I hear, I see, I post: Listening, Feeling and looking...with eyes, nose and ears respectively

Listening, Feeling and looking...with eyes, nose and ears respectively

Listen by your eyes. Feel using your nose. Look via your ears. Think you get your senses all mixed up? Nope, it’s just the everyday life of a deaf person, a person who had lost their sense of touch and a blind person. 

Sometimes, it is better to be born blind, mute, deaf and be obvious of the world around us. And imagine how this place will look like. Who knows, they might think the grass is blue, the sky is yellow, the sun is triangular and perhaps the bus are floating. 

Blindness of the eyes might be a bad thing. For the pair of eyes entrusted to us since birth is one which are of utmost importance, yet so easily taken granted for. For when we look, we do not listen. We see a car, yet cross the road, till we hear the horn of the car, travelling at lightning speed capable to killing us. How often does we hear and experience the phrase, “What you see is what you get”? imagine you are buying a MP3 player. You see it is good, with no scratches. But it’s without speakers. Whatever is the point of buying a MP3 player where it cannot play music? Thus, sometimes, we need to listen and not just see. Because seeing believes how a donkey look so smart. 

Feel using your nose. Sometimes, being involved in someone’s relationship might not be appropriate. But you might need to do it badly. Because you truly care about your friend, to prevent them from making the wrong judgement into the relationship. And that is known as poking your nose around. Feeling using not your hands, but nose does help. Else how will I know if that piece of bread is spoilt, if based on the feel  of it? It might felt soft and spongy and all, but if it’s bad smelling, I sure won’t eat it.

See, not look. Look, not listen. Listen, not hear. This list can go on and on. But how often is that true? Friends and acquaintances alike had said it is crazy to come up with this, much less to apply this. Looking at a photograph, where your eyes tend to focus at? The surroundings or the object? The blur background, or the person in question? Or just everything, all colours and objects? Listening is the key to everything. By looking at an e-book, you can never understand it. Just like women. Listen to the sorrows and misery, the main gist of everything. But not treat it as mere noises and hear them. That is why we say I hear some noises, and I’m always a listening ear for you.

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