I hear, I see, I post: A post dedicated to Wednesday

A post dedicated to Wednesday

Went to Potong Pasir for lunch. Tried the Prawn Noodle and 5-spice. According to Hilary, the “pork sausage” is vegetarian. Having tried that for almost 7 years (the 5-spice shop used to be at Jackson) I still didn’t realize the “pork sausage” is vegetarian, till she pointed that out to me. The fried prawn is yummy! And she agreed. So if she says is yummy, that meant its yummy-lickin-licious. Just trust our taste and preference in food. And bought the food for like $3.90? For 1 fried prawn cracker, pork sausage, the nyong hiang, a rectangular orange-coloured piece of meat (which I presume it as pork). Nice and cheap.

And the prawn noodle. It’s stock is clear. And delicious. Not too overpowering or anything like that. Ordered the prawn noodle with pork rib. It cost $5 for a bowl. It is yummy. Have not tried the prawn noodle at Lavender, but Hilary said its still nicer. The onus is the prawn noodle at Lavender is “inflexible” in the sense that you could only choose either prawn or pork rib. Not a combination of both. Think I’m going to try that somedays. Just a word of caution: the waiting time is a little too long in my own opinion. We waited for about 20 minutes. Perhaps its due to the lunch crowd, so be prepared mentally for a long wait.

After that, went to the bank. Tried to withdraw $20 but the ATM proclaimed that I did not have enough money to withdraw the twenty. Upset. And I’m penniless. Oh well, whatever. If only I did not top-up a twenty to my Starbucks card on Monday. And so, I do not need to save money!

Talking about Starbucks, went on and redeemed a free Starbucks drink. Because I’m penniless. And “Starbucks is for the poor and penniless” and Hilary was like “right, yeah…”

Actually the free drink in actual fact belonged to her. But then we are soooo thirsty(from the prawn noodle? Or our talking?) that we had to share one drink. And the “anything” phenomenon occurred again.

Me: So what drink you want?

Her: Anything

Me:How about Peppermint Mocha?

Her: Don’t want

Barista: Toffee Nut?

Her: Cannot…have nut remember?
Me: Caramel Frap.?

We: Huh…Again???

Her: I want to try something I’ve not try before.

Her: Dark Chocolate Frap.

Me: Okies

It seemed that whenever either of us patronize Starbucks, we will bound to order a Caramel Frap. And it kind of gets boring after awhile. And we’ve not tried the Dark Chocolate Frap. Its nice!!!!!!

Thereafter, proceed to Orchard Rd/Penang Rd since Hilary want to visit spotlight. Spotlight is one of the places in Singapore that sells almost everything. From curtains to stationery to cloth, it have almost everything to fulfill your left brain. The creativity aspect. How could one not visit Daiso while one’s at Plaza Sing?

And we head to the museum. A record. Visited 2 exhibition and took almost 3 hours. Reached there about 3pm and left about 6pm. Time flies when you’re having fun. What a nice place to go to escape from the humidity and heat in this tropical island.

Took tons of photos and make ourselves look quite silly. Ok, its just me only. The photos are with her right now and hopefully she did not delete any of the photos.

Right after that, we proceed to City Hall MRT to meet Alex. And went to City Sq Mall. And tried Gong Cha for the first time. Its nice!!! Nicer than Ice-peach red tea from Each-a-cup or sweet-talk. Headed to subway. Thanks to Hilary for helping me pay for my meal. And just hang there for a long time. Took photos there too! With an unglam shot of Hilary. That’s epic.

Photos would be uploaded when I get the card back from Hilary. So long!

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