I hear, I see, I post: Random rabblings

Random rabblings

I am suppose to rush and quick study for the one and only paper have. But being the only paper (and at the last day of the month), with heavy and drowning emotions certainly makes it less than idea to study. Right now, at the comfort of my house, with air-con and my favourite cup of tea (not coffee) and of course, aroma therapy (lemongrass and sandalwood) to hopefully make me study. I hate drawing mindmaps, I prefer to memorise and use my own examples to understand the stupid theory and concepts. Now I know I really regret getting into even a business course. It all is so theorised, which means if I’m not interested in any of them, I won’t study. And if I’m really interested, I also will not study them.

Ok, so now I am supposed to learn about retailing. Like the merchandise and whatever stupid boring theories. It is the only paper, and why can’t I even study? Ok, I am in so much trouble.

It is now exactly a week after the last day of the semester. I can dare say the class is one of the more unusual class with the most interesting tutors. Why so? Because I’ve never ever seen tutors who seemed genuine, as if they really care. Perhaps it is only their first semester or so. I have seen tutors who are just here for that 2 hours, pray hard you don’t e-mail me or anything like that. Even if I see you in public, I will not say hi to you type of person. Well, at least they made an effort to show that they care. Also, there are few bitches in the class who are always and forever bitching. Not few. I dare say none qualify as the class bitch. Why is that so? Bitches are cool, fun to be around with. And if you are on the wrong footing with them, expect a torment hell-like treatment from them forever.  What separates bitches from attention seekers is they know that if they bitch about others, others will bitch about them too. AND THEY ARE COOL ABOUT IT AND NOT MAKE A HUGE FUSS OVER THAT. NO BITCH FIGHTS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. That’s why bitches are cool. Unless you cannot take any form of critic in your strike.   

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