I hear, I see, I post: February 2011

((((((((((( 4 more days to FREEDOM!!! )))))))))

Haha..copied the style from Dan. Just 4 more papers and it is all over!

Econs taught us that there are trade offs in anything and everything

Statistics taught us that DW ought not be born (kidding), that acceptance does not imply truthfulness

OB taught us that everything have a certain order

Accounting taught us that left and right are interchangeable

Marketing taught us how irrelevant the module is


There are 2 types of people

Those who can, and those who can't. The ones who can proceeded on in life, whilst those who can't realised that they can as well, and continued on.

Thus, those who can and those who can't in the end, CAN. So irregardless of anything, everyone CAN do it.

Food for thought though.


I come disguise I was hypnotized
Lost a track, struggled back
I wanted easy stuff to please me
Something in the dark began to squeeze me
Seen it, there, then there in the mirror
Totally focused, no hocus pocus
Dare I give in to this thing gripping my skin
To win, thinking how to

The lights of a car go by in a stream
Seems like I stand pretty much unseen
But I open my eyes and beams
Come out

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see
Score rise up
Angels play
Let my loneliness get blown away

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see

I lie down in the dust just under your eye
A scrap of paper, thin as vapour
Filling my clothes like smoke
A couple of the wires in my heart are broke
I throw, I miss, something, nothing
But dreams, schemes, moments wasted
Taste I tasted
Fate I'm fated
Re-edited again then copy pasted

The lights of a car go by in a stream
Seems like I stand pretty much unseen
But I open my eyes and beams
Come out

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see
Score rise up
Angels play
Let my loneliness get blown away

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see

When I wanna quit, I suffocate it
I chew bubblicious, stress repetitious
Vicious, I'm one outsider
Up above the streets on the DCY-er
Higher, fire in my guts
In a rut, but what I've got
Is in no can, no other human
But I do get lonely, scared I'm phony

The lights of a car go by in a stream
Seems like I stand pretty much unseen
But I open my eyes and beams
Come out

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see
Score rise up
Angels play
Let my loneliness get blown away

Gimme, gimme, symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see

Gimme, gimme symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see

Gimme, gimme symphonies
Gimme more than the life I see

Test your current emotions...

What is the median of the smiley face?
A) :D
B) D:
C) :)
D) :(

Answers below.....

If you chose A, it meant you are POSITIVE
B meant you are NEGATIVE
C meant you are HAPPY (but not positive)
D meant you are SAD

Get it???


Circle is a shape

"circle…circle…circle" echoed in Paul's mind. He couldn't help it but keep remembering the word, circle. Circle, which represents unity.

"oh, so you like circle too?" Paul asked. "Of course! Its pure and unique!" came the reply from Jane.

Circle is truly a unique shape. It has no sides. And its round.

Paul and Jane stopped, when the music ended abruptly. The busker had collapsed. He, the busker looked frail, and is now gasping for air. Paul immediately called for an ambulance. Within a couple of minutes, the ambulance had arrived. 3 paramedics alighted and used a stretcher to bring the busker to the nearest hospital. The busker by now is feared dead. "heartbeat is weak" said one paramedic. This magical evening is not looking fantastically fabulous right now. It may not be the evening both of them are looking for. Paul and Jane also hopped into the ambulance.

After a relatively bumpy ride, they had arrived at the hospital.

There look something mysterious about the busker. But Paul is not exactly sure of what is it. The air is crisp and cool. Both Paul and Jane looked into each other eyes. Their eye look as though it sparkles. And Paul hoped this defining moment will not stop. Throughout, Paul felt time had froze. Frozen time, time is wrapped up in a circle.

But we know that this moment will end. It is just a matter of time. Just then, Jane blinked. And she blinked again, as though trying to make a point.

