I hear, I see, I post: December 2010

A post I promised to you to blog about

Ok, I had finally found the time to just describe whatever had happened on Monday. About how 2 freaks were sitting next to me, chatting about weird stuffs. I was with my "family" having our lunch when this 2 people walked in. They looked like they are in their teens. And one of them was carrying a DSLR. A canon EOS! How I wanted that so badly! Anyway, did I add in that I'm at a middle-class styled restaurant.

Alright, so when they walked in, I presume them to be just another random customer. Little did I know they were freaks! And I knew the first sign when the one with the DSLR said "We must strategize first…we'll wait for about 10 minutes before placing our order." Then they discuss about what they wanted to eat. Since there's a free side with every purchase of a main course, they took an even longer time to plan.

DSLR: So which side you one

The other guy: Fried?

D: are you serious?!?!?! Its like the cheapest!!! Why not change it to dessert?

T: Its alright.

And as usual, trying to take the full advantage of the freebies, by ordering the most expensive free stuffs. Well, since they had paid good money for their meals. $14 plus for a main course, which comes with a free $8 plus sides. So in the end, they just sit there for 20 minutes talking about the menu. Just a freaking menu for 20 wholesome minutes. The DSLR was like talking about how he did not want Fish and Chips and tried to discourage his friend from not taking Fries as a side since a) It's the Cheapest and 2) There's fries in Fish and Chips. Never mind. Since his friend is allergic to seafood.

DSLR sure is indecisive about ordering his food, since he kept commenting on not wanting pasta, fish and chips, and almost everything.

That was not all. DSLR was quite fun to observe. They ordered his friend's order, with a drink which cost $1 (and as usual, one of the most expensive drink). And he wanted a special order, to change the ice-cream flavor. Sadly to say, it was not allowed since its all blended nicely together. Oh well, think of the disappointed look on his face.

And then, his friend started to pass him something. A SQ plane if I'm not wrong. And DSLR was like "Woah…so small and light" and then they talk about the plane.

Later, DSLR proceed to order Breaded Chicken with Fried shrimps as his side(the most expensive, costing $9 plus). And if that's not all, they continue to bitch about the service staff. About how no one's taking their order for 10 minutes and how one service staff response to his question. It goes something like this:

D: Excuse me, may I add on to my order please?

Staff: Wait arh….(and she ran off)

D: So rude, if you are not able to take our order, at least say I'll call my colleague to serve you or something.

On a side note, at the restaurant, the staffs wearing white polo tees are not able to take your orders. Only the ones wearing red collar shirt are able to place your orders. And no, DSLR is not bitching about how the staff(wearing white) is reluctant to place his order, but just her response. But we must give DSLR full credit since he is quite understanding about how the system worked. But the place is quite crowded for lunch and so, I don't blame either.

So, DSLR ordered his meal.

And after that, they started to talk about how his friend who just went to Australia for a study trip. And how the friend faked sick so as to not perform the skit and presentation. And then DSLR started to talk about how, in doing projects, everything must be in Black and White so as to evade all errors. Seemed like they are taking projects too seriously, and are so afraid of being the scapegoat. And how leaders are the first in line to receive the scolding from the tutors for any thing bad to happen. And thus, he evaded being the leader. Smart choice, I must admit.

And somehow, their subject changed to the bible. About how DSLR believed in the "Big Bang theory"…and they goes on to say that if god created them, why you pale in comparison with other creations of god? Like mountain tops, sunset and much more. And if god does exist, why does he allows motorway crashes and the likes to happen. And how DSLR love to contradict by saying, in the bible, there is something about "balance", about how we must have the bad stuff for the good stuff. Something like a trade off.

And they went on to talk about how on FB, a friend of theirs kept posting quotes from the bible and almost each and every status updates will have god/lord/him/father…..

And on that day, that FB friend said that she had a nightmare. And they went on to say something like "Did she not dreamed about god???" quite a sarcastic remark to their FB friend.

And they went on about how DSLR friend commented "Jesus love you" and such stuffs to his SMS greetings…his friend started to say that that is the reason why he did not post such Xmas greetings. And they had a joke made out with "Jesus Loves You"…it is very and extremely politically incorrect. Their debate about such things are so full of political incorrectness. And the joke is:

D: But I'm so sorry, I'm not gay

Friend: lol

Its like how jesus love everyone and since jesus is a guy, and DSLR is a guy, that must make them gay.

Thank goodness, by then, their food had arrived. This ought to shut their mouth for a while.

And they talked about their science teacher, how DSLR knew almost each and every teacher addresses. And how he's going to spring a surprise by posting a New Year card to them. Woah, such a great student.

And they bitch about their physics teacher and his qualifications and lame jokes. Like how you'll die if you jumped from UOB tower whilst in mid-air, due to terminal velocity. And they continued throughout what degree their teacher had. And somehow, the subject changed to sub-particles molecules. And how anti-metals are so weird, with protons being negatively charged…it is so freaky. Such a freaky conversation which makes me goes."erm…."

And the last straw was with DSLR asking…I don't care about this and I don't wish to know. Because telling me this is akin to me telling you that if a company proposed dividends, we must debit interim dividends and credit dividends payable. And since dividends are proposed, they must be paid up in full within the next balance sheet financial year, thus is a liability that the company is having, thus is of a credit nature.


And that's when I leave the place.

ION Orchard Starbucks

Its true....a man collapsed at ION Orchard Starbucks today, 29-Dec-2010, at about 10am.
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Orchard Rd-Part 1

Went to Orchard today for almost 10 hours....

Arrived before the shops are operating

ION Orchard

ISETAN Pte Sales @ Shaw Centre

Look at the crowds!
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Here’s to a New 2011

New Year's approaching real soon in less than 5 days. And the annual tradition of listing your New Year's resolution shall commence. But the thing is that I do not know what are my resolutions. So I might give a shot here.

  1. Save enough money for a dream holiday

    Currently, I'm short of tons of money to go on a dream holiday. Which holiday deserves to cost a bomb? Mine own stupid holiday! People who have heard of this proclaimed that I'm too free to be even planning such a holiday. Alright, here goes:

    From Singapore, take a cruise to Hong Kong. This cruise trip would already cost at least SGD$8000 with the taxes for 1 person. And from Hong Kong, stay there for 1 week, and explore nearby Macau as well. And from Hong Kong, hopped onto a Queen Mary or Princess to Dubai. From Dubai, take another cruise to Europe via the Suez Canal. And then, backpack about south Europe. And head to Finland, and finally, take a cruise from Finland/Sweden to the UK. Explore UK and take a cruise to New York. That's what I called a dream holiday. And of course, you need to be bloody rich.

