I hear, I see, I post: Dance in the rain

Dance in the rain

"Would you dance with me?" Paul asked Jane one night under the dark sky, with neon lights dotting the CBD skyline at the barrage. Flashback started for Paul, back to when they first met each other. While for Jane, she was just standing there, shocked and speechless. It was kind of unexpected for Paul to be doing such things since

Jane and Paul knew each other since young (like for 12 years already). Paul was 5 when Jane moved into the cul-de-sac (at Sixth Avenue) 12 years ago. Paul still remembered the day fondly, like it happened yesterday….

The sky was gloomy with the grey clouds threatening to pour. Paul, being 5 at that time, saw a delivery van approaching. The van braked hard when Paul dashed across the small and narrow road (which in no way is friendly to a van of that size). Jane, in her pink dress (she is not pink panther) walked towards the direction of Paul. She was attracted to Paul's wavy hair. And he is attracted to Jane's angelic hair. Jane, in her soft spoken sweet voice whispered, "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, thanks." Paul replied. And after a few seconds of awkward silence, Paul could only ask Jane, "What's your favorite shape? Mine's circle."

Jane could not help but let out a small giggle.

And that was it. It all ended with Jane letting out a giggle. Jane did not revealed her favorite shape. And they were 5 when it happened.

Now, back to now (shortly Paul asked if Jane would dance with him) …

"Please? I know if I fall for you it's my fault. Let us try it out, can? Please? if we like it, we could continue with it. Else, we could just be back."

"Alright then. Because we have no feelings for each other."

And Paul placed his hands on her hips and they started a waltz. A slow waltz, to the tune of "Starry starry night". ( A busker was playing that tune on his saxophone) And so it all begin with this fateful dance, which will change everything that stood with them forever. FOREVER.

Jane whispered to Paul in his ear, "My favorite shape's circle too."

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