I hear, I see, I post: [([( Let’s count on the projects )])]

[([( Let’s count on the projects )])]

Fourth day of vacations. Boredom had finally strike on me, that I'm so bored that I'm now blogging. It's not that I'm bored or anything-I have stuffs planned out. But the time isn't here yet. I'm not going to be a bunny hopping round and round. Ok, just get straight into the point.

It is now study week, or what I call it recess week for the rest of the poor sods. Studying off like no one business. Hogging seats at coffee joints and fast food chains. But now, it's my vacations. Envious? Well, don't be. Because the most strenuous projects with a pack deadline have been dealt with. I swear, our projects are worse off than that of others. Here's why:

For a module, there's just 1 group project at most. But for a particular module, which Three Letter Acronym (TLA) coincides to that of China Communist Party, there is 2 group projects. One of which is about planning and executing a roadshow of a product- Brands Prune Essence, under the Innershine range. For that roadshow, monies had been spending. On popcorns, shirts, freebies, ice, sampling cups and much more. Time spent on creating Facebook page, videos, event page and many more. All in the high hopes of getting a good grade, and did get a good grade. It was kind of a stupid project. Because at the end of the day, the group is graded based on their efforts put into this project. Like who won't put in effort for something so trivia like a roadshow? And the logistic aspect of the roadshow, is well, traumatic. Moving the tables round here and there, from business school to the entrance of the school. Flying kites. Distributing pamphlets and popcorns. Samplings of the yucky essence. All this are essence of success. And the worse bit is? Numerous groups having roadshow the day before my group. With this stiff competition around, you'll think it is much more like a battlefield. Welcome to this realistic world, where I can't wait to see how you die. But before I see how you die, I must pretend to like you. That way, I will enjoy myself more. And think of the irony at the ultimate end. After slogging guts out for like 3 weeks [well, a long period some might say…] there is the award ceremony. This little ceremony might meant to motivate us students but well…what's the point of it when the prizes are 2 box of the innershine prune essence? And to show how kind and sincere they are, it is going to expire after 2 weeks or so. Such kindness. Such fun. Such motivating. We do know for a fact that schools are under-funded, but this takes it all to a totally new level.

Moving on to the next group project…a how to promote a particular not so famous actress to the 15-25 Years Old segment. Well well well…this prove to be difficult. It ain't easy to turn a mountain you know? It is well terrifying, where a group actually charts out how she should go about doing it. From her 20s to 30s to even 50s. it was detailed, like asking her to get hitched to her Caucasian radio dj boyfriend and have bookclubs. I bet they even have plans for her when she dies. But there was no mention of endorsements of refrigerators at all. Don't they expect her to be ever so popular? Than there goes for Rui En turn to shine. Move over, Joanne Peh, it's now Rui En. Again, this is quite a time and effort consuming project, where student created extensive surveys, online polls, focus groups and more surveys. The best part? It consist of 5-10% of the total marks, and the presentation accounts for 15% of the total grades. Kind of discouraging, eh? Ya, add in such fun! Behind it all.

There too is an individual project on creating a visual for a catering company, Purple Sage. Yup, that is however funny projects were. We should not term it as PBLs- Problem based learning projects, but instead, SBSP- scenario based simulation projects. Sound like some swear word. But the F-word beats it all.

Next, there is another module which is like accounting. Just minus cash inflows and outflows, T-accounts and add in some econs, like fixed cost, marginal cost. And we have such fun! Again, this project prove to be mind boggling. Select a scenario, based on the company chosen and make recommendations how to improve sales, based on reading their financial statement. Sounds cool? NOT AT ALL. Presentation wise, the tutor, felt that a vast majority of presenters have a soft voice. A soft voice?!?!?! He's old and must be hard of hearing.

Next, a module which we love best. Entrepreneur module. Just come up with your own business plan, and there you are, a pass for it. It is hard to fail, and easy to pass. And with a rather funny tutor to boot, this ought to quite a fun module compared to others.

Consumer behaviour. Well, it is kind of a fun module. Where you learn all kinds of funny weird-ish thing. But the project about breakfast is all but fun. Again, a SBSP… to ad on, the project specifications is similar to Marketing Research- to provide recommendations on how to improve breakfast bread spread, Naturel in Singapore markets. Too specific, too difficult. And it must be based on a survey given out to 2000 odd people all by ourselves. So if the recommendation is not on par, than the whole project is gone. Kiss goodbye to great grades. But thankfully, get an A for presentation for MR. J

Lastly, a project on constructing a prototype of a laptop bag and a ironing machine. Sounds fun? Yup, it is. And got an A for that too. Such FUN!



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