I hear, I see, I post: Part three! Night Festival

Part three! Night Festival

Again, it's time for the Singapore Night Festival, an annual affair for the past few years. We used to reminisce about the past "Singapore Arts Festival"- which is getting boring year pass year, and also some "fringe festival" like the M1 Fringe Festival- Which is quite nice and interesting, especially "Model Citizen". But while such efforts are nice and thoughtful and sweet [beware of diebetics], but ultimately, Arts Festival or any festival of sort ought to be something which is open for all of the public. And not some theatre performances held indoors, like the Esplanade. Some might say Singapore is a boring place, but i beg to differ. With Flipside, Mosiac, Arts festival, Night Festival, M1 Fringe, Baybeats...and anymore? is it Such Fun (!)

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