I hear, I see, I post: Life as we know it, in cheese

Life as we know it, in cheese

Is a vicious cycle, with interconnecting links with each and every one. Alright, it doesn’t make much sense to me. A day in the office is highly intriguing, with a manager claiming (quite proudly), that she can’t comprehend and not understand one of my favourite books of all, Who Moved My Cheese.

It clearly means that she does not understand the concept of change, and is in fact, incapable of change. She loves constant and will blame others utmost for any undesired change. A very bad manager in terms of managerial skills.

For many of us, finding ourselves without any cheese seemed to be a major problem. So we start searching for cheese. But whilst looking for more cheese, we tend to commit mistakes, and never look back. Some of the none the wiser will be contended finding another cheese station with little cheese (to not actually last), while others will continue searching, never looking back sometimes. Others will feel angry with the situation and others, but not do anything about it.

Changes comes from the individual. 

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