I hear, I see, I post: Life is about waiting for the promises one delivers

Life is about waiting for the promises one delivers

Perhaps I am past caring on the small talks and treat each and every sentence as something which one meant it. so when you say something like, Good morning, I just take it that you genuinely want to greet me, right from your heart. Your facial/body language might betray you, but I still appreciate it and my opinion of you won't change. In short, I'm past caring to decipher the hypocoristic of even a simple greeting. If you have to guard yourself so firmly against such "harmless" things, must why you just go hide in your room?

Promises are so easy to make, but hard to fulfill. Empty promises. Like We should hang out together some day! You know that is not going to happen….but I thought I will.

Not today, sorry L Perhaps we shall have lunch next week? When next week approaches, you are so not free and leave me so disappointed.

Ok, I sounded so naïve here. But I'm sick and tired of promises or comments made and is not fulfilled. Maybe you do not mean it, or just due to time constrain that it cannot materialized. Who should I blame? Its not my fault, neither its yours. Blame the horoscope….maybe our star sign just do not match perfectly.

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