Jane knew all along that their relationship is as pure as water can get. She had actually a crush on him for a long time. But Jane just would not acknowledge her feelings for him. She would just brushed it aside and not think too much about it. But not tonight. She felt her heart skipped a beat, and had some feelings of ecstasy during the dance. She felt as though Paul's eyes had melted her heart. Jane just felt so vulnerable in the company of Paul. And Jane just view Paul in a different light. Not as friends, but as her boyfriend. She didn't realized that Paul had been by her side for a long time. And flash backs started. How Paul cared for her when she was sick. And whenever they hold hands (for fun), her hands would be icy cold. Jane just realized she had unknowingly and subconsciously fell for him.

Jane just could not believe it. Her feelings are mixed. She did not know what to do, and how the future would pan out. She just want to run away from her feelings. But she knew she could not. Hurriedly, she hail a cab and went home, leaving the busker in the care of Paul.

"circle…" Paul continued, obvious to the feelings of Jane. And Paul cracked into a smile.

"Circle" uttered Jane, whom by now is in tears.


I know that this is very impossible in our lifes

And am unsure of the uncertain future that might behold us

However, if I dare to request

That I love to fall into this beautiful and emotionally taxing pitfall with you

Despite knowing that what i feel towards you

Might not be appreaciated

For you have someone special

I only just hope

That I could be with you

Anytime and Every time

Thats all that I ever wanted

That you'll spend more time with me

Cry together when either one of us are sad

Hug each other when we're feeling happy

But sadly

This couldn't be possible

For you're no longer around

And a part of me

I don't know what to look forward to every Monday

Since Episodes had finished their run. Matt Leblanc is sure a funny guy. And the ending...is sure kind of unexpected. Who would ever thought that PLUCKS would be such a great hit?!?!?! And Merc's still as horny as ever. Well, I'm pretty sure there will be another run of Episodes.

Episodes is different and so funny and a joy to watch because its BRITISH! And cross over, its UK. No doubt it may be a tad dry (like boring conversations), but if you listen, you'll just laugh it all off. How PC the british are trying to be? How concious women in LA are of their figures, calling themself fat, when they aren't. I ain't fat. Haha

And "How you smelling?" "You smell like cinamon."

I shall miss you badly...

Still the best is...
"Open the mother fucking, bloody basterd, pain in the ass, dick cheese stinking, dirty shitty wanking, fucking bloody fucking basterd fucking stupid cunt of a fucking gate."
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I so miss you...

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Hello, MUJI :D

Metal Rule, $6.90

Gel ink pen, $1.60 each. 0.38mm

MUJI gel ink pen is one type of pen which i had never tried before....till someone lend me her pen (because I was lazy to take out my PC). And the pen was real smooth, despite it being sharp, 0.38mm!!! SO now, I shall start using gel ink and not my usual 0.38 ball point, since the ball point starts to smuge easily nowadays, despite it being NEW! ANd the ball point is so sharp and all and I once tore a hole on a piece of paper. And if you drop it, the pen would be spoilt, and the ink couldn't flow properly...
Hello, new stuffs from MUJI!!! Gonna go MUJI shopping after finals.

I'm caught in the Japanese craze, Japanese Snacks, MUJI. But I'm still sicked and tired of Japanese Food. :D
Wish me luck for FINALS :D
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Hainan Curry Rice @ Kovan FC

Kovan FC (not found in the S-League) is home to a wide array of stalls. And after the revamp, I finally had chance to dine there. And its this Curry Rice stall, which is Hainanese styled. You know about their curry on being not so spicy and yet, rich with the coconut milk. And the fried Pork Chop (or pork cutlet) tasted heavenly. The food from there is nice, and affordable. Fulfill all the main citeria of being truly a number one Hainanese styled cuisine. Hahaha
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Banana in the world UNITE!

