I hear, I see, I post: I’m usually (pretty) accurate on my predictions

I’m usually (pretty) accurate on my predictions

I've covered the Top 10 (and I just realized Jessica Liu is not there at all…) and now, no harm predicting the rest of the awards segment…or who I hope will win.

Best Drama- Something similar in the shows? Well, they are broadcast in the 9pm timeslot, ever since Ai had been re-shifted to the 7pm slot.

Ok, so my bet is that Unriddle will win

Best Variety Show- Love on a Plate. The show is quite an interesting concept by itself.

Best info-ed program- Behind every job. Quite a fun concept, with the host experiencing in the various job sector that are ever so uncommon.

Best theme song- With You there is a nice feel behind it.

Best Actor- Tay Ping Hui.

Best Actress- Zhou Ying.

Best Supporting Actor- Darren Lim

Best Supporting Actress- Ann Kok (all the nominated ones are all the older generation)

Best Variety Show Host- Pornsak. Everyone should love him.

Best Director- Your Hand In Mine.

Best Screenplay- New Beginnings

Hope I'm 100% accurate this time round :D


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