I hear, I see, I post: Different perspectives and finding closure.

Different perspectives and finding closure.

A very unexpected friend of mine (that wo geng ni jiang hor) asked if I would like to go to london with him. That was totally unexpected, since I’m not chummy with him. After much whatsapping, we virtually planned what we’re gonna do and all. The question is why me? Because I’m not a phony. Well, I try to stay true to myself and often find myself in weird and hostile situation for firing that stupid mouth of mine without thinking. Thankfully, I’ve not offended that much people in the past 3 years of poly education. (an accomplishment, if you asked me).

The end of a crucial 3 years of education had just faded away from me. The memories created, friendship and courtship. But what actually holds in that short, yet eventful 3 years? The competitiveness which is so overrated or the people you knew. Of course, the subject taken will be with me forever I think, but being someone who have absolute dislike to marketing, should I further my studies? Or should I just stick my head in and work till the day I retire, think back and moan about the mistake I possible had made.

Differing perspectives from various people I knew had by and large, been cautioning me about my next decision. Half of me wanted to shut them up, and another half wanting to listen and pay heed to their advice. Like how (I know!) anthropology does not have any career prospect and I should just stick to my marketing with a minor in product management (or something like that). It’s thought that finding closure with my studies solely based on this marketing.

If only there is an answer.

I find myself in this situation whereby whenever I find the light at the end of the tunnel, next thing I know is the train just has to ram over me at full speed. That is just so depressing.

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