    Taking the expenses…say I save $50 per month

    3 yrs * 12 *50 = $1800 (saving from allowance)

    2yrs * 12* 800=$19200 (NS pay)

    ======At aged 25/26=========

    2yrs *15*1500=$45000 (After graduating from University…2 yrs with 15 month and starting pay of $1.5k per month)

    3yrs*15*2500=$75000 (Pay rise after 2 yrs hopefully!!!...to $2.5k per mth)

    ======At aged 30===========

    3yrs*15*3000=$135000 (Pay rise after working for 5 years to $3k per month)


    Total amount of money earned from aged 17 till aged 33-35….amounted to $276000

    And take it that I spend 40% of the money, so I'll be left with $165600

    And save only 80% of the money, so in my savings account will have $$132480


    Is that enough for the dream holiday? NO!!!!!!!! backpacking round Europe is quite a small sum, at a cost of say $35k? So no worries about that. And for the cruise between UK and New York, cost about US$2.5k for a decent balcony cabin. And its Cunard. 8 days from Southampton to New York. Sounded like a good deal isn't it?


  2. To not be so bad to others

    I'm literally quite a bad person. I love to take advantage of the situations to my own advantage. Like how I mistreat some of my friends…and misled them into giving me a treat. I also love it on how I call people to reserve a seat for me and my friends, before calling him to scram off. Since he's in the vicinity. Its kind of a typical human nature, so, no choice. But then, having seen numerous ugly human nature, I swear to not emulate them. Its bad for everyone. And in the end of the day, you might be in the losing end when people knew what you really are and what you stand for.

    I'm also quite sarcastic to other people and especially my friends. That's known as bitching as well….


  3. To bitch about others less

    Its not a crime to bitch isn't it? At least we do not make up tales of the person, we're just saying our 2 cents opinion about the person among ourself. And if that bothers you that much, we're not sorry and unapologetic at all. What you can do? Bitch back or sit in a corner and cry. It was just a few days ago that I had a meet-up with some people. And it's the Christmas period. And how we bitch about other people. Still remember the joke on one individual who like to act as though he's so high class and much better than other people….a kind of snob. And Alicia was like, If he's so high class, why does he still have a girlfriend who is staying in a HDB…come on, he is staying in just a small pathetic condominium at Bukit Gombak. I bet you that her HDB at Punggol cost much more lor. And what??? He is going to Europe in mid-July next year? Alright….just go and hope that he don't break up with his girlfriend in the end

    The art of bitching is a unique art. So unique to others. And the best part is to bitch about the person in front of him without him knowing we are all bitching about him.


  4. As usual, to obtain better grades

    My grades are going downhill…..and now, I freaking want a GPA of at lest 3.0 by the end of the term!!!!! It's a FREAKING MUST!!!


  5. Make friends, not fight

    I always have a tendency to fight with a lot of people, or give them the dao look. And so, I'm so friggin surprised at myself that I did not really fight verbally with my classmates. And this makes me kinda uneasy with myself. And its not like the past where not a single day will get by without me getting into a scream/quarrel/fight/abuse with other people…like throwing markers/dusters/pens/paper/newspaper and everything. Even I had fought with the most patient guy in the class. What more could you say??? Maybe I had changed for the better? Hope not :D


So, here's my new year resolution for 2011. What's yours? Make a list and compare it with your past. If it is kind of repetitive, you know you are in the wrong track. So long! :D

Pictorial: My mood

Caged with-in the house

The weather today's great! There's no rain, yet the weather and clouds looks like it's threatening to rain. But I'm stuck in the house the whole day with nothing to do at all! Maybe just a short trip to Orchard where i literally reached there, walk about ION Orchard for just 30 minutes, and took the train back. Life is getting so bored. Since everyone had been busy with projects and whatnot.

I'm so bored that I'm in shambles...and am prepared to jump down the ledge

Looking up, my emotions stired as a cage. Will it rain later???

But with a different angle, I knew I'm covered in safety.
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The previous post sounded so freaky

Yup, and so a follow-up….

Lovers of the day is a game to be played for fun!!!! Between 2 or more close friends, preferably a group where everyone pretends to be attached to each other and hold hands and share food and everything. Just like what couples do, minus the kissing and embrace.

Part 2- Life in 2010

Here's wishing everyone a happy new year. Hoping everyone have a remarkable 2010!!! And since 2010 is going to pass real soon.

Life is akin to a journey. And love, a type of feelings which is indescribable. You just knew that you love a person. In the capacity of a friend. That's just for me, to fall in love with friendships. The relationships between 2 people. That's friendship. Not that romance thing.

Friends who have no qualms about your current social status, who are there for better or worse, in sickness and near death. These are known as true friends. Who will be by your side no matter what tomorrow might bring about. I had heard of such friends, but never experience such people before. They are like non-existence. Its kinda complicated. Friends who are there just for the sake of company. Like me. I'm one guilty party. But I know I'm always there for my friends. Because I love all of my friends.

Love to the extend where I can just live for everyone sake and then have them climb over my head. And that's when it's the final straw and I'll want to fight with them. And its quite a miracle how 2010 panned out. And it make me reaffirmed my stance on romance. I'm not a firm believer in romance, having seen a lot of people falling in love and falling out of it. However, we still must keep the faith. Where they are together when its their most happiest moment, and its their limelight. And when they broke off, I would advice them that its no one's loss. It is everyone's gain, since they had some of the most blissful memories of their life. Its true! Whatever the reason they broke off, be it social background, his/her social circle, it is a fact that they used to be in love with each other. And you might say that a fool will look back in the past. But at least accept and acknowledge the fact that they are together once and are happy.

Whatever that happened to the fire of passion is of no importance. Since we are all young, thus my mindset might differ by abit. We are all there for the experience. For whatever it might brings. Better or worse. Romance might die, but love will not. I'm trying to make a point but its not a strong one. Just cherish the moment. Its good to love someone. Be it the other party know it anot. And it is not a pity when you love someone and the someone did not feel the same for you till much later. And that's when you had gave up to that someone.

