I hear, I see, I post: A blue police box, yup, it’s the TARDIS

A blue police box, yup, it’s the TARDIS

Once again, we join the mysterious doctor on a hell load of adventure onboard his beloved TARDIS. Picking up from the bits and pieces where it left off. Just some recaps on the first part, where we learnt of the silence and till the middle, we still have no idea what and who the Silence were, why was there a crack in the universe, who is River Song to the doctor, where did the Gangers and Eye Patch Lady left Melody's daughter. In this new episode of 'Let's Kill Hitler', might be one of the more controversial titles of this new series. We've had a story how Daleks are trying to manipulate Earth during WW2, the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh and many more. But the title, though sounded interesting, but did not pack a punch. I'm quite sorry to admit, after years of exposure to Steven Moffat style of the previous Doctor Who episodes like 'The Impossible Astronaut', 'The Big Bang' which clearly delivers and pack a punch, 'Let's kill Hitler' fails to delivers. Although it might be received quite positively, but the screenplay does not revolve much around the killing of Hitler.

The dark suspend over the fate of the Doctor somehow faded. The Doctor knew of how he died. We knew who that little girl was who regenerates herself. We knew the Doctor is not going to die just yet and then. We knew who River Song is, and in actual fact, she is named after herself.

It might be yet another adventure revolving the Pond's family story. With the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River. And how the Doctor died, and who the astronaut we seen at the beginning is. And my guess is River Song. Remember River Song is a time lord, like the Doctor himself is. Add on to the fact where River can no longer regenerate herself, she went to jail for killing someone (the Doctor?), and the blue diary. She also said something like when they meet, they have different memories, and after every encounter, she will forgets more about the Doctor. Because they are travelling in opposite time. Thus I'm certain that River Song killed the Doctor.

Never mind, just stay tune to learn more on the Pond's family weird encounters on board a Tardis, with a random strangers who love eating 'Fish fingers with custard'.

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