I hear, I see, I post: A long bus ride

A long bus ride

It was a long time since I've had really immerse myself into a long bus ride, especially in the double deck kind. In the sense where I'm able to just sit there, and have a seat, past caring where the bus currently is. I still remembered I loved seating at the front of the double deck bus, at the top. That's where I could have a clear view of the surroundings. AND IMAGINED I'M THE BUS CAPTAIN STEERING THE BUS. Perhaps this is the last ever bus ride of this kind.

Basically, what is so fascinating about long bus ride is how people can never communicate with the one sitting next to them. As in I'm seated next to this random complete stranger and we can actually not talk. Like an excuse me when you want to disembark the bus. But you could just stand and he would just get the signal. Singapore is such an amazing place. Perhaps it too, is a taboo to talk to strangers in the bus? I think Singapore is one of the few developed countries in the world where one could actually commute by bus for 45 minutes and not talk to a stranger, staring into space and perhaps listening to their MP3.

Taking a comparison, if one is in Japan, even in Tokyo, complete strangers would still talk. As in saying the excuse me. In spite of the fact, that their lifestyle is much more hectic than Singapore. Or take London, where commuters would sometimes engage you in a conversation. Maybe I'm a foreign looking object over there.

One of the best things I love doing is to stare into space. Perhaps that's why I love long rides. And observing people. How one interacts with the bus. Some would blast their MP3 players, others reading the paper, others starring at other commuters. I love how one commuter stared at the MRT map for 10 minutes. It was like she's completely glued into the map. Perhaps that is one point one could take note of, Singaporeans could not cope with boredom. Because if they are forced to be in a room with nothing to do, their minds would most probably wondered, where they might have been, the new shoes they saw at Soho and much more. They just could not relax. That is one thing that amazes me.


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