I hear, I see, I post: Are Singaporean’s getting too inclined academically?

Are Singaporean’s getting too inclined academically?

One of the typical response a parent to his child would be, "Did you study for the test/exams?" in this case, the child had obtained unreasonable grades in his mid term test, having a Cs for all H2 subjects, with the exception of chemistry, a S. The father is so funny, where he did not know what H2 meant, and what does S meant. And apparently, his son is in JC2, since he asked his child when is his A-level exams.

So his son obtain bad results, and when his dad asked if he did not study, the son just replied a NO. as usual, who would admit they did not study? The son excuse? Because the paper was testing application of theory, which he did not understand. (think is he did not understand the question) then his father said that if this is the A-levels, would he too, obtain the same grades. And judging by the results, the father exclaimed that the son is not able to get into a local university. And all along I thought as long as you get Cs for all subjects, you will be able to get into a local university???

But again, is it too difficult to try to score well for just 5 subjects in JCs? I think it is relative easy, since GP is kind of simple, and Math (that's peanuts too, with constant practice). The only thing left are the sciences and economics, or Geography/History. So, the final verdict…A-levels are much easier. Ok, so bad to the story. It seemed much from their conversation that the son is in some school as the head of a CCA. A sports CCA to be exact. And the father asked his son, if high involvement in CCA would guarantee a placement in the local university. The A-division season had yet to begin, and that the father wanted the son to pull out from the CCA and concentrate on his studies. The father cited an example of a guy- a captain in the best water-polo team in Singapore…whom did badly in his A-level. (don't ask me if that's true…), and that that captain is not able to get into a course of his choice.

In the end, like what everybody had expected, the boy will drop his CCA, let his father engage all types of tutors for the boy. Chemistry, Biology, Math and Economics(even though econs is H1)…gosh. It is really getting out of hand nowadays.

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