Banana Fritters, from TOKOYO BANANA

This yummy snack is from JAPAN (again...now I'm so caught up with the Japanese Snack phrase)!!! Basically, it is shaped like a Banana. And the taste...not like banana. Yellow skin (tasted like cake) with sweet filling inside. You could taste condense milk and milk mixed with banana, with the texture like a yam paste. Yummy!!!
FYI, it cost SGD$12++ per box, converted from YEN to SGD. And expired on 2024??? HAHAHA

I'm so craving for Japanese snacks now...ROYCE CHOCOLATE!!! Never mind, its time to snack on ROYCE POTATO CHIPS CHOCOLATE WAFFLES; CARAMEL Flavoured!!!

Talking of chocolate, it must be bitter, with a sweet after-taste, else it would be wasting Kcal.
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Snacks from JAPAN !!!

Finals are just round the corner, and my rations from Japan are here!!! Hurray!!! A friend of mine just came back from Japan and here's the tibits.

Fried French Fries (AKA Potato Sticks) Can't find them in Singapore and it's Calbee too!

Royce Chocolate waffles! This could be found in Singapore too...but well, Japan have it too. Haha
Cookie. Classic Palmie's flavour. Have not tried it before. Hope it's delicious. FYI, its from HK and it cost SGD$30+ a box.

Another I dunno what that is...coffee? Or is it some sponge cake?
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Life is a never ending bus ride

Thats why LOVE does not last

You will wonder where he is at night
You will wonder if he is true
One moment you'll be happy
One moment you'll be blue

If you get a chance to see him
Your heart begins to dance
Your life revolves around him
There is nothing like romance

And then it starts to happen
You worry day and night
You see my friend, you're losing him
It never turns out right

I glanced through your blog...

And i feel like calling you, can we be friends once again? No matter whatever had happened in the past? This time, it is going to be different. A different note, that is. Because, there will be no bitching, backstabbing and whatsoever.

Just one superficial friendship which is true with the heart. Shall we?

Call me? Or should I call you? I think I ought to wait.

Exam fever...

and so, I'm revising...by having the tv next to me. Watched Cats the Musical and Phantom of the Opera while studying. tsk tsk tsk

I want to watch more Broadway shows!!!!!!!

Dance in the rain

"Would you dance with me?" Paul asked Jane one night under the dark sky, with neon lights dotting the CBD skyline at the barrage. Flashback started for Paul, back to when they first met each other. While for Jane, she was just standing there, shocked and speechless. It was kind of unexpected for Paul to be doing such things since

Jane and Paul knew each other since young (like for 12 years already). Paul was 5 when Jane moved into the cul-de-sac (at Sixth Avenue) 12 years ago. Paul still remembered the day fondly, like it happened yesterday….

The sky was gloomy with the grey clouds threatening to pour. Paul, being 5 at that time, saw a delivery van approaching. The van braked hard when Paul dashed across the small and narrow road (which in no way is friendly to a van of that size). Jane, in her pink dress (she is not pink panther) walked towards the direction of Paul. She was attracted to Paul's wavy hair. And he is attracted to Jane's angelic hair. Jane, in her soft spoken sweet voice whispered, "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, thanks." Paul replied. And after a few seconds of awkward silence, Paul could only ask Jane, "What's your favorite shape? Mine's circle."

Jane could not help but let out a small giggle.

And that was it. It all ended with Jane letting out a giggle. Jane did not revealed her favorite shape. And they were 5 when it happened.

Now, back to now (shortly Paul asked if Jane would dance with him) …

"Please? I know if I fall for you it's my fault. Let us try it out, can? Please? if we like it, we could continue with it. Else, we could just be back."

"Alright then. Because we have no feelings for each other."

And Paul placed his hands on her hips and they started a waltz. A slow waltz, to the tune of "Starry starry night". ( A busker was playing that tune on his saxophone) And so it all begin with this fateful dance, which will change everything that stood with them forever. FOREVER.

Jane whispered to Paul in his ear, "My favorite shape's circle too."

I couldn’t bring myself to write one

Hi xxxx this is xxx. I just wanted to say how much xxx is xxxx about you bring yourself forward to face the future. Sure, xxx is definitely at fault. And xxx knew you're so full of courage to step out of the shadow, and not fall within the pitfall of all this crap. Xxx is sure to be very proud of xxxx.

