I hear, I see, I post: Welcome to Holidayys! Part one

Welcome to Holidayys! Part one

The only photo taken like on the last week of school?!?!        

Oh, and did i mentioned, it was the ELECTION WEEK. Everywhere you see, you could look into the hopefuls poster. And Tan Jee Say's looks like a photo to be placed at the front of a HEarse. Shhhhh. Well, this election had passed, and purplr guy got it. [Middle poster, guy with white hair]

 Went to CHinatown with a bunch of people and start to take random photos. Yup, that's how bored we were. Btw, that's a ton of Ws in a sentence

Don't you just love CHinatown. I bet you, Singapore might be the only Chinese-majority country in the world to have a CHINATOWN. HK,TW,China do not have their own CHINATOWN. Weird rite?

The mooncake festives comming!

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