I hear, I see, I post: July 2012


It's almost 2 weeks since I last blog. It's because I'm forever brain dead, not knowing what to blog about. Since it now is the Olympic season, below are some verse on Olympics.

=============The Olympic We Dreamt Of==============
In peace and freewill
We trust and establish
Away from corporate sponsors
And undeserving torch bearers
Together we unite
For a glorious moment
Celebrating sport's finest
In a celebration or sorts

Team China
Will you win more golds
Team USA
Will you be back
Team GB
You're so miss
And you know you'll be
Team Russia
Now a forgone era,
As yet again

The fireworks up high
In the xxxx of London
Somewhere East
Somewhere near Thames
Land upon
With the Queen

Ever so spectulcar
Ever British
Ever grumptly
A non-complacent
Non-contended lot

Plagued by security
Plagued by budgeting
Plagued by chips
Plagued by sponsors
Plagued by ticketing
Plagued by mascot
Plagued by strikes
Plagued by transport

This is the games
We are all waiting for
Yet disappointed
For where's the blue police box
When we hear her sound

Is this the last time you host
Or there's another time
Only time will tell
And the legacy you'll be leaving behind
Go Team GB
Go Olympics
You'll be missed dearly
Come the closing ceremony
And don't leave the Spice Girls out

Sick and presents

You are now sick and tired literally. You are suffering from the cold. It’s not even the flu season right now, and you are down with it. It’s been going on for 2 days since and has yet to consult a GP.  Workload is piling up on you, and is unable to fully concentrate because of the sodding cold. Every 10 minutes, you sneeze, as though someone was missing you. You head to Starbucks, order a White Chocolate Mocha frap- your all-time favourite (with the exception of the Christmas special- Dark Chocolate Peppermint latte).

And someone decided to start bitching about you. About inviting you to 2 different birthday celebrations and only giving 1 present. About how stingy you are. To top it off, you’re one of his oldest friends. The original first gift had been bought way in advance.

So, despite you being sick and all, you still need to head out to town just to buy another present to pacify your friend. Now you really regret why you don’t share a present with the others or even choose to attend both celebrations.

I have an urge to blog

Not about Spiderman movie, because it really is not worth watching, unless you’re a hard core fan of Marvel (including Spiderman comics) and/or, a lover of Emma Stone (which she might not even know you exist). ClichĂ© storyline, poor directing and editing wasted the stellar performance of the cast. Spiderman is just not worth catching, I think Batman should be better.

Spiderman aside, the latest gossip. Apparently, some lecturers are so vain that he (emphasise on HE) hated his single eyelid so much, he use some form of sticker to make it double. So the next time I see the vain man, I must observe at his eyes real hard. Chances of him reading this? 0%. And he’s engaged, which is becoming more of an open secret. A secret is something that is the truth, nothing but the whole truth. So, perhaps when he’s married, he’ll go for some cosmetic surgery for double eyelid since he’s so insecure about himself? Or his fiancĂ©e is attracted to guys with double eyelid?

The story of ‘Cardinal’. Cardinal, as some say, is a species of bird (or a slang). Others thought it have a meaning ‘of fundamental importance’. And those who thought it was the slang for bird, told someone (who share the same name as the 11th Doctor) the latter meaning (‘of fundamental importance’). What is the true irony is that both definitions are correct. Ok, so what’s the cardinal reason for this?

I left a huge stack of papers inside computer lab without any notes/memo and a week after, it still is there. However, when I left a note claiming the paper is mine, and please do not touch, it’s gone. Weird huh? Maybe everyone knows my paper are up for grabs.

When there other alternatives in life

Choosing over alternatives seemed to be somewhat a consequence of ‘freedom to choose’. Simply because freedom is the concept of being able to do something one had always wished and or wanted. But the ability to choose does it counts under freedom?

Choosing is what I considered as evaluation between alternatives. This includes evaluation of action and expected (sometimes expected, yet undesired) consequences. Now, choosing from a limited pool of alternatives does sounds quite restrictive, since there are only that few options available.

In a society where everyone strives to be as politically correct as they can, choosing is not an option of choice. It is done because of survival. For instance, choosing a religion (or adapting). It seemed the obvious, if you believe in god and all. So if you believe there is a god up there, then some of the religions you can (choose/adapt) are this and that. And if you prefer your god to have a nice sounding name, you can either choose this and that. Does it really sounds like freedom? The expression of oneself and the concept of freedom is nothing but theories. What that choosing procedure is in actual fact, a situation forcing people to take actions and be accountable to your own actions. Forcing people to choose from a range of acceptable range of beliefs and values because some influential person decided that this is in fact, a way of life that a majority of the community is comfortable with is akin to enforcing someone to believe in something so as to not change the whole society and community at large. Now, that is something.

A very prime and classic and so very politically incorrect example is the gay community. For years, gays are being used to describe homosexuals. But the term gay is politically incorrect, and instead we should use the biological term, homosexuals. It does speaks much of a society where freedom is much prized that it takes more than half a century to actually openly accept other alternatives which society are closing a blind eye to.

Choosing of alternatives might not restrict to the actions alone, but also for the consequences. Very often we make judgement, and some form of actions which we claim responsibility for. However, in 99% of the instances, we do not account for the permanent and often, undesired consequence(s). Good things and bad things are all the points in time due to the results of one’s own actions. Not bearing responsibility of your own consequence is much like a thief, who pleads guilty in court because he/she knew, will receive a lighter sentence. And when sentenced to a longer than expected time in jail (unexpected and undesired consequence), begins to whine and cry, but not thinking that they are in the wrong. They just had a mind-set that they are in jail because they are caught stealing something in the shop and if not caught, they had not done anything wrong.  

So, the next time you decide to take action or choose an option, be prepared to take responsibility for the actions and the consequences. Do not just expect to lay the blame on other external factors. You made the call yourself, it might not be correct, but at least, you trust your own judgement.