Just so remember that xxx is all way out there for you and xxxx is so lucky to make the right choice. But do not be pre-occupied with the thought that you are fighthing with someone. All this started because of nobody's fault. Because it is the timing. So if you want to blame someone, just blame xxx. Xxx should not be part of your life at all. Anyway, xxx is a little bit of a psychic, so, just curse xxx mouth.

Xxx is there for you to blame. But you knew xxx is not entirely to blame. Xxxx is so terriable afraid of changes, but since this is the ending, thus xxx perceived it that xxxx must stay strong and focus and just acknowledge it. Do not ever accept that this is the ending for everything that was once so beautiful. Else, you are forever living in the shadows.

Because everything here happen for a reason.

Xxxx will want the time to rewind past and stay that way FOREVER. Xxx do hope it that way, too. But without progress, you can't grow. And this is ultimately a learning experience for you all. If time stays still, you are in your own shell.

P.S Why is it known as the pouring rain like, she danced under the pouring rain. But not, the rain was pouring?

Yet again, it’s a Friday.

It is the last day of the semester and practically, the last of everything, least for finals. And what is the worst thing that could possible occur about your grades? It's not like not receiving the grades you deserved despite studying for a loooonnnnnnngggggg time or anything like that. But its ultimately at the end, you wouldn't enjoy what you are doing. Because life is all about enjoyment. Why do you bother to even try to do things which you don't like?

It is another 7 days before the first paper. Well, 9 days more to 4 more papers. So me had 5 papers. It isn't a big deal, since for Os, we had 7/8 papers. So this is gonna be easy. I broke into a smile and kept laughing while doing Biz-Stats revision. I think I'm cracking up.

Friday is yet the day for emotions to unrest itself.

I did not expect it to occur so soon. But I knew one day, this will arrive. And everything that anything will still happen, but this is the least expected. Perhaps it is due to me being unprepared in the first place.





So basically went to Sentosa yesterday...which is like 16 Feb. Just to buy POPCORNS!!! Ecentric or what...haha.
ANd that was what was left after munching a fair bit of it during tutorial. And i forgot to put in an air-tight container and thus....it is all soft. Must throw it away :(
Popcorn at Sentosa is the nicest in the whole of Singapore (unless you dislike sweet stuff)
I'm a kind soul because i went to Sentosa and bought Popcorn! :D Even the teacher could not resist the popcorns. Think full marks for class participation lol.

Yummy zhe cha food at Toa Payoh North

Fried Chicken Drumstick 炸香雞

Finally a post on food!!!
So what is nice about the food? The prawn is fresh!!! It is juicy and the taste of the gravy did not overpower the taste of the prawn. Did not try the yam ring...but it sure looks nice though! The pork is so delicious! It did not have a strong vinegar taste, and is sweet. That is what I love about it. And it is chewy and tender. Yummy! As for the chicken, it is crispy and i guess they marinate the chicken with rice wine or something. It is just a guess....and the chicken is nice too! Think the above food are their 招牌菜.
So if you want to dine there, it is better to make a reservation. So the place is located at Blk 203 Toa Payoh North. It is near SPH(the news paper HQ). In all, yummy food!!!
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Its that bad, seriously

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My photography skills is going downhill

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It is not for you...i flipped a coin.

I want to give you something

But i have second thoughts. Perhaps tomorrow???

Happy Valentine's!!!

