I hear, I see, I post: If we can get out of this economic crisis, it would be…

If we can get out of this economic crisis, it would be…

A miracle is all we need. Just have a sneak at how some people function while at the work place. With the OLs and their bosses, and add on with the arrival of a new temp worker, and it shall be the ingredient for gossips and bitching and more bitching. A friend was in the office where there is a new temp, and his boss is out for early lunch (with the boss even proclaiming that he is going off for a early lunch). Being the typical worker, you would leave when the boss is out of sight or just gather around and gossip. Of course, that's what he did.

So the story goes where there is this new temp staff, which looks like he is in early twenties/late teens. So perhaps waiting for enlistment or university. And the majority of the staff there do not like him. Because this temp staff seldom talk to people. Not even a smile, which is quite unforgiveable to the atmosphere there. The atmosphere in the office is quite fun, with the people there like a large group of friends, and of course, this temp staff clearly does not fit in properly. So why not, go and talk to him. Obviously, this temp staff looks a lot like those people from Hong Kong, skinny, tanned and always wear white. With dark blue/black jeans. Plus, he talk Cantonese. More like a HKer than a Singaporean.

Ok, enough of rambling about this newcomer. But I just think that this work behavior is soooo incorrect, going for extended lunch breaks. But never mind, since there is sufficient time to get to PS Café. Hahahaha

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