I hear, I see, I post: Top 5 fictional and non-fictional deaths of 2011

Top 5 fictional and non-fictional deaths of 2011

Everyone should have heard of the unexpected death of some REAL famous humans in this year. From Steve Jobs to Kim Jong II, it really caught most of us by surprise. Judging from the attitudes from those around, I would put in a personal note that it is business as usual for most of us. Here goes, the top 5 deaths (be it fictional or non-fictional)

1.       Death of the Time-Lord
It comes as a shock (and left many in suspense) where the Time Lord (who is unable to regenerate anymore) died in ‘The Impossible Astronaut’. When we progressed further down in the series, the 2-hearted Time Lord, indeed, did not die. But still, this is still considered a death (to me).  But the prospect of him dying, well, is too unbearable. 

2.       Steve Jobs
Again, many were caught off guard on the death of Jobs. Many shed tears upon news of his death. For others, a joy (to all Android fans) and to the rest, a day unlike any other. Death of Jobs did became one of the many conversation starters, and the most common response is “So Jobs had died of cancer”. That’s all. I’ve my first Macintosh, the G4 many years ago, running OS X (unfortunately, it conker out before Job’s death). And comes to the numerous condolences and Creative (a Singapore-based company which won a lawsuit against Apple) had a tongue-in-cheek advert regarding Apple. It seemed all is not well even after his death.  

3.       Osama
This terrorist is finally dead. It sure hit headlines, which left many happy. A few days after the Royal wedding, comes another piece of good news. Let the good news roll please. A pity he’s not caught alive, so the US could question him on his intention of committing mass murder. Does one truly think Osama’s death is the solution to his evil doings?

4.       Amy Winehouse
  An English singer and song-writer, Amy Winehouse was found dead at her home in London. At a young age of 27, she have a bright future ahead. But alas, she’s now dead. But at least for her, her music lives on.

5.       Kim Jung Il
The apparent first-in-command of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (or DPRK) had died. He died due to a heart attack while on a train trip. His untimely death again, caught many people off guard, especially at troubled times. With conflict around the South China Sea, the death of Kim may well shape how the region will be like. With his heir, not being really well-liked by North Koreans, it might well create a power struggle, having a need for allies China and Russia to step-out to resolve it. Or worst, North Korea might have a military treaty with China, allowing China to base their troops there to launch an attack on Taiwan (with made-in-N. Korea nuclear missiles).     

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