Some short poem on Valentine's:

Hayle Bishop Valentine whose day this is
All the Ayre is thy Diocese
And all the chirping Queristers
And other birds ar thy parishioners
Thou marryest every yeare
The Lyrick Lark, and the graue whispering Doue,
The Sparrow that neglects his life for loue,
The houshold bird with the redd stomacher
Thou makst the Blackbird speede as soone,
As doth the Goldfinch, or the Halcyon
The Husband Cock lookes out and soone is spedd
And meets his wife, which brings her feather-bed.
This day more cheerfully than ever shine
This day which might inflame thy selfe old Valentine.
—John Donne, Epithalamion Vpon Frederick Count Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth marryed on St. Valentines day

The rose is red, the violet's blue
The honey's sweet, and so are you
Thou are my love and I am thine
I drew thee to my Valentine
The lot was cast and then I drew
And Fortune said it shou'd be you
-Gammer Gurton's Garland (1784)

Doing a survey at Esplanade website

"Now, please think about Esplanade’s website. What should Esplanade create on its website to be the best website in the world? If you were the Director of Marketing for Esplanade, what would you design or install on Esplanade’s website for that matter? Why?"

The way the question is formatted is so hilarious in the sense where it looked like an essay structured question. You shall have 15 mins to complete and its open book. Total marks 30. Word limit: 550 words.

Twinkle, twinkle little star…

How I wonder what you are

Up above the sky so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle little star

Let me glaze at you one more time

When a star twinkle, it meant the star is going to die soon. Where the star will burst into flame and let off some halogen gases. Shortly after, a new star will then be re-born, and after gazillion light years, the same cycle will be repeated. Again and again, like a vicious cycle. And life itself is yet another vicious cycle. You experience the sweetness, then the bitterness, the sourness and the sweetness. Then the bitterness, followed by the sourness, likes a cycle. Life is thus like a cycle because somehow, everything will hit back to you. Be it the good ones or the bad ones.

The cycle of life is so complicated to the extend whereby you wouldn't know at which stage you are at. And the progress you are heading along to. You could be at the ending stage and next, you could proceed back. Back by a step or two and the duration of your cycle could be longer than others. Alright, just forget about this paragraph if you do not understand what I am talking about.

Let's try a poem. Whoever thinks poem ought to rhyme? Just have a meaning and it will be as perfectly beautiful as everything once holds to everyone.

The times and Newsweek

Which I subscribed to every week

With prices so steep

It was hard to sleep

And so I count sheep

Thousand of sheep

I counted every night

One day

Newsweek stopped arriving in my letterbox

And that day was the week after Boxing Day


Since it was a special double

And that was it

The week was never the same

Without you,


For you enlighten me

Bright up my world

And made me feel at peace.

It's you

Which is so magical.

There is something so unspoken about you

The magic

And everything within

Into yet another dimension.

Let us

Get into a dimension

And never to return

Into the dimension

Of Fun



The poem was so bad, I know, and nonsensical. But soon, such nonsensical poem might be a new literature hit. Just kidding…

It's time to hit the slack back again!

I so want to eat!

Where to eat???

Nice food that is nice…

Best hidden food places?!?!?!

I know of one!!! SERIOUSLY

And it's zhi cha (however you spell it) and you must pre-order, otherwise you must wait for 2 hours. No kidding!!! And the food is nice and heavenly. YUMMY!!!!!!

Funny convo, since I was so bored and she was so there and I think it’s alright for us to chat :)

Y: So you went out with <another girl's name> during new year's eve?

Me: Which eve? Chinese or Ang Moh. (don't ask me why I even ask such a question…I'm so exhausted to even think properly)

Y: Ang Moh

Me: Ya

Y: Not awkward meh? With her boyfriend?

Me: A bit lah.


We talk about how I have the vouchers and how <girl> and me and he are together on that eve.


Then we talk about the movie that we watched.

Me: So we watched separate movies.

Y: Why?

Me: Because I want to watch The Tourist and <girl> want to watch Fockers


Quite unlikely for her to talk to me about such things. Ok, its like how someone could know my matriculation card number without me telling him. Or how xxx knows my room phone number.

