I hear, I see, I post: ::: Notes on FRIENDSHIP :::

::: Notes on FRIENDSHIP :::

As I was browsing through my terrible and horrendous messy drawer, I came across a piece of paper filled with quotes. it was not written by me, and I did not know how I have that note. However, the quotes were all about friendship. And I think it is worthy of a mention. Here goes:

If you wish "acquaintanceship", be rich. If you wish for a friend, be a friend.

If you must let someone down, be sure it isn't the friend who helped you up when you're down.

A friend is one who knows all about you and still respect you.

Friendship needs frequent expression to remain alive.

Friendship recognizes faults in friends but does not speak of them.

A good football team relies more on harmonious coordination of effort than individual skills

When you ask another person to do something, it may help both him and you if you tell him what to do, why he should do it, when he should do it, where he should do it and how he may best do it.

Remember the tone of your voice often conveys more accurately what is in your mind than do your words.

There is harmonious throughout the universe in everything except human relationship

Friction is machinery cost money. Friction in human relationship impoverishes both the spirit and the bank account. –I don't get this

If you can't agree with others, you can at least refrain from quarreling with them.

Remember it takes at least 2 people to carry on a quarrel

Mutual confidence is the foundation of all satisfactory human relationship (trust and care) –I don't get this either.

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