I hear, I see, I post: Twinkle, twinkle little star…

Twinkle, twinkle little star…

How I wonder what you are

Up above the sky so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle little star

Let me glaze at you one more time

When a star twinkle, it meant the star is going to die soon. Where the star will burst into flame and let off some halogen gases. Shortly after, a new star will then be re-born, and after gazillion light years, the same cycle will be repeated. Again and again, like a vicious cycle. And life itself is yet another vicious cycle. You experience the sweetness, then the bitterness, the sourness and the sweetness. Then the bitterness, followed by the sourness, likes a cycle. Life is thus like a cycle because somehow, everything will hit back to you. Be it the good ones or the bad ones.

The cycle of life is so complicated to the extend whereby you wouldn't know at which stage you are at. And the progress you are heading along to. You could be at the ending stage and next, you could proceed back. Back by a step or two and the duration of your cycle could be longer than others. Alright, just forget about this paragraph if you do not understand what I am talking about.

Let's try a poem. Whoever thinks poem ought to rhyme? Just have a meaning and it will be as perfectly beautiful as everything once holds to everyone.

The times and Newsweek

Which I subscribed to every week

With prices so steep

It was hard to sleep

And so I count sheep

Thousand of sheep

I counted every night

One day

Newsweek stopped arriving in my letterbox

And that day was the week after Boxing Day


Since it was a special double

And that was it

The week was never the same

Without you,


For you enlighten me

Bright up my world

And made me feel at peace.

It's you

Which is so magical.

There is something so unspoken about you

The magic

And everything within

Into yet another dimension.

Let us

Get into a dimension

And never to return

Into the dimension

Of Fun



The poem was so bad, I know, and nonsensical. But soon, such nonsensical poem might be a new literature hit. Just kidding…

It's time to hit the slack back again!

I so want to eat!

Where to eat???

Nice food that is nice…

Best hidden food places?!?!?!

I know of one!!! SERIOUSLY

And it's zhi cha (however you spell it) and you must pre-order, otherwise you must wait for 2 hours. No kidding!!! And the food is nice and heavenly. YUMMY!!!!!!

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