Love to me is somewhat playing "Lovers of the day". Where in the span of 4/5/6 hours you willingly or nor pretend to be an item. Exploring each other emotions and personalities. Embracing each other's flaws and learn to live with it. Emphasize on their advantages and positive aspect. And focus more on that than their flaws. Try it on a close friend. The one friend whom you think will have no qualms about kissing you just on a quick outburst of emotions and not feel embarrassed/awkward to you or her boyfriend or anyone, including herself, metaphorically speaking. Its akin to be to together without the romantic feeling. The game is nice and fun to play, for it allows you to rediscover your relationship with the other person and re-evaluate yourself.



A post without proper planning-Part 1

Its been 24 post since Yummy-Lickin-Licious was set-up. To be serious, it was planned to be a foodie guide to great food. However, over numerous posts, it might contain to yummy-treats for the soul as well, and to the eyes. Just like how I panned out this post. Everything wasn't planned well in the beginning. Life journey's akin to a train journey. A board game, about trains. Ticket to Ride to be exact. Whereby, without the journey cards and the correct colour, you'll never be able to continue on the journey.

The journey right now might not be in your way. It might have its ups and downs, with the various obstacles, with people blocking your tracks. But once when you build a station, you'll be able to bypass them efficiently, with just a colour card. And the best thing about the journey is not that you'll complete it. Because, you might not even have a chance to complete it. But you'll be able to participate in it. And that's the joys of life journey. To be part of it.

Along the way of being part of the journey, where you'll know that there are other people vying with you to reach the same destinations, tracks. Along the way, being part of the journey. Experience the experience. Live the experience. Past through the time. And wheeze thru the end. The journey might end before you have complete one. But you'll be able to have as many journey tickets as you one. You are entitled to have a lot of journeys to choose from. You could aim for one, two or many, and not completing a single one at all. The most important aspect is for you to at least start on the journey somewhere. Be it the middle, the ending or just any random spot. Just make your move for this journey.

And talking about journey, it's been great to meet co-worker. I've not kept contact with him since March and there's no way I'm going to indulge his name. Common name anyway. The first child of Adam and Eve. Yup. He's "unfocused" in life. I understand that one ought not judge a person no matter how chummy we are with the person. Its just plain rude. But I'm not judging, I'm observing him and making my own stand. He's almost in his mid-twenties. Managed to excel in school, since he managed to sit for his A-levels. And if I'm not wrong, he obtained relatively good grades for his A-levels. But not good enough for a place in university which offer a course he prefers. After his A-levels, he enlist to the Army and since then, had been working part-time, while continuing his studies at a private university. So he's like after his stint at the Army, he worked for 2 years? And managed to save enough money to enroll for a private university. And hopefully he will have a degree at his first attempt.

And right now, till the point we lost touch, he's still working part-time while studying during evening. A normal middle-class family background like most of the people here, but bounded by the yet so different circumstances. A proper pair of parents, living in a 3/4 roomed HDB flat, sharing a room with a younger brother, and with grandparents staying with them. Bounded by the norm, he ought to enroll at any course he is eligible at the first chance. His parents might be able to afford the tuition fees. However, he knew for himself that even if he managed to breeze through the course he's eligible for, he would not enjoy it. And so, why would he torture himself. It's glad to know he had his life charted out somewhat. But its abit too late. But then again, the journey of life is not for one to complete it, but at least to make a move, including bypasses and detours. The journey had been charted out for you, but you have to be part of it. Its no use having a place in university, but not attending lessons at all. Agree?

This person had really got me thinking. If I want to end up like him. Thank god I managed to obtain a decent grade to enroll at one of the better course I had want to do. It is pointless to have a degree in engineering where your passion is in law or mass media. It would be weird and life would be less ful-filling, though the pay and prospect might be better. And so, I know what I want and strive to achieve it. Plan the journeys I want, and be part of it. But I know I might not complete it, but I would have a sense of accomplishment if I know I'm part of it and that I had tried it. And I need not try to complete it, but just be in it for all of my journey.

And of course, there isn't any room for regrets at the end, because at one point, that decision you had made is what you had really wanted. Have a good boxing day!

2010 Christmas- Joy, laughter and tears

2010 had truly been a quick year. It felt it was just yesterday when its new year's day. And time flies real quick when 2010 had been relatively a slack year. It's the year without any major national examinations, and the mid-term papers are relatively easy to pass. None of the dramatic hectic schedule that I had in 2009.

2010, a year where I met awesome people. People who are way out of the world. And as usual, there's this few people whom you've met in the year that you are most grateful for. For without them, 2010 would not be the same without them. They might just be passer-by, but the impact is magnificent.

Christmas had been a joy this year. With a small-scale gathering among a few friends for the countdown, and not hitting the cinema. Christmas gifts exchanges was the most crumble some. Its because among our small group of 5 people, 2 are an item. And it's the first Christmas eve that they are together. It's a real honour to be with them. And its because of them that we started to fight. It's a gift exchange and we've decided that Tim couldn't choose Alicia's presents and vice versa. Otherwise it'll not be fun. However, Tim disagree and suggested we do the exchanges by picking lots. And that's when we started fighting and shouting about stuffs. Its amazing on how we can argue from such a trivia matters to Tim shouting at me and Evan for disturbing his and Alicia date. And that's the final straw, when Alicia sulk and decided to ignore Tim.

Tim: Hey, you always crash on our date and I did not even say a single thing!

Bryan: We plan all the dates in advance, and you and Alicia did not comment or anything

Me: Shut it!!!

Alicia: Tim, just stop it.

And that's not all. It even dragged on from "crashing of dates" to how Alicia and Tim did not make time for us, and how Alicia always doge in paying for the meals. And how Alicia used to pay for their dates. And how Alicia had been treating everyone. It's the worst argument one can have on Christmas Eve. And everyone was so angry that Bryan threw the present on the ground!!! Everyone was shocked, including Bryan himself. That's when the atmosphere become less chaotic. Thank goodness we're in Bryan's house. Else everyone would be staring at us shouting and screaming and nudging each other.

And that's when everyone started to cool down and we've decided to go by Tim's wishes. As always, we listen to Tim…perpetually. Although Tim sounded easy going, by saying anything. But is not anything. And I drew a present from Alicia. We had agreed to just tag the presents in a black garbage bag and draw lots to see who picked the presents first. Bryan goes first and received a pair of gloves from Tim. I went second and received a Parker Pen from Alicia and Alicia received a unisex SWATCH from Bryan. So Tim received a Ferrari die-cast from me. And I did not see what the fuss is all about.

