I hear, I see, I post: February is a real hectic month

February is a real hectic month

With the dreaded CNY away, which meant there isn't any visiting to do, hypocritical creatures to meet. It is thus great, and perhaps I might be in a better mode. See you guys again next year! Or just during Grandpa's birthday. And there we go all over again.

February, with quite a fair lot of assignments and essays and exhibitions to cover. It is of no wonder I'm so exhausted already. Somehow, something is lacking in February. I do not know what will bring that the passion back.

November was full of gist, and December, equally great, with the fire and positive energy. January started with a bang, and by mid-Jan, the fire was gone. Poof, and was gone. Perhaps 2010 was such a great year that it's a pity for 2010 to be gone. I so want to remain in 2010, and not 2011. Look to the past and stay stagnant forever. Travel forward, and great surprises awaits.

It is something like you just don't feel like doing anything. And heavy eye bags, puffy eyes. In the morning when one wake up, you just know its just another day. JUST ANOTHER DAY. Not a day which is bright, the sun is shining brightly, the air is crisp and all that. Greetings were light-hearted, with a smile, from the heart and you mean it. now, the greetings are still from the bottom of my heart and I meant it. but there is a feel which is gone. This feel is so difficult to explain. You just knew something is amiss.

Thank goodness it is all ending soon in another 3 weeks. And I will be off to have total relaxation, a theatre to catch next month, and a musical on April. Oh yes, not forgetting another play on April, which I had yet to buy the tickets.

And it is such a pity that a wonderful and beautiful and pure friendship is going to be ending soon, through no fault of either party. We still say our Hi and Byes. I so want to talk with you, but I do not have any topic to talk about. I can't be so dead random and like SMS you, THE WEATHER'S GREAT TODAY, DON'T YOU THINK SO? This friendship is pure because it works in such a special way. we are not looking for favours from each other. We just talk, and chat and bitch. But never request either to help with major things like…..give vouchers or anything like that. Not like someone, whom always pester me for vouchers. We are comfortable with each other, and no, we do not think too much about it. It's going to end soon, and all I'm asking is for the one last chance to be as friends which have a common shared memories which I will cherish…FOREVER. <3

Hope to be friends forever, friends whom don't communicate with each other. But we know we are friends, who can relate to each other truly well. Perhaps it is all not meant to be. Perhaps we are waiting for each other to call/SMS with a simple 'Hi'. Friendship works in a funny way.

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