Okies, sidetracking….

Okies, so people have been pulling long faces everyday and that is what people love to see. Like you couldn't survive by smiling at say the bus captain? Like they will die like that. I was on the bus recently and there is this grumpy passenger, not smiling at all. When I want to like tap my CEPAS card and there's this guy standing blocking the exit. He is looking so grumpy and as usual, I pushed him to exit the bus. Rude, ya I know. However, a grumpy person is forever grumpy till otherwise proven.

I think I had mentioned this before where people are looking ever all so sad and just sad like nobody business. Without a care in the world. Board the bus looking so sad. And just looking terrible sadly.

Haiz, just go kill yourself. FOR LOOKING SO FREAKING SAD.

Robert Timms 1-for-1

Regretted. Should have the beer-battered fish n chips instead of the chicken. Haiz. But the pasta's very nice!