Life is about waiting for the promises one delivers

Perhaps I am past caring on the small talks and treat each and every sentence as something which one meant it. so when you say something like, Good morning, I just take it that you genuinely want to greet me, right from your heart. Your facial/body language might betray you, but I still appreciate it and my opinion of you won't change. In short, I'm past caring to decipher the hypocoristic of even a simple greeting. If you have to guard yourself so firmly against such "harmless" things, must why you just go hide in your room?

Promises are so easy to make, but hard to fulfill. Empty promises. Like We should hang out together some day! You know that is not going to happen….but I thought I will.

Not today, sorry L Perhaps we shall have lunch next week? When next week approaches, you are so not free and leave me so disappointed.

Ok, I sounded so naïve here. But I'm sick and tired of promises or comments made and is not fulfilled. Maybe you do not mean it, or just due to time constrain that it cannot materialized. Who should I blame? Its not my fault, neither its yours. Blame the horoscope….maybe our star sign just do not match perfectly.

February is a real hectic month

With the dreaded CNY away, which meant there isn't any visiting to do, hypocritical creatures to meet. It is thus great, and perhaps I might be in a better mode. See you guys again next year! Or just during Grandpa's birthday. And there we go all over again.

February, with quite a fair lot of assignments and essays and exhibitions to cover. It is of no wonder I'm so exhausted already. Somehow, something is lacking in February. I do not know what will bring that the passion back.

November was full of gist, and December, equally great, with the fire and positive energy. January started with a bang, and by mid-Jan, the fire was gone. Poof, and was gone. Perhaps 2010 was such a great year that it's a pity for 2010 to be gone. I so want to remain in 2010, and not 2011. Look to the past and stay stagnant forever. Travel forward, and great surprises awaits.

It is something like you just don't feel like doing anything. And heavy eye bags, puffy eyes. In the morning when one wake up, you just know its just another day. JUST ANOTHER DAY. Not a day which is bright, the sun is shining brightly, the air is crisp and all that. Greetings were light-hearted, with a smile, from the heart and you mean it. now, the greetings are still from the bottom of my heart and I meant it. but there is a feel which is gone. This feel is so difficult to explain. You just knew something is amiss.

Thank goodness it is all ending soon in another 3 weeks. And I will be off to have total relaxation, a theatre to catch next month, and a musical on April. Oh yes, not forgetting another play on April, which I had yet to buy the tickets.

And it is such a pity that a wonderful and beautiful and pure friendship is going to be ending soon, through no fault of either party. We still say our Hi and Byes. I so want to talk with you, but I do not have any topic to talk about. I can't be so dead random and like SMS you, THE WEATHER'S GREAT TODAY, DON'T YOU THINK SO? This friendship is pure because it works in such a special way. we are not looking for favours from each other. We just talk, and chat and bitch. But never request either to help with major things like…..give vouchers or anything like that. Not like someone, whom always pester me for vouchers. We are comfortable with each other, and no, we do not think too much about it. It's going to end soon, and all I'm asking is for the one last chance to be as friends which have a common shared memories which I will cherish…FOREVER. <3

Hope to be friends forever, friends whom don't communicate with each other. But we know we are friends, who can relate to each other truly well. Perhaps it is all not meant to be. Perhaps we are waiting for each other to call/SMS with a simple 'Hi'. Friendship works in a funny way.


the gifts expensive one hor
i bet my gifts is the most expensive one from an indivoidual
ms yap one costed 19.90 liao leh

Randal says:
i rly wonder where u get so much money from
oh ya
i rmb ur room is a bank

Perhaps its all not meant to be

Need a real break soon, else i will die. I cannot keep facing everyone with the same expression. Its time for a fresh one, and am feeling exhausted.

Will have a food post soon, I promised

Stars Awards 2011!!!

The nominees had been revealed! So was the nominees expected? I think it's a big fat NO! For the first time, CHEN HAN WEI name was not there! Perhaps it's time for Tay Ping Hui??? Hope so, for the sake of some formal recognition of his acting skills.

