I hear, I see, I post: March 2011

April: It’s going to be so stressed and all

Start of a new semester, 2 new students, and my wallet getting thinner and thinner. With April having 5 students, equates to stress, stress and more stress! Now with the vacation looming past, with 3 more weeks, there is so much thing to do, but so little time. Pardon the English please. I've yet to finish the biennale, explore the Singapore Flyer's food trail, finish all the books I borrowed, compiling the History and SS notes, finish "Only You", watched Morning Glory, Carmen and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Have yet to touch-up on my photos, and the list goes on and on. Anyone, please change lifes with me. It is getting too out of hand. Perhaps I stop procrastinating.

But perhaps it's the stress that is preventing more stress from coming. This stress which allows you to run away from certain problems temporary. So much for big plans, and so little for small ones.

Anyway, there's this little bubble tea shop at AMK called Super Bubble Tea. Format and all is akin to Koi, Eskimo and Gong Cha (the big 3 in S'pore BBT industry), and the quality is on par with that of Gong Cha. Ok, I requested for Oolong mixed with Green Tea…plus milk. So basically, it is a milk-based Oolong with Green Tea. 100% sugar level. Sweet! And the taste of Oolong with Green Tea complements quite well. I'm a geniuses! Perhaps all other bubble tea stores could pay heed to my advice and sell this range of mixed teas. I've tried earl grey with red tea, milk based. Not that nice, but still can do.

April sees little or no major plans, except for 1 play and 1 musical at Esplanade. Perhaps it is time for a well-deserved holiday. To somewhere near, like Hong Kong. The road is still long and windy and everything.

::: Notes on FRIENDSHIP :::

As I was browsing through my terrible and horrendous messy drawer, I came across a piece of paper filled with quotes. it was not written by me, and I did not know how I have that note. However, the quotes were all about friendship. And I think it is worthy of a mention. Here goes:

If you wish "acquaintanceship", be rich. If you wish for a friend, be a friend.

If you must let someone down, be sure it isn't the friend who helped you up when you're down.

A friend is one who knows all about you and still respect you.

Friendship needs frequent expression to remain alive.

Friendship recognizes faults in friends but does not speak of them.

A good football team relies more on harmonious coordination of effort than individual skills

When you ask another person to do something, it may help both him and you if you tell him what to do, why he should do it, when he should do it, where he should do it and how he may best do it.

Remember the tone of your voice often conveys more accurately what is in your mind than do your words.

There is harmonious throughout the universe in everything except human relationship

Friction is machinery cost money. Friction in human relationship impoverishes both the spirit and the bank account. –I don't get this

If you can't agree with others, you can at least refrain from quarreling with them.

Remember it takes at least 2 people to carry on a quarrel

Mutual confidence is the foundation of all satisfactory human relationship (trust and care) –I don't get this either.


# Go Compare #

I'm not cultured; I'm posh

That's why I frequent Orchard Rd, Tanglin, Siglap

Oh, the mucus of Mr. Pang

Let history be history.

Randal Ong says:

repair thing also got



use cloth de

the dirt green colour one >P>

me says:

remind me of...

Mr. Sammuel Pang Xiao Shuan's mucus


Randal Ong says:



I don't know why I keep referring to him in his full name. Not just Sammuel.

Ticket prices are getting cheaper

Basically, I've made up a minor resolution. And it is not only minor, but is stupid and ridicules. That resolution is to catch a play/musical/comedy at least once a month, in the year of 2011. Actually, it is a follow-up to another resolution for 2010, which is to catch the plays/opera/drama quarterly. Obviously, for 2010, the resolution failed horrendously, with me only catching 3 productions. An orchestra, YOG mock opening ceremony, Fried Rice Paradise and Crazy Christmas. Ok, so its 4. Summed up the average of a production quarterly. So technically, I did not fail my resolution.

For 2011, so far, so good. I need not deceive myself using the average thing. January, I watched Model Citizens. February, I watched the B-boys ballet thingy. March, I caught Ivan Heng's Emily of Emerald Hill. April, the tickets for the hit Hong Kong drama, Murder in San Jose had been bought. Another ticket had been bought too…and that's 881 the musical. May, planning to catch The Expat Wife - The Real Foreign Talent. Ticket price for that is $25(for student concession after Sistic fee) Oh, did I mentioned that the upcoming shows I bought are all STALL SEATS. June..there's the Singapore Arts Festival (but I think there's nothing much I'm interested in). well, hopefully there is something else in stall, like maybe Hope for the Hopeless, the musical. It seemed like I'm going to such places for the sake of ful-filling my resolution. But such musical and plays are so, erm…enjoyable. Model Citizens is nice, and how well could just 3 actresses hold it up, with minimal props and everything. (btw, of the 3 leads, 2 are nominated for Best Actress in the Life! Theatre Awards) catching a play or drama is so different from watching a movie. The B-boys is equally nice too, and absolutely worth every cent. Ivan Heng is quite nice too, with him being nominated as Best Actress. Ponder over it. I don't know about others, but I felt Emily of Emerald Hill is a tad dry. The interactions are relatively forced. But he is able to inject some humor into everything. The jokes are quite stale, but I still laugh at it.

