I hear, I see, I post: Contentment is when you appreciate the things you have got

Contentment is when you appreciate the things you have got

One will only appreciate and be contented with the things one had already get. (Got is the past tense of get)

As with the definition of ‘have got’ being ‘to possess’, thus meaning, one will be contented when you appreciate the things you possess. 

And that is what makes some not being exactly being contented. Like money, lots of it and land and cars and even a yacht. It is the perusal of such materialistic tangibles which makes them contented. And more than usual, they will keep thinking, why am I doing all this? Working so hard just to get the tangibles and in the meanwhile, forsaking all those friends and family? In which at a pivoting point in the lifes, they will be thinking of what really makes them happy, content and fulfilled.

When I think I’ve got you
I realised I’ve not
For when you’re gone
I started to miss you more
More than the stars this galaxy can contain
More that I can ever think of
I just yearn for you

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