I hear, I see, I post: Total Defence

Total Defence

Its just another week to Total Defence day, one of the few ‘national education’ (by which a term used loosely) days celebrated in Singapore. This is kind of like remembrance day, for 15 February is when the unfortified fortress fell to the Japanese. 

Since then till now, much emphasise is being made on how fragile Singapore is and how Singaporeans must be vigilant and alert of external threats which risks the country stability. Total defence is by far my ‘favourite’ day. 

Total defence consist of the 5 pillars, Military, Civil, Social, Economic and Psychological defence.    

This kinda are the main building blocks of peace and stability in the country. 

Military- the military helps protect Singapore with their 2 prong approach (Deterrence and Diplomacy)

Civil- Knowing how to react in times of emergencies. Civilians should know and identify threats in their everyday intimate surroundings. 

Economic- Helping to keep Singapore prosperous and measured in terms of GDP. The more the merrier. 

Social- Living in harmony as quoted from the pledge, ‘regardless of race, language and religion’ . Can we achieve cohesion in this globalised world where there are more fast tracked citizens then the true blue Singaporeans? 

Psychological- Being loyal and the will to overcome obstacles.

Oh, such a significant day indeed.  Is it still relevant especially after the riots? Are we still proud of being Singaporeans? 

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