I hear, I see, I post: On the day when the sky is blue

On the day when the sky is blue

The sky is always blue. No, sometimes its black, pitch black. Sometimes it's white, covered by the clouds. But yet as always, life is again under the vast blue sky. Life would still continue, and after today, there's a tomorrow, and many tomorrow to come. Even after your death, there still is a tomorrow, because tomorrow could never stop coming.

Yet another new day, not a new beginning. It is a new day to start with the unfinished business of yesterday or to some, yesteryears. Like fulfilling the promise and agreement made yesterday/weeks ago on going to the movies. Or perhaps to head over to the local amusement park. So that is to proceed with the unfinished business of yesteryears.

Oh…what on Earth am I talking about?!?!?!

Never mind, just continue.

It was just so interesting on Friday. Scarring people and all that silly stuff one would actually not do. It was more of a prank or some sorts. But all in the name of good fun, with sporting people who patronizes with their faked screaming and "Ahs". It was just like a certain someone…KQ. Humph…just where on Earth he is now???

Never mind, the sky's blue and everyone is under the sky.

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