I hear, I see, I post: First Monday after exams

First Monday after exams

So super not confident about exams, and so the best way to distress is to SHOP and EXPLORE. Technically, it is to be a TOURIST. Novena (tried Gong Cha at goldhill, and that is the last straw. So bland and thus, I AM GIVING UP GONG CHA. Never mind, there's Eskimo. And am going try Come Buy at Toa Payoh. Can't wait) headed to Esplanade (forced the poor Esplanade staff to open the door for me, because he pulled the door(he's in the opposite direction) and so I just walked straight in. he must be feeling so pissed. Well, I don't care. I talked funny today and am 100% incomprehensive-able. From Esplanade, walked to Raffles City and bought Macs. Ate Macs while walking to Iluma. Unfriendly guard there.

I was taking photos there…and I didn't know I photography is not allow in the premise. He just walked up to me and say like did you see the sign on the door and camera is not allow and blah blah blah. He's so guai lan. For Pete's sake, can't you just say like photography is not allowed here? And it's pronounced as pher-to-graphy and not photo-graph-phy. Brush up on your English first. I just like pardon me then. I sure confuse him totally. As I said, I'm talking in weird English.

I asked for directions from Raffles City to Bugis and I asked, "Excuse me sire, how do I venture to Bugis." And the guy just gave me a stunned look. Venture? What a weird usage of English. But never mind, since i get to my location safely. And weird stares from people because I'm eating on the go to bugis.

Bugis street is not a very friendly street. With the pushing and shoving. It was all just so horrible. Poor ventilation, and tons of people there. Just wonder, if there is a fire, how will the people react. A stampede? Since every Kiasu and Kiasi Singaporeans would be heading towards the exit in a rush manner. Never mind, for I had Durian Juice! Yummy…though the Durian season is not here yet, but it's nice.

Bugis Junction. A place where MUJI can be found there. Weird English again. Realized I had all the pens at home already. Haha, number one fan of MUJI. Self proclaimed no use one. And the sales promoter at Bugis is so bloody rude. There are some people selling stuffs or doing survey at the place where the box office is located. Somewhere near the $4 a scoop Hokkaido ice-cream. And there this auntie tap my shoulder (of all place). Firstly, it crept me out totally because I'm thinking of something. And it's inauspicious to touch one's shoulder. And I turn to her and she said," 你幾嵗?" I was so pissed off with her…I don't care if I'm the lucky winner of whatsoever contest or what…I just moved on. Don't care about her.

And today is a day I bummed into tons of Kims and Parks. Koreans, period. They are the inferior creatures of Japanese (joking). But they look so Chinese. And I was like joining their tour at the Lim Bo Seng fountain and then this women was talking to me in Korean. I was like "pardon me, but I can't understand you." And they ask me in broken English, "Hong Kong (heng Kiong)?" and I was like, oh…I'm a Honkie. Hahahaha. I just WALKED OFF. Hahaha I'm bad. Whatever.

And at the central lending. Another bunch of Koreans and I forced them to open the door for me. Just that this time they want to go in and I was beside them and I go in first. I shouted thanks to them. Haha I'm so wicked.


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