I hear, I see, I post: I don't know what to look forward to every Monday

I don't know what to look forward to every Monday

Since Episodes had finished their run. Matt Leblanc is sure a funny guy. And the ending...is sure kind of unexpected. Who would ever thought that PLUCKS would be such a great hit?!?!?! And Merc's still as horny as ever. Well, I'm pretty sure there will be another run of Episodes.

Episodes is different and so funny and a joy to watch because its BRITISH! And cross over, its UK. No doubt it may be a tad dry (like boring conversations), but if you listen, you'll just laugh it all off. How PC the british are trying to be? How concious women in LA are of their figures, calling themself fat, when they aren't. I ain't fat. Haha

And "How you smelling?" "You smell like cinamon."

I shall miss you badly...

Still the best is...
"Open the mother fucking, bloody basterd, pain in the ass, dick cheese stinking, dirty shitty wanking, fucking bloody fucking basterd fucking stupid cunt of a fucking gate."
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