I hear, I see, I post: Random Rabblings

Random Rabblings

Hanging on to something which is so very precious, that the first notion you once made seemed silly. But alas time can never be turned back, else there’ll be an altogether different ending.

A surprise invitation to ex-group Christmas party, with a stayover at one of them place. It’s quite fun with them usual fun quirky ways. Somehow, I’ve not really comprehend a way to adapt to any people in my course yet (despite me being a short 2 months to graduation) and I must admit it, I’ve not even been able to adapt to poly education. For you see, the people are too optimistic, there’s not enough backstabbers and people are smiling and laughing. Even the tutors and lecturers are kind. It’s either that or I’m oblivious to the other side of them.

And this brings me back to wonder why I’m in 8 different project groups through 3 years of polytechnic. I guess my tagline should be 45 people, 8 projects groups, 6 semesters, 3 years. This kind of sums up. I think it is my disability to work with certain people. I must admit I am one of the hardest person to get along with, since I value my opinion too much to even notice other people are actually talking. But compared to some other group mates from hell, I guess I am not too bad myself.  

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