881 the musical, a musical featuring Dennis Chew (is he going to sing?), Nat Ho, Sebastian Tan (from Broadway Beng) and also Judee Tan (she's the foreign co-respondent in The Noose). Woah…it seemed like a mega production!!! Hope it delivers well.

I’m usually (pretty) accurate on my predictions

I've covered the Top 10 (and I just realized Jessica Liu is not there at all…) and now, no harm predicting the rest of the awards segment…or who I hope will win.

Best Drama- Something similar in the shows? Well, they are broadcast in the 9pm timeslot, ever since Ai had been re-shifted to the 7pm slot.

Ok, so my bet is that Unriddle will win

Best Variety Show- Love on a Plate. The show is quite an interesting concept by itself.

Best info-ed program- Behind every job. Quite a fun concept, with the host experiencing in the various job sector that are ever so uncommon.

Best theme song- With You there is a nice feel behind it.

Best Actor- Tay Ping Hui.

Best Actress- Zhou Ying.

Best Supporting Actor- Darren Lim

Best Supporting Actress- Ann Kok (all the nominated ones are all the older generation)

Best Variety Show Host- Pornsak. Everyone should love him.

Best Director- Your Hand In Mine.

Best Screenplay- New Beginnings

Hope I'm 100% accurate this time round :D


Friday: Photo of the week

Marina Bay Sands...or more commonly known as MBS, is one of Singapore's 2 IR. With a casino situated inside, as well as a world class theater, it is the comparison of Las Vegas in the US. Developed by the Las Vegas Sand company, MBS had hosted numerous events there. 

Also, a new attraction had sprung up. And that is the ArtScience Museum. Costing $30 per head, it is quite a lot of money for the average family in the country. I did rather spend the money on food ($30 could very well buy you a nice meal at some better-off Japanese restaurant or even French restaurant).

Enjoy, the Friday: Photo of the week

Coming next, Weekend: Read of the week.

I’m usually extremely (pretty) accurate on Star Awards

There we go again, the nice and extremely glamorous award for Mediacorp. I'm pretty accurate at Star Awards and so…no harm predicting on who might win this year. Hahaha. So let get started on the Top 10 first.

My guess are:

Tay Ping Hui (he need just that 1 more award to be on par with Christopher)

Chen Han Wei. He's well-liked with the audiences, right?

Pornsak. He did not win the previous round, but this year, he sure will win it. especially with him hosting Food Source.

Dai Yang Tian. Confirm will get it.

Zhang Yao Dong. He is constantly in my TV screen. Hard to forget his memorable role in ATO2C

Guo Liang. Love or Loathe him, but he had roles in Breakout. And he once acted with Mark Lee and Kym Ng lots of years ago in a sitcom. And he's funny. But he seemed to lose his humor now (judging from him hosting children's variety show…the weekend 10.30/11am slot in the past)

Pierre Ng. You got to admit, his acting had improved a lot. He's able to pronounced Chinese word clearer now.

Elvin Ng. Confirm sure will win one. Because he had a good role in Breakout. Acting as a kid.

Bryan. But is he losing his charm as he aged?

Ben Yeo??? Perhaps, since he like have never been nominated before. He must win this…and he's good too. Looked humble on TV, and has nice personality and all. Perhaps will win.

Now…maybe Shaun Chen might win. After all…he had been acting on YHIM as a villain…and he is very VERY creepy.


Ann Kok. Quite a star…having nominated for 2 awards at the last SA. Now, top 10. She might win her sixth award this time round.

Vivian Lai. Quite an actress, being able to act and host. And DANCE in 我要唱下去. Sure win one lah. Haha

Rui En. Confirm one lah. With her fan club and the support of numerous people. Last time, her support base is quite narrow. Now, very huge, from students to auntie. Now, if she could venture into a musical…maybe sing alongside with Dim Sum Dollies and Judee. Humph.

Michelle Chong. A versatile actress. And bi-lingual. The Noose…sure might win. Perhaps her hosting might not be that great, but she sure could act. Leticia, Nancy Goh, and Lulu. If she win, it would be her second. And she once acted with Xie Shao Guang before. I think her support base might come from MAIDS…specifically FILLIPINO.

Joanne Peh. Confirm win one, with her fan-club. Also, she had a stellar performance in YHIM…especially as the old auntie.

Jeannette Aw. Again, sure win with fan-club and auntie. Starred at Breakout.

Kym Ng. Can act and host. But she like did not act in a long time already. Have a friendly personality. But can she really pull it off?

Paige Chua. I always link her with something to do with the arts…where the productions starring her are more unique. And more not mainstream. But of course, a good actress…and sure, there's some support for her too.