As expected, Breakout (Mediacorp's mega production) has so called dominated a majority of the nominees. You can't fault Mediacorp, since I believe the company had spend quite a number of fortune on the productions. And also as in previous years, Mediacorp's long running series (Your Hand In My) had quite a few nominations.

Best Actor
Christopher Lee - Breakout
Elvin Ng - Breakout
Qi Yu Wu - The Family Court
Tay Ping Hui - The Family Court
Shaun Chen - Your Hand in Mine

Christopher had not been on the google box for a long while. Elvin's role is quite good and creative. But somehow I think he overdid it. anyway, Breakout is not a very nice drama if u ask me. It is not just the acting, but the so unrealistic script. Channel 8 drama ought to be something whereby it is realistic and simple.

Shaun Chen nomination here is quite unexpected. Actually I had forgotten about him in his role of the bad guy in Your Hand In Mine. But his acting is quite consistent, especially so for such a long drama (180 episodes). His nomination clearly shows the efforts he had put in. With him pitting against big names like Christopher and Tay ping Hui, chances of him winning is very slim.

Best Actor would be a contest between Christopher and Tay Ping Hui, and I definitely hope Tay Ping Hui will win after being nominated in the same category for donkey years. It is nice to see a fresh face once a while.

Best Actress
Chen Li Ping - Unriddle
Jeanette Aw - Breakout
Zhou Ying - Breakout
Joanne Peh - Your Hand in Mine
Rui En - With You

Chen Li Ping has once against showed the audience her worth. But she ought to be nominated for her role in Your Hand In Mine too, with her catch phrase, 雞蛋炒鴨蛋。Jeanette Aw, with her weird accent in Breakout sure had diminished her chance. Anyway, she had been nominated since 2009 till now and had yet to win, edging out to Joanne Peh and Chen Li Ping. It just shows she is good enough for just a nomination, but not an award. Anyway, both Joanne and Jeanette's Wikipedia page does not have their photos, compared to Rui En. Joanne Peh is fun to watch in Your Hand In Mine, especially so for her role as Jin Lian.

Rui En, with her serious acting in Unriddle is also quite a joy to watch too. But Unriddle is a show where the script is interesting too, and it complements well with the actress acting. Zhou Ying, with her nice naïve acting, is quite an overkill.

Best Actress would be going to Rui En for sure. It is now her time to shine.

Best Supporting Actor
Andie Chen - Precious Babes
Darren Lim - Breakout
Terence Cao - The Best Things In Life
Yao Wen Long - The Family Court
Zzen - Unriddle

The first thing that came to my mind is Terence Cao. Either he gets it or don't. I dare say the competition here is the widest because all the nominees have equal chances of winning the award. Darren with his usual comical acting certainly is tops, but wont one be tired of such acting??? But still, he's the one with the experience.


Best Supporting Actress
Ann Kok - The Family Court
Cynthia Koh - Happy Family
Lin Mei Jiao - Breakout
Pan Ling Ling - Breakout
Xiang Yun – Unriddle

Ann Kok, who had quite a few roles recently is up for another nomination. Will she win this time round? Or will veteran Pan Ling Ling and Xiang Yun win? Pan Ling Ling ought to be also nominate for her role in Your Hand In Mine as Dolly.

It’s the phase in life yet again

Where one tends to be tempted to embark on yet another journey in life, where you'll never know the end results. Where changes are going to be made in a drastic way. Where everything and anything which once stood nicely is going to not be the same.

It seemed like a phenomenal that occurs in everyone's life in some point. It is just a matter of time. When you re-evaluate the relation between you and others, and however well you think you could remain status quo. Naturally, it will be the time you are sick and tired of certain people. And usually, the people will reveal to you their ugly side. But despite knowing their character, one might continue to be with them. For whatsoever reasons. And naturally, get hurt again by their ugly side. And you could not turn to anyone, because you knew they would do it to you again, but despite knowing it, you still continue to be treated in that way. Are you just plain stupid or ignorant.