I hear, I see, I post: Quotes


I know I had posted this before, but this is a very meaningful quote:

We must be satisfied with the soup that is set before us, and not desire to see the bones of the ox out of which it has been boiled.

Contentment breeds satisfaction, which leads to happiness. Often people aren't able to be happy and be at ease with themselves because of their curiosity.

Humans are so often curious, because that is our nature. To question the why and what not. But it is in this aspect which prevent us from finding closure, closure with the situation, and with yourself.

Working in a department which deals with complain letters (why does the word complain even occurs?!) I find that most of the people uses it as an avenue to vent their frustration. The frustration of feeling helpless that their parcel are lost (I’m working in a postal office). Being human, we tend to like to be in control, and be informed in the whole process. Once we lose that ability, all hell break lose. These are the people who are unable to find closure. For complain cases, it usually works like this:

1. You learnt of the problem occurred (like your parcel was delivered late)
2,. You felt helpless, and felt bad (about yourself, or your recipient or even just at the situation)
3. usually by now we have 2 different types,
a. Those who accept it, and close the case. Or
b. who demand to know what happened, how it happen and generally, angry.
3. you write a complain letter, threatening to report to the CEO, or the MPs or whatsoever people.

Frankly, I think my company should not even be replying to such people. Because in life, shit happens. It is alright to feel angry, but do not let your feelings manipulate to emotions, which will influence the actions. Sure, some of this shit are the company fault, but do not vent your frustration by calling the staff and give them a verbal scolding. Imagine how will they feel, especially when it’s not even their fault.

Usually, for people to find closure, they will experience anger, followed by acceptance and finally closure. In my complain example, however, since there’re no acceptance (few will accept the ‘official excuses’ made because simply put, the company really is at fault), thus these complainers will not find closure. However, it is another completely different story if you call the company and want to know the process and why it had been late in delivery. This is finding closure in a way because you want to be educated and informed, and not just to vent your frustration.

Usually, when people call the hotline to complain, they in fact do not know what they want, and the answers they want to hear. They just want someone to hear and shout mean words to the poor people on the phone because they felt it’s their prerogative. And after that phone call, the poor people will usually say sorry. I think they should just use this phrase, “I empathise with you on your frustration, and my company would like to apologise for the regrettable experience caused by the lateness of delivery”.

Hopefully, there’ll be fewer people who complain, because ultimately, they are the ones who shows how shallow they are, forever judging others by their moral paucity. Sometimes, it’s great to receive feedback and complains if they have a nice tone. Just not shouting. Shucks, it’s my last day tomorrow at work. Now I’m a happy kid who will devote more time here.  

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