We reached Bryan's house at around 8pm, argue for 30 minutes and started to change the presents. By 9.30pm we started to eat the roast turkey and the log cake. Thereafter, we took out Bryan's newly bought "Ticket to ride". It's a nice game to play.

And at around 11pm, we headed outside and took a stroll to Orchard Rd, since it's a short stroll.

Walked and hang-around. Orchard Rd was sooooo crowded. And after a while, decided to head back to Bryan.

And reached Bryan's. Pop the mocktail and all the weird drinks out.

Blue coral, Vodka and much more tequila shot and rainbow concoction. Champagne from 2007 and tons more. And Italian soda. Its amazing how Bryan managed to mixed all the drinks, with or without alcohol.


Christmas was a fun-filled day too.

Taboo and everything and anything

Christmas 2010 was fun, with a follow up on resolutions made in 2009.

Did not managed to accomplish a single resolution. Because I've not had a new year resolution back then.

Cheers everyone and have another awesome new year ahead!!!!


Merry Christmas!

It's the season of joy and giving and receiving. Yup, and I've had compiled a list of the present I had given out and received. Its a lot more than the past year. Somehow, I had always feel like Christmas is a time to "earn" some money, since the money I used to buy the present is always less than the value of the gifts I've received! A Christmas trade surplus, where gifts receivables are more than gifts given! Ok, so here goes:

Gifts given by me to others:

2 box of pens which cost about $35

4 Mobile strap cost about $10

Marks and Spencer sweets cost $8

Numerous Die-cast of cars cost $35

2 Die-cast of planes (from SIA) cost $36

3 Calendar planner/schedule booklet cost $43

Eye-mask with facial mask and another die-cast of a plane cost $30

USB thumb drive (4GB) cost $15

3 customized Key-chains cost $30

5 Cathay movie tickets with popcorns cost $50

Gifts I had received:

I know it's bad of me to decipher the value of the gifts, and I'll feel bad if the gifts are too expensive. It's a kind of sticky social awkwardness situations. A double whammy if you ask me. To check the price or not to. But depending on the gifts you received, you'll know the market price right? This year, I half-expected to have a Christmas trade deficit, because I bought presents for almost my whole class. But it's the Christmas spirit again, so who really cares?

Starbucks Tumbler. Thank you very much for this amazing gifts. Still waiting for you to design the tumbler!

Pair of Cathay Cineplex tickets. Thank you very much!!!

I did not know what else I might received. But it's a little bad of me to be counting the eggs even before they are hatched.

So long, and Merry Christmas!!!!!

Orchard Rd

A hotel tuck somewhere along Orchard Rd

Two Good To Be True

Orchard Road Christmas Decorations...explaining the true meaning of Christmas

FOREVER 21!!!!!!! 313@Somerset
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Orchard Rd

ION FOOD HALL-Serving one of the most expensive food in S'pore!!!
Live at the Apollo!!!

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Pacific Coffee

If one could not comprehend what the fuss is all about Pacific Coffee is all about, let me explain.

The cake is delicious! Not too sweet either!
Vanilla Latte is the best you could get in town. Its a nice alternative from Starbucks and Coffee Bean. And the pricing's competitive too. $7 onwards for a huge cup of cuppa.

I'm so not going to be so naive and stupid and anything to tag you in a picture and have you delete me from mine FB!!!!!!!!!!!! Wise Up already!!!! New resolution: To increase my FB friends!!!


Felt so depressed!!!!!!!!! Added tons of ex-classmates. Its great to know that they had move on in life and are equally good in their own life makes me depress. Like I'm a stark in comparison with them. And I used to be quite close with them. And the worst of all is that they still somehow keep in close contact with each other. And they left me out. Whatever. IDgAF

Meet up with Joshua this evening. And yup and everything. So I still keep-in-touch with ex-classmates.whatever. my life is so dammmmed freaking freaklish pathetic.

And I had 2 movie tickets for my Christmas present from timothy! Thanks pal! Passed them to Hilary and her BF since they want to watch meet the parents. And also, this season, there isn't really any nice movie that is die die must watch. Yogi bear? Not interested. The tourist? Download from the internet. Meet the Parents? Not interested…the American accent…tsk tsk tsk. Theres nothing interesting in the cinema. I think I might just as well sign up for the omni theatre pass to watch jaw-dropping images, IMAX styled documentaries. Its much more interesting and the annual pass is like less than $50. Sure can recoup the money if I visit it every week! Ok, I might be a freak visiting Science Centre every week. But where else could I go??? A way to stop me from hanging-out at Starbucks…

An unexpected slightly fun-filled day

Thanks to Starhub, which disconnect my house from having any access from the internet, I had to leave my house. Yup, Starhub had paralyse me by not allowing any form of modern technology in my house. That includes the house phone, internet, television. Both free-to-air and cable channels. Thank you very much, Starhub. This made me realize how crippled am I when technology fails.

Took 156, with an intention to give Hui Ting a surprise. In the end, it’s a surprise, but its me. Not her. I was somewhere around the “T-intersection” near Singapore Polytechnic when I called her. No one picks up the phone.

So, I just continued my journey. Along the way, you can observe that NUS is constructing new buildings. Guild House, Hostel and a new hall. Makes me want to change my future plans. With the spanning new buildings. I might enroll in the year 2016/2017 and that’s when all the building are constructed. And the circle line and downtown line would be completed too. So accessible from my house. We shall see how the future pan out.

From a bus-stop, I hopped onto a bus. Wanting to spring Hui Ting a surprise. So on board the bus, I called her again. This time, Li Ting answered. I hate her and we literally had a fight once because one of them keep wanting me to shut up during our first gathering. I was like answering Yvonne question and Li Ting kept cutting us. And that was the last straw.

But that incident was ages ago. And we had somewhat cooled down. Li Ting just shouted loudly that Hui Ting was in her hostel and they were doing their projects and did not have the time to entertain me. Whatever.

And just then my sister called. So I met her for lunch at Clementi. Blk 442 or 441. The food centre. Ate the duck rice. One of the nicest. Ate the duck rice before and the chilli’s great. Not too spicy. And a tinge of sourness. Yummy!

And I just casually told me sister about KOI tea. And she treated me to one milk tea! But there’s a cache: I need to deliver the tea to her to her office. Whatever, since I get to enjoy free milk tea.

Regretted wanting to drink KOI milk tea. The first taste was sour…yucks!!! And the pearl is too sweet. And I ordered with 25% sugar. Never mind. Its free. Pearl is so sticky and yucky. Am not trying KOI anytime soon. Don’t understand what the fuss is all about. because of the long waiting time (waited for about 20 minutes) I managed to see how they prepared the drinks. They used the metal bottle to shake it. So, am trying to create my own version of milk tea.

