I hear, I see, I post: It’s the phase in life yet again

It’s the phase in life yet again

Where one tends to be tempted to embark on yet another journey in life, where you'll never know the end results. Where changes are going to be made in a drastic way. Where everything and anything which once stood nicely is going to not be the same.

It seemed like a phenomenal that occurs in everyone's life in some point. It is just a matter of time. When you re-evaluate the relation between you and others, and however well you think you could remain status quo. Naturally, it will be the time you are sick and tired of certain people. And usually, the people will reveal to you their ugly side. But despite knowing their character, one might continue to be with them. For whatsoever reasons. And naturally, get hurt again by their ugly side. And you could not turn to anyone, because you knew they would do it to you again, but despite knowing it, you still continue to be treated in that way. Are you just plain stupid or ignorant.

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