I hear, I see, I post: I couldn’t bring myself to write one

I couldn’t bring myself to write one

Hi xxxx this is xxx. I just wanted to say how much xxx is xxxx about you bring yourself forward to face the future. Sure, xxx is definitely at fault. And xxx knew you're so full of courage to step out of the shadow, and not fall within the pitfall of all this crap. Xxx is sure to be very proud of xxxx.

Just so remember that xxx is all way out there for you and xxxx is so lucky to make the right choice. But do not be pre-occupied with the thought that you are fighthing with someone. All this started because of nobody's fault. Because it is the timing. So if you want to blame someone, just blame xxx. Xxx should not be part of your life at all. Anyway, xxx is a little bit of a psychic, so, just curse xxx mouth.

Xxx is there for you to blame. But you knew xxx is not entirely to blame. Xxxx is so terriable afraid of changes, but since this is the ending, thus xxx perceived it that xxxx must stay strong and focus and just acknowledge it. Do not ever accept that this is the ending for everything that was once so beautiful. Else, you are forever living in the shadows.

Because everything here happen for a reason.

Xxxx will want the time to rewind past and stay that way FOREVER. Xxx do hope it that way, too. But without progress, you can't grow. And this is ultimately a learning experience for you all. If time stays still, you are in your own shell.

P.S Why is it known as the pouring rain like, she danced under the pouring rain. But not, the rain was pouring?

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