I hear, I see, I post: I’m usually extremely (pretty) accurate on Star Awards

I’m usually extremely (pretty) accurate on Star Awards

There we go again, the nice and extremely glamorous award for Mediacorp. I'm pretty accurate at Star Awards and so…no harm predicting on who might win this year. Hahaha. So let get started on the Top 10 first.

My guess are:

Tay Ping Hui (he need just that 1 more award to be on par with Christopher)

Chen Han Wei. He's well-liked with the audiences, right?

Pornsak. He did not win the previous round, but this year, he sure will win it. especially with him hosting Food Source.

Dai Yang Tian. Confirm will get it.

Zhang Yao Dong. He is constantly in my TV screen. Hard to forget his memorable role in ATO2C

Guo Liang. Love or Loathe him, but he had roles in Breakout. And he once acted with Mark Lee and Kym Ng lots of years ago in a sitcom. And he's funny. But he seemed to lose his humor now (judging from him hosting children's variety show…the weekend 10.30/11am slot in the past)

Pierre Ng. You got to admit, his acting had improved a lot. He's able to pronounced Chinese word clearer now.

Elvin Ng. Confirm sure will win one. Because he had a good role in Breakout. Acting as a kid.

Bryan. But is he losing his charm as he aged?

Ben Yeo??? Perhaps, since he like have never been nominated before. He must win this…and he's good too. Looked humble on TV, and has nice personality and all. Perhaps will win.

Now…maybe Shaun Chen might win. After all…he had been acting on YHIM as a villain…and he is very VERY creepy.


Ann Kok. Quite a star…having nominated for 2 awards at the last SA. Now, top 10. She might win her sixth award this time round.

Vivian Lai. Quite an actress, being able to act and host. And DANCE in 我要唱下去. Sure win one lah. Haha

Rui En. Confirm one lah. With her fan club and the support of numerous people. Last time, her support base is quite narrow. Now, very huge, from students to auntie. Now, if she could venture into a musical…maybe sing alongside with Dim Sum Dollies and Judee. Humph.

Michelle Chong. A versatile actress. And bi-lingual. The Noose…sure might win. Perhaps her hosting might not be that great, but she sure could act. Leticia, Nancy Goh, and Lulu. If she win, it would be her second. And she once acted with Xie Shao Guang before. I think her support base might come from MAIDS…specifically FILLIPINO.

Joanne Peh. Confirm win one, with her fan-club. Also, she had a stellar performance in YHIM…especially as the old auntie.

Jeannette Aw. Again, sure win with fan-club and auntie. Starred at Breakout.

Kym Ng. Can act and host. But she like did not act in a long time already. Have a friendly personality. But can she really pull it off?

Paige Chua. I always link her with something to do with the arts…where the productions starring her are more unique. And more not mainstream. But of course, a good actress…and sure, there's some support for her too.

Pan Ling Ling. Hope she win top 10 this year. One of the best actress mediacorp currently have. She sure appeal nicely to aunties. She deserved it badly.

Yvonne Lim. She sure must win this. One of the more popular in China, but not Singapore actress. She seemed nice and friendly.

Ok, so if Ann Kok do really flop it, and Quan Yi Feng win…haiz.

Last year, it's the uncle winning…this year, hope it is the aunties. Hahaha.

On a side note, SA is like candidates asking for our votes. But just that voting is optional and not compulsory. And when we vote for them, they did not promise us anything. Haiz…and we, the voters lose money. So, I don't know why I should waste my money calling for them….but you are free to waste your money and vote for someone who DON'T really KNOW YOUR NAME…or KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE.

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