Pan Ling Ling. Hope she win top 10 this year. One of the best actress mediacorp currently have. She sure appeal nicely to aunties. She deserved it badly.

Yvonne Lim. She sure must win this. One of the more popular in China, but not Singapore actress. She seemed nice and friendly.

Ok, so if Ann Kok do really flop it, and Quan Yi Feng win…haiz.

Last year, it's the uncle winning…this year, hope it is the aunties. Hahaha.

On a side note, SA is like candidates asking for our votes. But just that voting is optional and not compulsory. And when we vote for them, they did not promise us anything. Haiz…and we, the voters lose money. So, I don't know why I should waste my money calling for them….but you are free to waste your money and vote for someone who DON'T really KNOW YOUR NAME…or KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE.

Muffins or Cupcakes? Who Cares.

Whoever cares if that was muffins or cupcakes. It was so yummy and affordable. Ok, not that nice compared to some hotels and well-known establishment. But, nonetheless, is still nice. And it is cheap. Real Cheap.

This place...they had various offerings. Lychee Cupcake sounded quite exotic, with an Asian Flavor. Of course, it is under their "premium" brand. Costing just $0.80 each, it is nice. The Lychee is sweet and juicy. You could literally be tasting the Lychee without any compromises from the cake. (the fluff side...is indeed...fluffy) When I tear open the cupcake, crumbs could came out. So, it looks like muffins, for Muffins=松餅, and it is very 松. Ok, a very lame joke. So if they have Lychee, whenever will they have LONGAN??? Since both fruit are about the same? DO TRY THE LYCHEE...IT IS UNIQUE :D

Cranberry. I'm quite a sucker for Cranberries. Anything with cranberry...i will try it. Again, like the Cranberry, it cost $0.80. But...with tons of other shops selling Cranberry muffins, this place does not really stand out. Call me fussy, but i think their muffin/cupcake are a tad dry. But the Lychee is not dry at all. And i hate stuffs which are too dry. So, with other places selling cranberry muffin, this place does not stand out. Other places are much nicer, and more fancy(both the presentation and the price). So it is worth the penny for the 80 cents. 

Chocolate chip cupcake? Not sure of the  name. But it cost 60 cents. Nice, but again, a tad dry. The chocolate bits are not bitter either. I'm very particular about chocolate, where I love my chocolate to be BITTER. However, if the chocolate is bitter, it would be much better. But for 60cents, it could well, be, well, an affordable tea-time snack. Hahaha...buying it back to the pantry and snack on it at 2.30pm every other day, with Gong Cha (also nearby). Yummy :D

Blueberry cupcake? Also, 60 cents each. Not very nice. And i don't like blueberry anyway. I prefer Mulberry. Hahaha.....

NOTE: Cupcake and Muffins are terms used inter-exchangeable here because they looked like cupcake and muffins to me. Just that theirs are shorter. Hahaha.

Where: Central, The. Ok, it is known as The Central. Near Clarke Quay MRT, 1 Eu Tong Sen St. #B1-43. AsianBakes. Do try that place out. 

So point-and-shoot equates to compact afterall

me says:

u bought your sony nex there

Randal Ong says:

siao ar


my other point and shoot

me says:

compact lah

Randal Ong says:


me says:

say so cheem for what

Randal Ong says:

i thought that's the word isnt it?

papers say that too

me says:

paper is the offical laymen understand

but compact is what insider use one mah

10 Signs that your new boyfriend is a player

So, you had just made friends with this hot guy, and are wondering if he ought to be the ONE or not.

  1. Swagger
    You were nervous on your first date whereas he seemed to take it all in his stride, which you found attractive.  But it's probably just because he's been on about a thousand dates and knows how to make them end in sex.

    2) Sex pub
    Most players will have a 'sex pub'. This is a nice, romantic spot where they will always take girls because it creates an ambience that makes girls amenable to the idea of sex. You can tell he's a regular if the bar staff know him by name or he's memorised all the available crisp flavours. And you will like the sex pub - that's why it's a sex pub. 

    3) Availability
    A player cannot always be physically available because he needs to divide his time between you and the other chicks he's drilling. So he might only be free once a week, or less. 

    He might also often suggest meeting at short notice. Not because he's spontaneous and exciting, but because one of his other girls has changed her plans and he's calling you to fill her slot, so to speak.

    4) Makes strange factual errors
    The nature of a player's lifestyle is that he'll have multiple girls on the go at any given time, and this creates countless possibilities for confusion and factual slip-ups. If he thinks you like stick insects or your dad's name is Alan – but it isn't! – then it's because he's confused you with another girl. Likewise, he'll never exactly remember what he's told you about himself. For instance, he may tell you every time you see him that he trekked the Inca trail.

    5) Online censorship
    You're at his house using his laptop and you check your Facebook. He's logged out - always. The same goes for his email. 

