I hear, I see, I post: Razer


Razer is a 'LIVE' projects being undertaken for IMC (that's Integrated Media Communication) this year. A company which is very famous and well known, you could say it is the LV version of gaming peripherals. Well anyway enough of projects. Having such 'LIVE' clients is a bad idea because of the low relevance to me. I do heard and used their products before (owning their keyboard many years ago) but is such a obscure brand with low brand recall amongst non-gamers. Simply put, it is not a very desired brand amongst us all (both as a choice set as project client or the product to buy).

A much desired client should be with certain industries like cinema operators. How to re-brand cinemas brand to become much more prestigious, now with new premium like seats being introduce in the market with Cathay Platinum Suites, Golden Village Gold Class seats and also Shaw Premier.

Or tie-in with movie distributors into promoting their new movie. In the place I live in, promotional materials of new blockbuster mainly revolve with showing of trailer in movie theatres, short trailer (15s) on TV channels, posters, the press interviews adapted from NY Times or some foreign press during the red carpet and also having send local celebs (usually Chua En Lai) to interview the stars of the movie. So on hindsight, this was a bad idea.

Had been suggesting a project with a museum. This helps to promote arts, be it Arts Museum or Red Dot. Also, can be with Esplanade, to re-brand them as a core, inhouse platform for all things 'arty'. I'm sure many will love this idea, since the promotional activities are much to be desired. Just look at the horribly designed Esplanade 'calendars of activities' called rather boringly 'Esplanade Presents'. It is so tasteless and seemed unchanged for a long time (even since it was introduced a decade ago?!).

Shall end my rant here with a picture of Razer (:

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