After delivering the milk tea to my sister, went to Vivocity. As usual, I find Pacific Coffee as a place to chill for almost 2.5 hours. Asked them which drink is the nicest and the barista recommended the Mocha Espresso Chillichino. Nice. Nicer than the Starbucks drink. What to expect when Starbucks is for the penniless????

Met 2 friends and headed to Central(the HK-styled café). Overheard a young couple commenting that the prices are too expensive. Which I think its not too expensive. Are Singaporeans getting poorer?

Ordered something like Ice-Kachiang. With Durian and aloe velar. Not nice. Too sweet and everything.

KOI Milk Tea
Pacific Coffee Mocha Espresso-$7.50

Duck Rice-$3.00

A post dedicated to Wednesday

Went to Potong Pasir for lunch. Tried the Prawn Noodle and 5-spice. According to Hilary, the “pork sausage” is vegetarian. Having tried that for almost 7 years (the 5-spice shop used to be at Jackson) I still didn’t realize the “pork sausage” is vegetarian, till she pointed that out to me. The fried prawn is yummy! And she agreed. So if she says is yummy, that meant its yummy-lickin-licious. Just trust our taste and preference in food. And bought the food for like $3.90? For 1 fried prawn cracker, pork sausage, the nyong hiang, a rectangular orange-coloured piece of meat (which I presume it as pork). Nice and cheap.

And the prawn noodle. It’s stock is clear. And delicious. Not too overpowering or anything like that. Ordered the prawn noodle with pork rib. It cost $5 for a bowl. It is yummy. Have not tried the prawn noodle at Lavender, but Hilary said its still nicer. The onus is the prawn noodle at Lavender is “inflexible” in the sense that you could only choose either prawn or pork rib. Not a combination of both. Think I’m going to try that somedays. Just a word of caution: the waiting time is a little too long in my own opinion. We waited for about 20 minutes. Perhaps its due to the lunch crowd, so be prepared mentally for a long wait.

After that, went to the bank. Tried to withdraw $20 but the ATM proclaimed that I did not have enough money to withdraw the twenty. Upset. And I’m penniless. Oh well, whatever. If only I did not top-up a twenty to my Starbucks card on Monday. And so, I do not need to save money!

Talking about Starbucks, went on and redeemed a free Starbucks drink. Because I’m penniless. And “Starbucks is for the poor and penniless” and Hilary was like “right, yeah…”

Actually the free drink in actual fact belonged to her. But then we are soooo thirsty(from the prawn noodle? Or our talking?) that we had to share one drink. And the “anything” phenomenon occurred again.

Me: So what drink you want?

Her: Anything

Me:How about Peppermint Mocha?

Her: Don’t want

Barista: Toffee Nut?

Her: Cannot…have nut remember?
Me: Caramel Frap.?

We: Huh…Again???

Her: I want to try something I’ve not try before.

Her: Dark Chocolate Frap.

Me: Okies

It seemed that whenever either of us patronize Starbucks, we will bound to order a Caramel Frap. And it kind of gets boring after awhile. And we’ve not tried the Dark Chocolate Frap. Its nice!!!!!!

Thereafter, proceed to Orchard Rd/Penang Rd since Hilary want to visit spotlight. Spotlight is one of the places in Singapore that sells almost everything. From curtains to stationery to cloth, it have almost everything to fulfill your left brain. The creativity aspect. How could one not visit Daiso while one’s at Plaza Sing?

And we head to the museum. A record. Visited 2 exhibition and took almost 3 hours. Reached there about 3pm and left about 6pm. Time flies when you’re having fun. What a nice place to go to escape from the humidity and heat in this tropical island.

Took tons of photos and make ourselves look quite silly. Ok, its just me only. The photos are with her right now and hopefully she did not delete any of the photos.

Right after that, we proceed to City Hall MRT to meet Alex. And went to City Sq Mall. And tried Gong Cha for the first time. Its nice!!! Nicer than Ice-peach red tea from Each-a-cup or sweet-talk. Headed to subway. Thanks to Hilary for helping me pay for my meal. And just hang there for a long time. Took photos there too! With an unglam shot of Hilary. That’s epic.

Photos would be uploaded when I get the card back from Hilary. So long!

Today's a Wednesday

I love my lifestyle. It goes something like this (only for today)
Woke up. Freshen Up. Had a cup of Pura milk. Pura is the best brand in the supermarket. The taste is simply..."no horse run". Read the morning papers, which comprises of Straits Times, The New Paper, Lian He Zao Bao, and MyPaper. The news overlap each other. And I don't know why I still continue to read them. Its like all the papers are reporting on the same thing. Airport at England had closed due to the snow, a local football star had been convicted of some driving offenses, and there's a review of local sports community within the local school.

Talking about the review/report, i must comment on this. It is a little bit redundant to have that, because from what i read (i skim through), its all common sense. Like how coaches must invoke sportsmanship and players must be responsible for their own fitness. But then, can MOE or MCYS implement strong stringent guidelines and policies to police such things. We don't want another fight to occur again, don't you? Sure, accidents do happen, but then, we'll have a panel and all that and we're back to square one.

Alright, after the morning papers, I watched some clips on the net and update Facebook games. And then its to update this blog. And thereafter, for a shower. Its off to the SUpermarket.

NEX...the new shopping mall in Serangoon. Arrived there relative early, thus there isn't much shops open. Went to NTUC. But on the way there...spotted a Starbucks! Naturally, walked to Starbucks...and ordered a Caramel Frap. Tall sized without whip. Thats my safest bet when I did not know what I want to have.

At NTUC proceed to buy assorsted fruits. The fruits are not that fresh somehow. Some of the apples skins are black. BLACK! Shudder on the thought of it. And bought the HONEY ROASTED CHICKEN. QUite a small chicken and it cost less than $6. The reason is because today's a day to pay respect. While at NTUC XTRA near the hala counter which sells the chicken, I overheard an auntie asking the counter-staff which of the chicken taste nicer. I almost wanted to say this: "This is for praying...and not for you to eat...so why you care whichever is nicer???" And the way she asked is like "I think I prefer the taste of the black pepper chicken"...
And she have a kid in tow. Not sure if it's hers offspring or the offspring of her offspring. If the kid learnt this unacceptable behaviour of the auntie, then its too bad.

