I hear, I see, I post: ((( Bitching...is SUCH FUN! )))

((( Bitching...is SUCH FUN! )))

The end of everything. The mystical and legendary thing known as projects have all ended, on a rather uneven note. The heavy sighs and tears of relieve, joy, happiness and sadness were all experienced. However, the only thing that will not stop, is no doubt the BITCHING.

Bitching is a type of stress relieve. It helps to build friendship (agreeing to everything bitch A have to say to Bitch B), forge a common ‘enemy’, spread the ugly tales of some innocent people (who don’t deserve this treatment), spread some rumours and politicised something so pure and white. And don’t you love it when someone told me this:

This is not called bitching. Because it does not come from your mouth. If it comes out of your mouth, then it’s considered as bitching.

Please, kill me when I see you the next time. Because you are so complementing me. Bitching is my hobby. It is like smoking. You know it’s bad, but you badly want to do it.

There is no bloody rational bitch in the world. Because a bitch would not allow another to bitch about him/her. So, please stop thinking it’s alright if A bitch about me, since I also bitch quite alot about A to C, where in turn, C bitch about me to A. Yup, bitching is a real vicious cycle. You’ll know others would be bitching about you, but you just can’t help it. It just goes round and round, like the wheels of the bus.

After bitching, comes the time to be critical. Actually basically, the implication of bitching comes about quite funny. Ignore the previous sentence, though it made complete sense. Critical of the person in question whom you are bitching about. You’ll think of him in a different light. You’ll understand how bitch B feels about him, and how irritable that poor innocent guy is. Now, hit back at the guy. And after hitting back to him, bitch about his reaction to another bitch. Fellow bitches, it’s the BITCHYNESS that save our days of boredom.

And woah, i wrote a full essay on BITCHING. Now, bitch about it to your fellow bitches. Ta ta.

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