    6) Phone
    A player's mobile is often used but rarely visible. Whenever he leaves the room, so does his phone.  Some players have two or more phones (although you'll only ever see one of them). A really advanced player might leave his phone in full view on the bedside table while he's in the toilet as an elaborate double bluff. That's an example of the way many players are…

    7) Clever
    Which is why he's able to get away with any of this. He'll always cover his tracks, have a believable excuse and be adept at smooth-talking his way around discrepancies and accusations. Not all players are clever though. If you're being played by one of the dimmer ones, that makes you even less clever than him.

    8) Player paraphernalia
    Flash car? Expensive watch? Silk sheets? Designer boxers? A real player will judge all purchases on whether they will increase his chances of having sex. You may think you can see past bling but don't confuse a player with a pimp... a skilled player will own stuff that you actually like. He'll smell nice too. 

    9) Friends
    If you ask his mates/flatmates about him, they will clam up and give non-committal, monosyllabic answers, giving the impression they know virtually nothing about his life. 

    10) Communication
    Texting is erratic. Give him a call at 9.32pm on a random night of the week and see if he answers... 

    Disclaimer: These signs do not prove the dude is actually a player, so please don't punch him without getting the facts straight first.



Ok, so he's a player and you want to break up with him. Here's how:

Face to face
Firstly, I should make clear that in a serious relationship, I would always conduct this nasty business in person. And maybe in a casual relationship too, if forced...

Pros: Instant right to reply for the dumpee.
Cons: You are vulnerable to the threat of tears and possible violence.

This very common tactic involves blanking your lover until they work out that it's over. At first, they will send lots of texts and mails. Eventually, they will give up.

Pros: You never have to officially dump them.
Cons: They will never know for sure why you stopped contacting them; they may even think you are dead.

The fastest, simplest and by far most popular method of ending a casual fling is to fire off a carefully-worded message. Almost everyone has received - or dished out - some form of electronic dumping. But killjoys deem it impolite.

Pros: Fits in perfectly with a fast-paced modern lifestyle.
Cons: The victim could receive the message at an unfortunate moment, such as during an important business meeting or while they're having a really good time at Alton Towers.

I suppose this was considered the text dumping of its day. But now it seems slightly more classy and respectful. At least you're paying for a stamp.

Pros: Old-fashioned and somehow romantic. Your jilted lover can keep it forever as a memento of how much of a berk you are.
Cons: You have to pay for a stamp.

The 'relationship status' option on Facebook is the best way of keeping up-to-date with your friends' love lives... so why not your own too? Just change your status and your newly-dumped ex will receive the news straight to their Wall.

Pros: For you, it's painless. Just the simple click of a button.
Cons: Your ex will be furious and may retaliate by announcing to Facebook that you have a small willy.

This is similar to the letter but less comprehensive. It could be piece of paper through the letterbox or a Post-it note stuck to their box of Alpen. The key is the brevity.

Pros: Everyone likes receiving little notes, it's fun.
Cons: You'd have to pick a strategic time to leave the note, otherwise you could get caught and end up in a face-to-face situation.

Via someone else
This only generally happens when you are under the age of 15. It happened to me once in my school lunch break while I was queuing up in Dixy Fried Chicken and it was brutal. 

Pros: If they cry, you don't have to see it.
Cons: Not acceptable behaviour if you are an adult.

In public
At a Birmingham City football match last weekend, a fan proposed to his girlfriend on the pitch. So why not do the opposite and announce to the world your decision to end it? Maybe the announcer could do it when they read out the birthdays. Or you could request a shout-out on your lover's favourite radio station.

Pros: This could be her 15 seconds of fame.
Cons: Live broadcasting is unpredictable and they may omit your dedication.

Don't tell them
Tell your friends and family you've split up, chat people up in bars, go online dating, stop having sex - essentially, become single. Just don't tell your partner about it.

Pros: Awkward dumping conversation avoided.
Cons: There's a high chance they will eventually find out you have stopped going out with them and then bad things will happen.

Phone call
As for me, I opted against all these methods and called her. I semi-rehearsed what I was going to say; my main aim was to avoid clichés such as "it's not you, it's me" and not to panic and tell her I was gay. I bumbled through it awkwardly, using the phrase "I really like you but…" more than once (it was true though). And although she went a bit quiet, the conversation ended on fairly amicable terms. I didn't feel great, but I felt like slightly less of an arsehole than if I'd used the methods above.

Pros: Makes you feel like an adult.
Cons: Scary.


And so, you've moved on into another new relationship. But this new relationship seemed to be lacking of something. Perhaps the feeling. Or the lack of it. And you ponder if this relationship is "fake"…here's how to tell:

You haven't met his parents
It's scary when you're introduced to the potential in-laws, but perhaps you should be more worried if they've never heard of you. This either means he doesn't see any future with you, or he's just embarrassed because he's the lovechild of John Major and Edwina Currie. Either way, it doesn't bode well.

