I hear, I see, I post: Expectations and all the sh*t

Expectations and all the sh*t

In the start of yet another new semester, let us all say "Au Revoir" to the past year, with the tough projects and near impossible assignments. Somehow, I got through it, and however I'm going to breeze through again this semester…kinda discouraging.

With new semester comes new projects. With new projects come new projects grouping. With new people come new expectations and all that. Like what is their standards and such. But why should people be soooooo mindful on how others perceive them??? Shouldn't humans have some self-deserving basis reserved truly for themselves? Like not give a hoot over if what others would think of their work. Just produce what one think is of their own's best? NO! Humans love to manipulate others, especially at the beginnings. Things like let's hang out after xxxxx or if there's a chance lets go xxxxx. There's tons of times I would wished to say this right into their face, but I've not the opportunity, "GET A LIFE!" because life is not all about hanging out in a group.

Nothing bad actually among them, but just, well, humans. And no humans are perfect, because it is the imperfection that makes them humans. Like a simple firm handshake…can makes one think a lot. Like what the hell are you doing??? Social awkwardness and such. Like there this guy, walking in the same direction as a friend of mine. I just wave to my friend and this guy just came up to me, and stand beside me, talk to someone and that someone (his friend) left, he turned to me and said, "It's you right?" just change the "you" to my name. and he proceeded for a handshake. Weird people.

And regarding on the random annoying people…on the streets. They are not harmful, I know. but just insensitive on certain things. Like cutting you path…which occurs so many times. A very good and pretty stupid example is like there's a pavement. Beside the pavement is a patch of grass. Now this path is quite narrow, and is not wide enough to accommodate the large group of people. So this group of people walked on the grass patch. Now I'm on the pavement minding my own business and this large group of people just cut into my walk of way. because this group of people have a lot of people, 15 people, and suddenly cut into my path. Aren't they annoying???

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