I hear, I see, I post: Greenfield Milk in Singapore

Greenfield Milk in Singapore

Although the tainted food industry had almost recovered from all the bad press and publicity in recent years, from the China infant milk crisis to Horsemeat however, we are still particularly afraid and tend to be cautious about the origin of the final product which ended up in the shopping basket.

Is this the new marketing tactics by inserting the word 'free-range' and 'organic' to prove that your product is much better than competitors? Taking the case of Greenfield Milk (which I think supplies to several Starbucks chains in Singapore), which advertised themselves in chic ad design as seen on board MRT trains.
So where-else does milk comes from?

In the past, I thought Greenfield milk is actually milk squeezed from the cows in Australia, shipped over to Indonesia where they process and package their milk for sale to Singapore. Now I think there's a changed in their supply chain, with the (happy) cows being milked in some high altitude area in Indonesia. But it seemed they aren't quite satisfied into answering queries about the cow's lifestyle and dietary conditions.

One FB user asked Greenfield questions regarding the cow's lifestyle, dietary and reproductive habits.

 Looking at the comment thread and how they claimed their milk is more nutritious than other milk from Australia, I still think Greenfield's milk is not as delicious and milky and creamy as that of Farmhouse. So, Greenfield, you're not able to convince me to buy your brand. Also, I felt Greenfield is diluted (slightly better than Meji) and the High Calcium Low fat version tasted so horrible, so for me, Farmhouse is still better than the Happy Cow BS Greenfield claimed. And would anyone drink milk that is milked in Indonesia? Some would, including me, initially. But later, I switched brands because of the price and how the taste changes from time to time, without consistency.


1 comment:

  1. They were not that convincing and we're not really able to answer mum's concern with regards to their product and processing their milk.