He doesn't want to move in with you

Some fakelationships last for several blissful, if ultimately pointless, years but their make-or-break moment often arrives when someone suggests sharing a place. Many men are happy to stay in a fakelationship for ages providing they have a quick and easy get-out clause – but there's nothing quick or easy about lugging a box of 'Sopranos' DVDs and an acoustic guitar down some stairs and into a removal van while a woman shouts at you.   

He still goes out with his mates a lot
Guys will always go out with their mates but it's reasonable to expect that when they're in a serious relationship, they'll do it less. So if he's regularly coming home in the early hours smelling of WKD and kebab, maybe he doesn't take the relationship very seriously.

When he goes out with his mates, he never invites you
There are two reasons that men have a "lads' night out": a) to pull girls or b) to talk about girls. So even if you're confident he isn't out chasing other women, there's still some reason he wants you out of the picture. Most likely, he wants to discuss stuff with his mates that he would never tell you.

He doesn't want to change his Facebook status
Some guys would be prepared to proclaim their devotion to you anywhere... except Facebook.  That's because you're not just telling a few close friends you're unavailable, but virtually everyone you know; exes, colleagues, hot girls you added after meeting them once, even parents (see above). I have a friend who - after being nagged by his fakelationship girlfriend to change his status - spent several hours editing his settings so that when she looked at his profile he would be 'in a relationship' but when anyone else viewed it he'd be listed as 'single'. (Yes, you can do that.) 

He's uncomfortable with the term 'boyfriend'
Sometimes men get into fakelationships by accident. They like to start off thinking they're in a kind of undefined sexual friendship but somewhere along the way they are compelled – or forced – to make things 'official'. But it doesn't mean this was ever their intention, or desire, and he may remain uneasy with it. 

He has an aversion to planning ahead
Fakelationships are fragile and can end at any point, so their male protagonists can be reluctant to nail down future events too far in advance. If he's desperate to see you next week but glazes over whenever you mention going to Thailand on holiday next summer, perhaps he doesn't fancy the long haul in more ways than one.


The break had started

A nine day break had started for students enrolling in either Primary, Secondary or Junior College. That makes up like 60% of the whole student cohort population? Minus the 20 odd percent of those who are in JCs (they couldn't afford this break to play, instead, they ought to mug even for JC1 for their As and prelims.) and we are left with perhaps, almost half of the school-going population. However, now with those in Polytechnics are having their vacation, the streets is very crowded, with youths. Some of the place they might go? Bugis, Bugis and Bugis. Perhaps some might head to Marina Sq (there is this bowling centre as well as a Pool zone) or Suntec (arcade of course) or otherwise, Vivocity (a nice GV and more arcade).

But, instead of those places, are there anywhere else? Singapore does, surprisingly have some activities to offer.

Science Centre…cross that out. Majority of the students had been to the science centre. It is akin to an annual tribute.

Sentosa. One of Singapore's most famous attractions. So Expensive and Nothing TO See Anyway. Just the beaches, and USS at RWS. And USS tickets are relatively expensive. I did rather pay $60 odd for a musical at the Esplanade, then to ride in some roller-coaster. The only place to attract me to Sentosa is the POPCORNS. Located just next to Hersey's Chocolate. They do have another branch located at CityLink mall, but I assure you, the one at Sentosa is much better. In taste and quality.

Labrador Park. One of the oldest park in Singapore, way before East Cost and Pasir Ris park. One could fish there too, and have a BBQ. It is nice to be just out of East Coast once in a while. A place if one is interested in the war history of Singapore. A great place to take photographs.

Fort Canning Park. What is there to say about this place? A place for history bluffs to, with numerous war relics on exhibit there. Also, a great place to take photographs.

Cathay Cineplex. Cineleisure, located along Orchard. A place to catch movie, play LAN or just chill. Same too, for the one at Cathay (Handy Road). If you are around Cineleisure, be sure to try Gong Cha…touted as one of the best brands of bubble tea. But, their quality is getting from bad to worse, with inconsistent taste at every stall, from City Square to Central to AMK. Unlike KOI, which is very consistent in being so bland. I'm very prejudice when it comes to KOI. All because I tried their coffee base drink 3 years ago. And I assure you, it is not to my likening. Their Macchiato is too sweet for me, and not milky/creamy enough.

Bugis. "there got Bugis Junction and iluma and Bugis Street". It is completely over hyped and just crowded. Bugis Street is very packed with total strangers pushing and shoving you. And it is one of the short cuts, to get from Fortune tower to Bugis Junction. The only thing nice there is there is this stall smacked right in the centre selling Durian Juice. I'm a real sucker for Durians. Bugis Junction. The tenant mix is still the same. Watson. The Little Match Girl. Converse. The Wallet Shop. And your typical jewelry shop. But food wise, there's tons. QQ Rice used to be there. Swensen's, MOS Burger. Catering to all budget. And there's this arcade (Virtual Land) at the basement. There is this escalator (near MOS Burger) heading to the basement, which I always mistook it to be the supermarket. It is the arcade. Did I mention there is this restaurant which serves excellent pasta at Bugis Junction? Iluma, there's nothing to see there. The food there is not exactly fantastic. Tenant mix is also not that fantastic. Filmgrade is the only saving grace, but I did rather head over to Cathay to catch the latest Hollywood flick.

