I hear, I see, I post: Funny convo, since I was so bored and she was so there and I think it’s alright for us to chat :)

Funny convo, since I was so bored and she was so there and I think it’s alright for us to chat :)

Y: So you went out with <another girl's name> during new year's eve?

Me: Which eve? Chinese or Ang Moh. (don't ask me why I even ask such a question…I'm so exhausted to even think properly)

Y: Ang Moh

Me: Ya

Y: Not awkward meh? With her boyfriend?

Me: A bit lah.


We talk about how I have the vouchers and how <girl> and me and he are together on that eve.


Then we talk about the movie that we watched.

Me: So we watched separate movies.

Y: Why?

Me: Because I want to watch The Tourist and <girl> want to watch Fockers


Quite unlikely for her to talk to me about such things. Ok, its like how someone could know my matriculation card number without me telling him. Or how xxx knows my room phone number.

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