I hear, I see, I post: I have an urge to blog

I have an urge to blog

Not about Spiderman movie, because it really is not worth watching, unless you’re a hard core fan of Marvel (including Spiderman comics) and/or, a lover of Emma Stone (which she might not even know you exist). Cliché storyline, poor directing and editing wasted the stellar performance of the cast. Spiderman is just not worth catching, I think Batman should be better.

Spiderman aside, the latest gossip. Apparently, some lecturers are so vain that he (emphasise on HE) hated his single eyelid so much, he use some form of sticker to make it double. So the next time I see the vain man, I must observe at his eyes real hard. Chances of him reading this? 0%. And he’s engaged, which is becoming more of an open secret. A secret is something that is the truth, nothing but the whole truth. So, perhaps when he’s married, he’ll go for some cosmetic surgery for double eyelid since he’s so insecure about himself? Or his fiancée is attracted to guys with double eyelid?

The story of ‘Cardinal’. Cardinal, as some say, is a species of bird (or a slang). Others thought it have a meaning ‘of fundamental importance’. And those who thought it was the slang for bird, told someone (who share the same name as the 11th Doctor) the latter meaning (‘of fundamental importance’). What is the true irony is that both definitions are correct. Ok, so what’s the cardinal reason for this?

I left a huge stack of papers inside computer lab without any notes/memo and a week after, it still is there. However, when I left a note claiming the paper is mine, and please do not touch, it’s gone. Weird huh? Maybe everyone knows my paper are up for grabs.

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