Get interested in the Arts and Culture of Singapore. Museums are offering free admission to all students, so long as you have a student pass issued by any school in the world. ACM, NMS, SAM. Nice place, and one might fall in love with arts and culture. Get some culture, breath art. Live art. Anyway, the Biennale is here. No harm checking it out?

So…is Singapore a sleepy island afterall? Think it is still a yes, since all the places…you and me sure have visited it before. And at least every other day at some places.


Singapore, Singapore, Singapore!!!

A simple SMS could actually lead me to procrastinate. Take me away from my novel (A Matter of Life and Death or How to Wean a Man Off Football). Asking me for the location of a ATM at Marina Square. Marina Square…a place where it is one of the best place to go. Food…fantastic food. From Seoul Gardens to Burger King, it is a foodie paradise, catering to all sorts of budget. Shop… tons of shops for clothes. And most important of all…MUJI.

It just occurred that I could be very well, a concierge. I could tell you how to walk from say Marina Bay Starbucks (there's 2 starbucks there btw) to Raffles City. And i wandered off, to ION Orchard (its ION Orchard, not Orchard ION). How to get from Wisma to ION Orchard. How to walk from Shaw to Paragon. Or if you want to have Asian Food, specifically Indonesian Food, there's Rice Table at Hereen. Just near Cedele.

I could list the shops around Orchard. We have Isetan (Wisma and Shaw House), Takashimaya (Ngee Ann), OG (Orchard Point), Metro (Paragon), Robinson (Centrepoint). I swear I'm not referring to any references and this just came out in 30 seconds. So if I'm at ION and I need the supermarket, I could just go to 4 floor (there's a supermarket) or I could just go Paragon (Cold Storage).

And I'm not some Singaporean who mixed Orchard Central with 313. But I sure am confuse between Newton MRT and Novena MRT. I wanted to go to Revenue House, and I went to Newton MRT. Exited, and where on Earth am I??? I'm like some confused people on Earth. 100% stupid and ignorant of this world-class transport. I think Singapore MRT is in a class beyond any. Because it is just so stupid. I can't get from District 19 to 21 directly via MRT. Or from District 19 to 18 just by a single MRT line. For those who did not know 18 or 19 I'm talking about, it is the property district. Dover is supposedly a seaside town at UK, but in Singapore, it is next to SP. Funny Singapore.

That's why Singapore is so funny. Pushing and shoving just for MRT seats. Queuing for 5 minutes for the escalators when you could just spend 1 minute climbing up the stairs. Funny lot.

Regarding to the book, I'm not a football Manic. Neither an addict. It's just because it's written by Ronni Ancona. It's a fun read, a light read. If one is bored and wants to read, but nothing too heavy and taxing like Nora Roberts, one could just head over to call number 306. There are tons of good read there. Some are like "Why we detest the Boil eggs" or something. There is one too, on the topic of Queuing. And in the UK, their daily life is a tad similar to that of Singapore. Not surprising, since Singapore used to be a colony of UK.

Singapore Biennale 2011

Finally…it arrived! The Singapore Biennale, that is. I've been waiting for 2 years for this. The previous one was kind of fun. So, with this Biennale in full swing now, what are some of the things to see?

Merlion Hotel. Situated somewhere along the narrow Singapore River (which is, of no comparison with the far more superior canal found at Venice), there is this place where one could actually stay inside the hotel. Price starts at $150 per night. And you get to stay there with a merlion head inside. It would be quite scary, to have a "Mystical creature" looking at you while you sleep. Merlion hotel is definitely a must-see, but not a must-stay.

Singapore Art Museum and 8Q SAM. Located neither here nor there. Kind of near to Plaza Sing, but not. It is one place where one could find some of the more artistic work of some artist. And usually, some of their works are too artistic, and difficult to understand. Well, if one could understand 50% of the exhibits at Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, visiting SAM would be very much a breeze.

National Museum of Singapore, a few steps away from SAM. A cozy place, and by far, some of the best in Singapore. Inside, it is a museum, which lived up to its name. A history of Singapore. Where there is this exhibit which charted out the history of Singapore way before Sang Nila Ultima. Quite detailed, and interactive, with the exhibits ranging from pre Stamford Raffles till the 90s. Actual speaking, they ought to add in a new segment, Singapore in the 2000s. But if you think properly, what on Earth can NHB have as part of 2000s in Singapore??? ERPs? Anything which help shaped nation building? Nothing, I reckon.