And I'm quite shocked when it comes to the bill. Wait, i proceed to comment that the NTUC XTRA at NEX is relatively quiet and empty. So, if you're staying around the area, be sure to check it out...

I bought:

1 Honey Roasted Chicken
12 assorted fruits (oranges and apples)
2 Pura Low Milk

The bill comes to around $18.55!!!!

Not sure if its cheap or expensive. Think its quite on the high side. Not sure if its cheaper if I buy it from the market...
Is it me or that the stuffs from NTUC is getting too expensive???

Delete me from FB for alll I care. I also do not wish to be in part of your life, or you in my life either. We've not talked for sooooo long, its just pointless.


My life isn’t that boring after all. Except on Monday. And I’m meeting people for food outings throughout the rest of the week. Meeting Hilary and her friend tomorrow, a mini gathering with ex-classmates on Thursday, 1-caramel with Denise on 29, Carousel on 30 with the awesome clique and Lunch buffet with Hilary and her boyfriend on New Year’s Eve.

I do not know how I’ll get by this 2 weeks. And not forgetting another gathering on Christmas Eve with Thomas, Alicia and Tim at Bryan’s awesome and wonderful Orchard Road condominium. Alright, it’s near Orchard Rd, but whatever.

This, coupled with the fact that Randal is going to pass me my stuffs from a SQ plane makes this Christmas all the more merrier. And did I mentioned that I’m meeting strangers whom I’ve never met before tomorrow?

Forget about the social awkwardness. Since everyone is to try nice food…and in the process of it, turning into a glutton. And its always to meet someone new. The food we’re going to try is Prawn Noodle at Potong Pasir. Near to the Jackson (now closed). And nearby, there’s a delicious stall selling 5 spices.

Yup. And tomorrow’s 凍結 which meant its time to eat “tang-yuan”. And also a time to pay respect to your late grandmother. So, if you are wondering where to buy the roast-chicken from for the offerings, fear not. You can buy them from Ubi. There’s this shop selling delicious roast duck/pork/chicken at a reasonable price. Otherwise, it’s always safe to try “Dian Xiao-er”

Now, I wonder where am I going to afford all that. Perhaps an advancement of my allowance?

A great news!!! My mom’s stock from One Chance is paying dividends!!! At 30cents per share. So, if she have a few hundreds shares, she will be receiving at least four hundred dollars. F-O-U-R-H-U-N-D-R-E-D dollars. Its a lot, and important to tide the family expenses over this tide time because CNY is going to be hear soon and with a eight and a half thousand dollars per month income the family is receiving, it’s just not enough. With the electricity bill, car expenses, food, air-con installment and many more. Monetary woes are the worst. And after paying all the installments (that’s like in June), my mom had decided to buy a coffee machine. Finally!!!

She broke the only coffee-machine in the house. Anyway, its an antique. Isn’t it? Its even older than me. An old model of BOSCH coffee machine. It’s made in West Germany FYI. And the products in the 80s are so much better than that now. If only the appliances now are the same.

So now, I’m doing research on which coffee machine to buy. Being a poor middle class family, our budget is capped at $550. Nothing more than that, else it’s considered too expensive. So, is Starbucks coffee machine still within our range? Hope so.

All I want is a digital type with a compartment to store the coffee beans that’s from Brazil. Fair-trade types. And maybe a compartment to store the cups and the milk??? I’m not sure of how a coffee-machine works, but I know it must have a device to release foam or something. I sounded like an idiot. I would love to have one of the coffee-machine you find at the BK stores. Looks nice and the espresso sundae tasted quite OK.

Seafood @ Ubin

Went to Ubin Island last weekend. The stuffs there are quite cheap compared to the mainland. For a start, van rentals starts from $20 for a group of 4 people. Sounds reasonable.

After some exploring around the reserves, we went for lunch. It’s a outdoor zi-char styled coffeeshop. With breathtaking views of the sea.

Ordered the coconut drinks. Cost $2.50 each.

So, the things we ordered the kia-lang vegetables(not sure on the spelling), cereal prawn, crab and fried sotong.

There isn’t anything fanciful about the vegetables. Just the usual taste. But its not that spicy enough and lacking in the taste aspect.

Cereal prawn. The cereal is not crispy enough. And the way the prawn are fried is quite fantastic. You can taste the freshness of the prawn despite it being fried. Perhaps that’s why the cereal is lacking in taste?

Cereal Prawn

Crab is the nicest food you’ll try. It’s a must-try. Its yummy!!! The gravy tasted excellent too! And it cost $38 per KG. now, that’s a raw deal. The crab is yummy-lickin-licious. The taste of the freshness of the crab…and the tenderness of the meat. Its been said that if the shell of the crab is tough, it meant the crab is delicious. And its true!

Dip the man-tou into the sauce and its fantastic!

The mini sotong is superb! One of the nicest in Singapore if you ask me. The last time I’ve had such quality sotong was when I went to Pioneer Road for their seafood. The taste is exactly akin to the taste at Pioneer Road. Almost the same, but you can still taste the difference. Try it out yourself to fully comprehend what its all about!

Nice ambience, with the breeze and all. Definitely a must try!!!

Orchard Rd

Been to Orchard Rd and it caught me by surprise today. Not the crowd, but the atmosphere. So, I travelled to HarbourFront to buy my new lens!!! 55mm is the way to go!!! Lol

So whats new at Orchard? Took a bus to Ngee Ann City first. There’s a huge Christmas Tree at the entrance and it looks magnificent. Nothing had changed exactly at Ngee Ann, not even the food establishment. Crystal Jade as usual having long queues. Domani is still there.

Then from there, walked over to Wisma. Do you still remember there’s a webcam over at the Ngee Ann to Wisma walkway??? That’s in the past. And still remembered fondly that I used to view the webcam from my house computer and called all my friends when I saw our form teacher there. Real epic. Because she would be there every Sunday afternoon with her boyfriend. I’m not kidding.

Stayed at Wisma. Took a sneak peak at TCC, and TCC is offering a 3 course dinner during the festive for $33 plus. Prices subject to changes depending on the type of main course you’re having. And from there, proceeded over to Starbucks.
Quite surprised that I managed to find an empty seat there. Because usually, its very crowded. Well, whatever. Ordered a Toffee Nut Frap. And a Potato Salad.

