I hear, I see, I post: Circle is a shape

Circle is a shape

"circle…circle…circle" echoed in Paul's mind. He couldn't help it but keep remembering the word, circle. Circle, which represents unity.

"oh, so you like circle too?" Paul asked. "Of course! Its pure and unique!" came the reply from Jane.

Circle is truly a unique shape. It has no sides. And its round.

Paul and Jane stopped, when the music ended abruptly. The busker had collapsed. He, the busker looked frail, and is now gasping for air. Paul immediately called for an ambulance. Within a couple of minutes, the ambulance had arrived. 3 paramedics alighted and used a stretcher to bring the busker to the nearest hospital. The busker by now is feared dead. "heartbeat is weak" said one paramedic. This magical evening is not looking fantastically fabulous right now. It may not be the evening both of them are looking for. Paul and Jane also hopped into the ambulance.

After a relatively bumpy ride, they had arrived at the hospital.

There look something mysterious about the busker. But Paul is not exactly sure of what is it. The air is crisp and cool. Both Paul and Jane looked into each other eyes. Their eye look as though it sparkles. And Paul hoped this defining moment will not stop. Throughout, Paul felt time had froze. Frozen time, time is wrapped up in a circle.

But we know that this moment will end. It is just a matter of time. Just then, Jane blinked. And she blinked again, as though trying to make a point.

Jane knew all along that their relationship is as pure as water can get. She had actually a crush on him for a long time. But Jane just would not acknowledge her feelings for him. She would just brushed it aside and not think too much about it. But not tonight. She felt her heart skipped a beat, and had some feelings of ecstasy during the dance. She felt as though Paul's eyes had melted her heart. Jane just felt so vulnerable in the company of Paul. And Jane just view Paul in a different light. Not as friends, but as her boyfriend. She didn't realized that Paul had been by her side for a long time. And flash backs started. How Paul cared for her when she was sick. And whenever they hold hands (for fun), her hands would be icy cold. Jane just realized she had unknowingly and subconsciously fell for him.

Jane just could not believe it. Her feelings are mixed. She did not know what to do, and how the future would pan out. She just want to run away from her feelings. But she knew she could not. Hurriedly, she hail a cab and went home, leaving the busker in the care of Paul.

"circle…" Paul continued, obvious to the feelings of Jane. And Paul cracked into a smile.

"Circle" uttered Jane, whom by now is in tears.

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