I hear, I see, I post

Waterloo Road

Christine finally touches alcohol, and gives up on herself (for a while), and then decides to pick herself up. Second chances aren't likely to be given when you had given yourself up. Because others just despise you. Why are humans so judgemental, it's creepy.

It just makes me ache when I saw this scene of her waking up in the morning, with her son by her side, taking care of her.

Do we take those beside us for granted at times? Do we knowingly just accept them to help us forever? Goody 2 shoes in us...well that depends innit?

As the sun sets, the moon shall rise. It all sounded too good to be true. At least her son is there for her, and wanting to help (and throwing away a good comfy job in London).

Oh gosh, I just can't stop thinking and feeling sad about it.

Don't we all love Christine, when she's counselling Gabs? How we tend to believe in the lies when it's all been told in a long while. That we believing in our own lies. It hurts when you lies to others, but it gets worse when we starts lying to ourselves. That is just so true at times.

Well, term had ended, for now. Goodbye Nikki, and have fun (and come back soon, missing you already).

$19b for Whatsapp and the gobshite

Facebook simply had too much money. The recent purchase of Whatsapp shows how extravagance Facebook is in their aggressive expansion and dominance in the mobile platform. But does the hefty $19b price tag warrants it?

Facebook had been obsessed with advertising and targeting relevant ads to their users, as far back as in 2007 with Facebook Beacon which (surprise!) led to a class action suit. What is vital about Beacon is that users will have their activities published on their Facebook feed when they visited certain websites, thus infringing on your privacy.

A quick check on Wikipedia reveals that Facebook had acquired Beluga in 2011, and integrated with Facebook Messenger.

Other famous acquisition includes Instagram and Lightbox.com which allows Facebook to enter the foray of photo editing and sharing sites. What is of no secret now is that Facebook is entering a stagnant phase, the maturity phase, being widely accepted and in danger of decline. As with what market analysis business manager will do, it is time to reinvent the wheel for Facebook. And this wheel- mobile platforms.

Mobile platforms had been Facebook focused since IPO. It had been their desire, seen from their handling of mobile app. But the question begets- is Facebook trying too hard? And who is Facebook actual target user?

Facebook, when it was once cool and new and exciting was used majority by teenagers and young adults, who did not have huge spending powers. Now with the rise of notable competitors like Twitter, Facebook is losing much ground (and attention) from their original intended users. What used to be a platform for college kids to connect with one another had become a platform for nosy parents to know what their offspring are up to. And don’t even get started with B2B on Facebook (like is it even possible?!)
What Facebook now have is the actual telephone numbers of over 450 million users. Actual live numbers, unlike the millions of fake Facebook accounts. And it is quite scary, and seen as a desperate attempt by Facebook to wanting to know us better.

Ignore the corporate gobshite and jargons about connecting the world and utility to the world by delivering core Internet services efficiently and affordably. What Facebook need is a reality check, for once they start charging money for whatsapp, chances are, many will migrate over to Line or WeChat.  In the mobile platform, which are all intangibles, customers will not stick to a single product (or app in this case) because of familiarity. Because if Facebook really believe this, then they won’t be changing the interphase of their Facebook app to be so degrading!! 

Let's hop over now, before Facebook start calling us on behalf of insurance, financial and holiday companies. 

My mind is in a state of numbness

After a fall, leading to a bump on my head due to fainting in the toilet (of all places). Just what can be right went the other way for me. Oh well, lemons and lemonades again. Never a fan of lemon.

The truth hurts

When there are signs of deja vu all over again. Imagine when you have the power to give permission to the hospital to start an experimental surgical operation with uncertain chance of survival. It's either they perform this surgery, or else he will be in a state of coma for god knows how long. You had been in this predicament (exactly a year ago, I think) at this same spot. But only you chose to remain constant, leading to a slow and painful death for him.

No. You do not want the same thing to happen again. Because time always continues running, but the people managing it doesn't. You want to break it, so you consent the operation.

Thankfully, the operation is a success. He woke up, responding just fine. You cried- because you are uncertain, and almost thought you single-handedly 'killed' him with that operation. His girlfriend is there crying her heart out. Sobbing, like never before.

Life, we always think is something we take for granted. We are always taking the next sunset/sunrise for granted. If today doesn't goes well, we always tell ourselves, there's always another day tomorrow, or the day's going end soon. Cheer up!

But are we supposedly to take life simply as a sunset, a moonrise, a sunrise and a moonset? What is so frightful is what if the moonrise or sunrise never comes? If the sun will never rise again forever? What will happen then if our lives are in darkness, in uncertainty? Will we still be moody, and in this fearful condition?

So appreciate the little experiences right now, and not keep harping and thinking of the next day, because it might not happen forever. Who knows, there'll not be a tomorrow afterall. 

Total Defence

Its just another week to Total Defence day, one of the few ‘national education’ (by which a term used loosely) days celebrated in Singapore. This is kind of like remembrance day, for 15 February is when the unfortified fortress fell to the Japanese. 

Since then till now, much emphasise is being made on how fragile Singapore is and how Singaporeans must be vigilant and alert of external threats which risks the country stability. Total defence is by far my ‘favourite’ day. 

Total defence consist of the 5 pillars, Military, Civil, Social, Economic and Psychological defence.    

This kinda are the main building blocks of peace and stability in the country. 

Military- the military helps protect Singapore with their 2 prong approach (Deterrence and Diplomacy)

Civil- Knowing how to react in times of emergencies. Civilians should know and identify threats in their everyday intimate surroundings. 

Economic- Helping to keep Singapore prosperous and measured in terms of GDP. The more the merrier. 

Social- Living in harmony as quoted from the pledge, ‘regardless of race, language and religion’ . Can we achieve cohesion in this globalised world where there are more fast tracked citizens then the true blue Singaporeans? 

Psychological- Being loyal and the will to overcome obstacles.

Oh, such a significant day indeed.  Is it still relevant especially after the riots? Are we still proud of being Singaporeans? 

Been a long time since there's any movement here

I want to go for a staycation so badly. Have you ever felt the need to cry and laugh at the same time?

New year! New 2014!

Humans should have some self-deserving basis reserved truly for themselves. Not be such pretentious soul pretending to care. It's alright to be different people in different times, that's ok, but we should always remember the people we were.

So I shall start my first resolution (why it's resolution? To resolve living a new life?) to be more observant and mindful.

Being mindful and sensitive towards others.

Second. Finish the freaking Bride and Barista story. It's been 3 years, going 4 and I've not even finish 0.00001% of it. Haiz.

Third. Bring back my old witty linguistic. The older post from me is much sophisticated and just is much better.
