I hear, I see, I post: £1 Fish

£1 Fish

One of the reasons why I dislike marketing is because of gimmicks and cheesy approaches to various situations. Forget X Factor, welcome to One Hit Wonder.

A very good example is £1 Fish. A fish seller (Fishmonger) was caught singing a catchy and annoying tune (imagine Bollywood cheesy songs) about his fish being £1 each and he continued 6 for £5 (thus breaking his initial promises of £1 fish).

Soon, some nosy people (being so British) uploaded him singing this £1 Fish song on Youtube and holla, he became a minor celebrity overnight with staggering views.

Forget funny horse dance, forget Sexy Lady, forget the parachutes. Welcome to London, where the unexpected are expected.

A music record company jumped into it and offered him a contract. By the way, his family are still in another country (Pakistan if I'm correct) and are quite proud of him. You can't exactly blame £1 Fish Man since he needed the money badly. So here we see on Youtube, this ex fishmonger singing his catchy £1 Fish tune, dancing with skimpy clad women, Bollywood Style. And best of all, his song gets to no. 47 in the 'Official UK Singles Top 100', surpassing Have Yourself A Merry Christmas by Rob Steward!!

But nonetheless, we should not have our hopes up too high, for we know, we will not remember £1 Fish 2 months later (and neither do we refer to him by name now).

And here's the video of £1 Fish

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