The potato salad tasted great. For the price of $5, it lived up to expectations. The potato is of a decent quality and the taste is so nice. The potato have purple skin, and the sauce used to marinate the potato is nice too. Will be back to try the salad again. It’s yummy-licious!!!!!! With some lemon and the taste of the vinegar. Toffee Nut Frap. The usual taste.
Potato Salad with mustard sauce

Toffee Nut Frap.

Walked over from Starbucks to 313@somerset. And to surprises…..


Now, I’m not sure if anyone remembers. Charlie Brown used to have a café or sorts at Plaza Singapura. And the food is nice too (at plaza Singapura). Sad to say, the Charlie Brown café is no longer around till recently that I had found. Not quite sure how long its been around at their present location. But its outdoor seating. I’m going to try the food one day.

Another surprise…

Not sure if anyone know of a nice dessert shop at the ngong ping 100??? The “town” where you alight after taking the cable car from the mega mall. The dessert shop is franchised over to Singapore!!! Again, I’m not sure how long its been here at Singapore. So pardon me if I sounded like a fool.

Still remembered the taste of the black sesame I had there at HK. And compare to the taste at S’pore??? A vast different.

Black Sesame

I could taste that the sesame are roasted till fragrant, but somehow its too sweet for me. And a little diluted. The décor is the same as that in Hong kong. Enquired and the person from the shop stated that they had bought over the franchise over from Hong Kong or someplace. Cool. Currently they had another branch at Bugis too. Perhaps the taste is different at Bugis?

Black sesame(cold) cost $2.80

With that, I’ve had effectively wrapped up Orchard Rd, with the exception of Plaza Singapura the area.

I’m going to try the Prawn Noodle from Potong Pasir on Wednesday if there isn’t a hipcup.

A gentle reminder that on Wednesday, its “duan choick” so its time for dumplings/abolang/tang yuan. I recommend “er-gu tang shui” from Chinatown or “Ah Chew” at Bugis.

ION Orchard

So you had just finish browsing through the shops around Orchard Rd, and now you’re feeling tired from your 3-inch high-heels and lugging 8 assorted bags from Iseatan, Takashimaya, Charles and Keith, Ralph Lauren and GAP. Your next stop? ION Orchard. You just want to rest your blister-infected leg. Now, where do you go?

Frankly speaking, I do not know either. Because ION Orchard is infested with tons of people of different nationalities, with shops at the basement so crowded. You could try Coffee Bean, which is relative quiet with a consistent quality in their food and drink. Try their breakfast menu, especially the eggs Benedict. Its fantastic! And also their ice-blended drinks.

If you’re not a fan of coffee-bean, you could try Starbucks. With Starbucks new offering this Christmas, you’ll never go wrong with their Peppermint Mocha Frap or the Toffee Nut Latte. Either of that is nice. And not forgetting their cakes and pastries. We have there the peach cake or something just for the Christmas. Packs a punch if you ask me.

There’s also Provenance. Yup, the bread shop which is famous for their croissants. I recommend the Milk Pan too, which is smooth and creamy. The custard bread is also quite nice. I do not need to introduce the croissants right? Its famous throughout Singapore, like how KOI serves one of the nicest milk tea in Singapore. In case you’ve not been there, Provenance offers you a place to seat. The atmosphere is quite cozy, but it can be quite noisy sometimes outside the shop. And also with the people walking in and out. I’ve not tried the coffee there, but the bread is nice.

However, if you have a huge budget, why not try Bread Society? Its located near to the exit to Paterson, I think. The bread is much more expensive, but the quality is also on par with the price. Their fried breadstick is uber delicious, and it’s a must try. I forget about the pricing, but as a general rule, its more expensive than provenance.

There’s tons of café located at the upper levels at ION Orchard too. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try the café? The price isn’t that astronomical. Spotted one near the exit of the supermarket. Level 3 or 4, couldn’t remember it. But I’m checking it out soon.

Till then, enjoy.Tatas

1st day of the 2 week break

I’m so going to Orchard Rd later. And to continue my “Orchard Road foodie guide”, which was last edited ages ago, like 2 years ago?

Orchard road is quite a distance to cover, since it comprises of 3 MRT stations. Namely, Somerset MRT, Orchard MRT and Dhoby Ghaut MRT.

Orchard MRT consists of the mainstream shops. Like Pepper Lunch, MOS Burger, KFC and the usual fast-food joints. Also, we have Cedele, TCC and the café.
With the new malls at Orchard Rd, there’s a load more food establishment. Namely, Orchard Central, 313@Somerset and ION orchard.

I’ve always confused between Orchard Central and 313@Somerset, since both are located nearby. The only difference is that 313@Somerset is within easy access to the MRT compared to Orchard Central. So at Orchard Central there is a escalator outside, connecting you directly from the Ground floor to the 4th level or something. And there’s a nice Japanese Restaurant located at level 7. It’s called Tonkichi. This is a nice place selling fried Japanese food. Fried pork, tempura, fried oysters…and everything!!! With an affordable price too! And the portion is huge. So you’ll be ordering 2 sets just for 3 persons. 4 if you are not much of a meat eater.
If all the meat is killing you, you’ll be pleased to know that it comes with free-flow of vegetables. This is a nice crunchy and juicy vegetable called cabbage. And there’s a special type of sauce for you to dip the cabbage into. And the taste is superb! It taste fine even without the sauce.

I’m a boring type of person, so I would usually just stick to Rosu Katsu Set(pork loin) which cost just $22.90. And also the Chawanmushi, which cost $4.50 If there’s more than 2 people, feel free to order more! There’s the Katsu ala-carte menu which sells all the deep-fried stuffs. And don’t forget to include their home-made curry sauce. It’s yummy! Oh…just the thought of it makes me drool.

Still remember to order the tamago and as well as their yummy-licious ice cream. And the coffee-jelly! A healthy meal, with the proper servings of meat and vegetables within a single meal!
My life is so bored now, with the 2 weeks break. No one is making time for me, except only for that one friend of mine. What a sad and pathetic sob am I. Its alright, since I’ve planned to dine at a lot of places. Looks like its not that possible anymore. Its like who on Earth in his right sense of mind would dine at a mid-range café at ION Orchard alone. A-L-O-N-E??? if its Starbucks or TCC its alright. And definitely its not.

Alright, the mid-term papers or mid semester test(MST) is a bore. What we learnt right now might not be even useful when we graduate. Like we’ll need to distinguish between a Poisson Table to Binominal Table or sorts? Yup, I used the incorrect table. Expected.

So, to distress over such a stupid paper, which cost me almost 10 marks, I and a friend went for a yummy buffet. And that’s not even the original plan.

