I hear, I see, I post: Yet again, it’s a Friday.

Yet again, it’s a Friday.

It is the last day of the semester and practically, the last of everything, least for finals. And what is the worst thing that could possible occur about your grades? It's not like not receiving the grades you deserved despite studying for a loooonnnnnnngggggg time or anything like that. But its ultimately at the end, you wouldn't enjoy what you are doing. Because life is all about enjoyment. Why do you bother to even try to do things which you don't like?

It is another 7 days before the first paper. Well, 9 days more to 4 more papers. So me had 5 papers. It isn't a big deal, since for Os, we had 7/8 papers. So this is gonna be easy. I broke into a smile and kept laughing while doing Biz-Stats revision. I think I'm cracking up.

Friday is yet the day for emotions to unrest itself.

I did not expect it to occur so soon. But I knew one day, this will arrive. And everything that anything will still happen, but this is the least expected. Perhaps it is due to me being unprepared in the first place.

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