I hear, I see, I post: When there other alternatives in life

When there other alternatives in life

Choosing over alternatives seemed to be somewhat a consequence of ‘freedom to choose’. Simply because freedom is the concept of being able to do something one had always wished and or wanted. But the ability to choose does it counts under freedom?

Choosing is what I considered as evaluation between alternatives. This includes evaluation of action and expected (sometimes expected, yet undesired) consequences. Now, choosing from a limited pool of alternatives does sounds quite restrictive, since there are only that few options available.

In a society where everyone strives to be as politically correct as they can, choosing is not an option of choice. It is done because of survival. For instance, choosing a religion (or adapting). It seemed the obvious, if you believe in god and all. So if you believe there is a god up there, then some of the religions you can (choose/adapt) are this and that. And if you prefer your god to have a nice sounding name, you can either choose this and that. Does it really sounds like freedom? The expression of oneself and the concept of freedom is nothing but theories. What that choosing procedure is in actual fact, a situation forcing people to take actions and be accountable to your own actions. Forcing people to choose from a range of acceptable range of beliefs and values because some influential person decided that this is in fact, a way of life that a majority of the community is comfortable with is akin to enforcing someone to believe in something so as to not change the whole society and community at large. Now, that is something.

A very prime and classic and so very politically incorrect example is the gay community. For years, gays are being used to describe homosexuals. But the term gay is politically incorrect, and instead we should use the biological term, homosexuals. It does speaks much of a society where freedom is much prized that it takes more than half a century to actually openly accept other alternatives which society are closing a blind eye to.

Choosing of alternatives might not restrict to the actions alone, but also for the consequences. Very often we make judgement, and some form of actions which we claim responsibility for. However, in 99% of the instances, we do not account for the permanent and often, undesired consequence(s). Good things and bad things are all the points in time due to the results of one’s own actions. Not bearing responsibility of your own consequence is much like a thief, who pleads guilty in court because he/she knew, will receive a lighter sentence. And when sentenced to a longer than expected time in jail (unexpected and undesired consequence), begins to whine and cry, but not thinking that they are in the wrong. They just had a mind-set that they are in jail because they are caught stealing something in the shop and if not caught, they had not done anything wrong.  

So, the next time you decide to take action or choose an option, be prepared to take responsibility for the actions and the consequences. Do not just expect to lay the blame on other external factors. You made the call yourself, it might not be correct, but at least, you trust your own judgement.

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