Finally…the Old Kallang Airport. Touted as one of Singapore's oldest airport, this Kallang Airport is one of the central venue for the Biennale. Without the Biennale, this place would be completely forgotten, I think. There is no aviation museum there, neither is there any famous food inside this old dame. Just hope the fate of this grand old dame will change after this biennale. Perhaps an aviation museum. It would be quite nice to see the old planes, like those of the then Singapore-Malayan Air planes on display there. And old boarding passes. Mock-up interior of an aircraft cabins. Think of the revenue it would have generated, with sponsors from Singapore Air to maybe Qantas, this would be one place to showcase the history of Singapore's aviation history, from RSAF era to Singapore Air being the first to fly the A380s. Perhaps one section could be use for one of the long forgotten important piece of aviation history in Singapore, Singapore Airlines flight 117. It certainly is not taught in Singapore History textbook. We learnt about the Racial Riots (the need for Racial Harmony), Bus riots (Hock Lee?), SARS/Bird flu (in the 70s or 60s, there is some hype on Bird Flu in Singapore), rise of tuberculosis in the 60s, 70s and much more. But SQ 117??? I bet no one knew of this if you ask any secondary school students. But SQ006? They all knew it. The Silk-air crash? Yes.

Continuing…on this Biennale, before I came out with the funny ideas for this aviation museum. There are shuttle bus operating. So, if you think getting from SAM to Kallang Airport is a chore, then, they have this shuttle bus.

So, day 1 I could have something like SAM and 8QSAM, then head to Merlion Hotel. Thereafter, I make my way home. Second day would be NMS then Kallang Airport. Take the shuttle bus back to finish the "bits and pieces" which you left out. Or head to Kallang Airport first, then to National Museum of Singapore.

I shall be going soon…perhaps tomorrow :D

First Monday after exams

So super not confident about exams, and so the best way to distress is to SHOP and EXPLORE. Technically, it is to be a TOURIST. Novena (tried Gong Cha at goldhill, and that is the last straw. So bland and thus, I AM GIVING UP GONG CHA. Never mind, there's Eskimo. And am going try Come Buy at Toa Payoh. Can't wait) headed to Esplanade (forced the poor Esplanade staff to open the door for me, because he pulled the door(he's in the opposite direction) and so I just walked straight in. he must be feeling so pissed. Well, I don't care. I talked funny today and am 100% incomprehensive-able. From Esplanade, walked to Raffles City and bought Macs. Ate Macs while walking to Iluma. Unfriendly guard there.

I was taking photos there…and I didn't know I photography is not allow in the premise. He just walked up to me and say like did you see the sign on the door and camera is not allow and blah blah blah. He's so guai lan. For Pete's sake, can't you just say like photography is not allowed here? And it's pronounced as pher-to-graphy and not photo-graph-phy. Brush up on your English first. I just like pardon me then. I sure confuse him totally. As I said, I'm talking in weird English.

I asked for directions from Raffles City to Bugis and I asked, "Excuse me sire, how do I venture to Bugis." And the guy just gave me a stunned look. Venture? What a weird usage of English. But never mind, since i get to my location safely. And weird stares from people because I'm eating on the go to bugis.

Bugis street is not a very friendly street. With the pushing and shoving. It was all just so horrible. Poor ventilation, and tons of people there. Just wonder, if there is a fire, how will the people react. A stampede? Since every Kiasu and Kiasi Singaporeans would be heading towards the exit in a rush manner. Never mind, for I had Durian Juice! Yummy…though the Durian season is not here yet, but it's nice.

Bugis Junction. A place where MUJI can be found there. Weird English again. Realized I had all the pens at home already. Haha, number one fan of MUJI. Self proclaimed no use one. And the sales promoter at Bugis is so bloody rude. There are some people selling stuffs or doing survey at the place where the box office is located. Somewhere near the $4 a scoop Hokkaido ice-cream. And there this auntie tap my shoulder (of all place). Firstly, it crept me out totally because I'm thinking of something. And it's inauspicious to touch one's shoulder. And I turn to her and she said," 你幾嵗?" I was so pissed off with her…I don't care if I'm the lucky winner of whatsoever contest or what…I just moved on. Don't care about her.

And today is a day I bummed into tons of Kims and Parks. Koreans, period. They are the inferior creatures of Japanese (joking). But they look so Chinese. And I was like joining their tour at the Lim Bo Seng fountain and then this women was talking to me in Korean. I was like "pardon me, but I can't understand you." And they ask me in broken English, "Hong Kong (heng Kiong)?" and I was like, oh…I'm a Honkie. Hahahaha. I just WALKED OFF. Hahaha I'm bad. Whatever.

And at the central lending. Another bunch of Koreans and I forced them to open the door for me. Just that this time they want to go in and I was beside them and I go in first. I shouted thanks to them. Haha I'm so wicked.


