I hear, I see, I post: RIP Margaret Thatcher

RIP Margaret Thatcher

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had died following a stroke, aged 87 in the morning of 8 April 2013, her family had revealed. With BBC coverage of her life as ex-Prime Minister, of her remarkable achievements of her over a decade in office.

She will be having a ceremonial funeral at St Paul's Cathedral.

Margaret Thatcher was also the first women Prime Minister in the UK, and is most notable for her decision in the Falklands War. Other than Falkland War, Lady Thatcher was also known for her economic reform policies, including privatisation of British Air, the NHS, BP and many more. Such was the popularity of the Tories during her reign that she continued to privatised public utilities. New Labour indeed continued privatisation as part of their political agenda.  

A fortnight ago, press journalise said they will not return to work (from their strike) to cover the death of Margaret Thatcher (hypothetically), but of Nielsen Mandela because of her tough stance on the trade union.

Her years in office paves the way into the future of politics in UK, and coined the term, Thatcherism as a phrase on the stuffs and policies implemented to help serve and improve the life (hopefully) of the common Briton.

RIP, Margaret Thatcher.

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