The original plan was to head over to 8Q SAM to dine at Standing Sushi Bar (served some nice sushi at affordable prices) and later head towards to the museum. And so, when we board the bus, entered into a little conversation, and digressed to Carlton. My sister went there last week for the kids high tea which cost $38 and she thought its half-priced for those under 18 years-old. MISTAKEN. A boo-hoo.

Somehow, but I don’t know how, why we decided to head to Global Kitchen at Pan-Pacific. And not Standing Sushi Bar. And on the way to Carlton, we spotted some guys decked in Standing Sushi Bar black-coloured shirt. Nice design and print and I’ll buy 1 if you are selling it.

So, it’s a short 10-odd minutes walk. (we are fast walkers) to Pan-Pacific.
And so we ate at Pan-Pacific.

End of Story, and coincidently, I’m using an EOS 550D. No link…whatever.
And I’ve 2 likes on FB. I know one of them is me, but who's the other??? Please reveal yourself. Thank you. Love you and god bless you.

Imperial Herbal @ VivoCity

Been to this places ages ago. Like almost 2 months back, thus the memory would be considered vivid. The food there is nice, and yummy. Service staffs are nice in general. Some service crews love to bitch, and I’ve encountered a number of them personally.

Décor is comfy, and the price is cheap. Dirt cheap with the quality matched. Now, as tons of people would think, that Imperial Herbal is such a place which serves expensive Chinese food. Now, you’re in for a treat. For the price there is cheap, but only for the dim sum.

A plate of fried rice there cost $5 to $8, depending on the type. It’s considered cheap since other Zi Char is selling for about the same price, if not, slightly cheaper. But with the quality, you’ll never go wrong.
Egg Tarts are nice!!! The egg fillings will not “break-apart”. And the taste is not too creamy too.
Pork rib taste superb! With a slight taste of the herbs.
Chicken feet. Same old usual taste. But the skin a little dry. But still manageable. Perhaps I have high standards.
And they have this dessert which consist of yam, carrot and what not. Covered with honey malt. 麥芽糖… the onus is that you must separate the yams ASAP into cold water. This is to prevent the yams from sticking into the plate.
When you taste it, its crunch on the outside and soft on the inside. YUMMY, and tons of fun!!!!
Note: Activity described is best fitted for 2 Olympians. Just joking.
Nice alternatives to other high-class Chinese restaurant which also provide the same food and services. And its wallet-friendly too. The dim sum cost $3 onwards.

Places to visit :)

I’m so going to try:
1. The café at Orchard ION
It’s the café that’s located near the supermarket at the upper levels of Orchard ION. Checked the price before, and its around $15 if we restrain ourselves from ordering too much food. The food looks great too. Now, lets dig a hole in the pockets. Its not TWG.

2. The new café located just outside Carrefour at Suntec City
Heard the café serves some of the best sandwich in town. To verify it, we must go ahead and spurge! Yup, hopefully its as nice as O’Briens. The standard ought to be way better than the sandwich offered at Starbucks. Did check out the place once, and the coffee looks promising.

3. TCC High Tea
For the price of $13.50++ this sure looks affordable. And with their Christmas drinks special to boot, there’s no chance for anyone to make excuses to not check out the place!

4. Eskimo at Marina Bay Link Mall
Another bubble tea shop at Marina Bay. Expecting the taste to be better than sweet talk. I’ve not tried KOI, neither Gong Cha. Eskimo? I’ll give it a shot.

5. Prawn noodle at Potong Pasir
Located near the old Jackson. Just a valley or two. Tried that before, and am going back there on Wednesday with a friend. Just the thought of it make me drool. And after the prawn noodle, it’ll be for some ngoh hiang!!! The stall’s just adjacent from the prawn noodle shop. Just hope she don’t mind having 2 main course for lunch.

6. ABC market muslim food
There’s tons of muslim food located at ABC food-centre. Just hope that a random stall that I picked would be nice.

7. Dragon-Gate at Harbourfront
Located near the ferry/cruise terminal. Tried the dim-sum before and the food’s quite nice. But that’s ages ago…like 2 years? Just wanted to revisit the place and eat more dim-sum.

NYDC @ Bugis Junction

Its quite a coincidence on how I managed to dine at NYDC. I’m suppose to meet a friend at Starbucks, but instead he just went to the bookstore to check out the latest travel guide. And so, when we check back to Starbucks, it was packed. I don’t like outdoors since it was pouring. So, went straight to NYDC, since it’s the only place at Bugis Junction that sells deserts and cakes with a relatively affordable price.
And for the price for a drink and a Apple Crumbles topped with a scoop of ice-cream, it cost just slightly less than $20. Think it’s quite a good deal.
Service was great. What do you expect from a café of this size? Frankly, the service was way better than Swenson’s at PS. At least we are given decent seating and the service crew are conscious on our plain water. They offered to replenish our drink without our request. A plus point.
The menu looks interesting. To me. With nice layout and design. It helps to whet my appetite with the yummy-lickin-licious looking photographs.
The ambience is nice. Compared to TCC, TCC still wins hands-down. Partly thanks to their selection of music being played. Who stills listen to “Billionaire”? And Lady Gaga? Think its rather inappropriate. But the décor looks great and the brick walls. NYDC is quite quiet. We went there at about 3.40pm on a weekday, thus that might explain something indirectly.
I’ve a lady Earl Grey with a scoop of ice-cream. The drink is nice, the usual taste of Earl-Grey tea. But somehow the “feel” is not quite there. Perhaps its due to the blend of the tea. If its stronger, than, it might be better.
I’ve had also an Apple Crumble with a scoop of ice-cream. The texture of the ice-cream is typical. The type you would expect from U.D.D.E.R.S and some other ice-cream shops. The taste is there, and so is the texture. The sweetness just hit the correct spot. YUMMY-LICKIN-LICIOUS!!!!!
My friend had a chocolate cake. Not sure of the exact name. And said its nice. With a tinge of chocolate. The usual sticky-feel, but not too much of the sticky-ness feel. Something that you’ll never get sick of. Nice! And its not too sweet too.
So everything is alright. Food taste nice. It’s a nice alternative from Starbucks and TCC. And the prices is somewhat in between. So, it wont burn a hole too much on your pocket.
The bill adds up to about 30 odd bucks for two people. Nice place for chit-chats and to rest abit after shopping at Bugis Junction.

I forgot NYDC is located at which level, but just a level below Food Junction.