I hear, I see, I post: It’s intriguing how complex ideas can become reality

It’s intriguing how complex ideas can become reality

The first ever social cinema had arrived in Singapore. With this platform, viewers are able to share their thoughts and views on the shorts together. Create Tomorrow, a website to change your perception about engineering and to create a platform to provoke, fire and spark curiosity on your thoughts. And with Create Tomorrow’s first film fest, it certainly is serious onto changing one’s perception of engineering with 3 shorts to boot.

The first short film, Hi, I’m An Engineer helps sets the mood for subsequence films. The film is light-hearted and funny. The story revolves round Khai, a civil engineer on his first speed dating session. The first few women he met are sceptical on his job of being an engineer. Throughout the film, Khai clarified the misconceptions most people had about an engineer. His job scope is onto overseeing the construction of air-cons, and some of the projects he had undertaken includes the Helix Bridge as well as M.B.S (Marina Bay Sands). After numerous rounds, he grew discourage as the women wants their boyfriends to be a lawyer, with a high pay. Of course, Khai dismissed the perception that engineer are lowly paid with low career prospects. Thus Khai decided to change his occupation by introducing himself as a lawyer. Unknown to him, the women, Ling, too is a lawyer but she introduced herself as an artiste, where she paint things, people, canals, buildings, roads. And both clicked well when they say the same phrase at the same time. In all, with nice BGM and art direction, it is a nice movie. However, there is no dialogue at all, with just wordings floating round the video.

The second short film, Flight revolves round Jeremy whose father wanted him to become a pilot. Ever since he had completed his Basic Military Training (BMT) stint, his father had wanted him to sign on with the air force. But every time the question pops up, Jeremy seemed unhappy. His father too wanted to be a pilot. However circumstances prevails him to be one. Thus, he pinned his hopes on Jeremy. Jeremy had been selected for the air force, but kept the news to his dad. Upon confrontation, Jeremy revealed he wanted to build planes, and not fly them. With such a heavy theme, and the director, everything all sums up together.

The last short film, Building Dreams is a documentary about Ian, a computer engineer at LucasArts Singapore. Yup, it is again about engineering. It basically talks about his job scope, the fun of it, and also, some of the fun experiences he had about his job. Still remember he talked about his childhood days, when he hacked every game he had. Wow! And also, his job is quite fun.

In all, all 3 short films helps to clear misconception about engineers. So, to everybody, engineers can too, be as highly respected as lawyers or doctors. It can been seen Create Tomorrow tries extremely hard to bring in the content to us, but with more practises, it can be perfect.

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