Esplanade- Part 2

Esplanade, a nice place to dine (Ichiban Boshi, Cookie Museum), play (the concert hall?), sleep (Spa! Or Library@ Esplanade).
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Esplanade-Part 1

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Great food at Bugis?

APPLE STRUDEL...heard it's the nicest in the whole of Singapore. I want some!!!

我愛台妹...tons of people are commenting how nice their food is...and I'm 100% skeptical. Am not going to try their food......till someone force me into the place...just like UDDERS ice-cream. But Udders ice-cream is nice. Better than Island Cremeary.

Its a whole new dining experience at Bugis. But the best dessert there is Ah Chew is the best. And there's Honeymoon Dessert at Bugis Junction! Not that nice as those at Hong Kong i bet.

Going to try Toa Payoh Come Buy milktea. I'm too free nowadays. Heard it offers the best milktea...better than Gong Cha, and some say KOI. Can't wait for tomorrow!!!
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This can't be true



The girl who remembers

I know someone, whom had bought the universe back where it should be single handedly. The fun times she had while doing so. She too, helps shaped the universe, from entering into a permanent time wrap. However, her memory had to be erased. Because, none of that did really happen at all. Well, it did happen, but only I knew about it. And everybody, but just not her. Because if she knew about it, it would get into her head and her mind would be exploding and everything that once stood still will collapse. It pains everyone. But that is the best available option, for her own benefit. The stars would be grateful. And I would look into the numerous universes up there and when dust kicks in, and prays to them for her behalf. I shall look into the stars for that matter. It is a pity, because of the fun time everyone had.

I had another friend whom had too, helped shaped the universe together with me. We created miracles and wonders. Though the night sky did not have a single star, she, however, continued to believe in them and doodle stars on her paper. She was unique. She remembers. She trusted me because I did not tell the truth. She was brave, and not afraid. Well, she was afraid of one thing, and that's the cracks. Cracks did totally scare her, because she is afraid of being trapped into another dimension, where she would be left all alone. The cracks all had a voice. And with that voice, introduces with us a guy. Whom she fell in love with, where we experienced with the cracks. Ultimately, the guy died somehow, being trapped into another dimension. I opened the Pandorica, a type of a Pandora box. And that was it. Soon enough, the next day arrives, where we all should wake up where we should be. With the memories of the times we had together being erased completely for we are propelled into a new dimension. But then, you are the girl who remembers. And she chose to remembers everyone. The love and warmth she had with the guy, but she chose to not remember the guy. I was remembered.

The cracks healed with our help. But she still had a phobia of cracks. I doubt she's willing to travel into the cracks. The only difference between the first girl and the second is that the second is able to remember. She could remember and chose to remember the good parts, so as to not be hurt by the same guy. For the first girl, she wants to remember, but is bounded by circumstances. She badly wants too, but can't.

The first treated me like a passer-by. Which is alright because it is the best for us. for the second, she remembers. And we are friends. Same problem and solution with a relative same outcomes. Just that the second girl is the girl whom remembers.

I might be insignificant

Where the car goes by the stream with me being unseen, but when I open my eyes, beams come out. My eyes shall sparkle and be on equals with the moon and stars.
And no, don't you dare blink your eyes, where all the people you know will vaporise. No hocus pocus here, for I shall know your every tricks.
I need a chance to catch my breath, but when I'm done, it will be a torment into ecstasy. But with you, my eyes are brighter into my parker.
Because, between you and me, we're just fine. Since I was dreaming when I see you. It was all, but a dream.

Is it getting the “all so awkward” thingy?

Look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes. Not around the eyes, into the eyes, the eyes, the eyes…3,2,1 SNAP and you're in. Now, I'm your friend. We used to be close, and shall continue to be. And 3,2,1…you're back in SNAP.

So every thing now feels so awkwardy that we can't be even in the same place at the same time. Where had all come wrong? Thank goodness we are in different faculty now. Imagine the awkwardness if we are in the same class. Perhaps everything might change? You have your life and I've got mine. So, please just steer clear of each other lifes.

Perhaps when one stop socializing with a friend will things began to get all awkward. We had not talked in like….since September 2009??? And now, if we are to talk, it would all seemed so funny, and strange and and so stupid. We took the same bus to school everyday. Every morning on Monday and maybe Tuesday, we would take the same bus. Exactly the same bus. Every Thursday, we shall take the same bus back too. Kind of a coincidence. We did see each other for so long…and not a word is spoken.

I could still remember the last time we spoke. It was in the evening after the prelims. After the physic paper, in fact. I was at the bus-stop and suddenly, he just stopped at his tracks, and looked at me and muttered a simple "hi." And that's all. That was it. I remember stuffs too clearly. And that was again, after a prolong period of time where we had not speak to each other.

So we had a fight….and whatever. But as usual, it takes 2 to tango. Yup, only if he is not in the picture.

But it is getting out of hand now…