I hear, I see, I post: April: It’s going to be so stressed and all

April: It’s going to be so stressed and all

Start of a new semester, 2 new students, and my wallet getting thinner and thinner. With April having 5 students, equates to stress, stress and more stress! Now with the vacation looming past, with 3 more weeks, there is so much thing to do, but so little time. Pardon the English please. I've yet to finish the biennale, explore the Singapore Flyer's food trail, finish all the books I borrowed, compiling the History and SS notes, finish "Only You", watched Morning Glory, Carmen and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Have yet to touch-up on my photos, and the list goes on and on. Anyone, please change lifes with me. It is getting too out of hand. Perhaps I stop procrastinating.

But perhaps it's the stress that is preventing more stress from coming. This stress which allows you to run away from certain problems temporary. So much for big plans, and so little for small ones.

Anyway, there's this little bubble tea shop at AMK called Super Bubble Tea. Format and all is akin to Koi, Eskimo and Gong Cha (the big 3 in S'pore BBT industry), and the quality is on par with that of Gong Cha. Ok, I requested for Oolong mixed with Green Tea…plus milk. So basically, it is a milk-based Oolong with Green Tea. 100% sugar level. Sweet! And the taste of Oolong with Green Tea complements quite well. I'm a geniuses! Perhaps all other bubble tea stores could pay heed to my advice and sell this range of mixed teas. I've tried earl grey with red tea, milk based. Not that nice, but still can do.

April sees little or no major plans, except for 1 play and 1 musical at Esplanade. Perhaps it is time for a well-deserved holiday. To somewhere near, like Hong Kong. The road is still long and windy and everything.

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