I hear, I see, I post: Today's a Wednesday

Today's a Wednesday

I love my lifestyle. It goes something like this (only for today)
Woke up. Freshen Up. Had a cup of Pura milk. Pura is the best brand in the supermarket. The taste is simply..."no horse run". Read the morning papers, which comprises of Straits Times, The New Paper, Lian He Zao Bao, and MyPaper. The news overlap each other. And I don't know why I still continue to read them. Its like all the papers are reporting on the same thing. Airport at England had closed due to the snow, a local football star had been convicted of some driving offenses, and there's a review of local sports community within the local school.

Talking about the review/report, i must comment on this. It is a little bit redundant to have that, because from what i read (i skim through), its all common sense. Like how coaches must invoke sportsmanship and players must be responsible for their own fitness. But then, can MOE or MCYS implement strong stringent guidelines and policies to police such things. We don't want another fight to occur again, don't you? Sure, accidents do happen, but then, we'll have a panel and all that and we're back to square one.

Alright, after the morning papers, I watched some clips on the net and update Facebook games. And then its to update this blog. And thereafter, for a shower. Its off to the SUpermarket.

NEX...the new shopping mall in Serangoon. Arrived there relative early, thus there isn't much shops open. Went to NTUC. But on the way there...spotted a Starbucks! Naturally, walked to Starbucks...and ordered a Caramel Frap. Tall sized without whip. Thats my safest bet when I did not know what I want to have.

At NTUC proceed to buy assorsted fruits. The fruits are not that fresh somehow. Some of the apples skins are black. BLACK! Shudder on the thought of it. And bought the HONEY ROASTED CHICKEN. QUite a small chicken and it cost less than $6. The reason is because today's a day to pay respect. While at NTUC XTRA near the hala counter which sells the chicken, I overheard an auntie asking the counter-staff which of the chicken taste nicer. I almost wanted to say this: "This is for praying...and not for you to eat...so why you care whichever is nicer???" And the way she asked is like "I think I prefer the taste of the black pepper chicken"...
And she have a kid in tow. Not sure if it's hers offspring or the offspring of her offspring. If the kid learnt this unacceptable behaviour of the auntie, then its too bad.

And I'm quite shocked when it comes to the bill. Wait, i proceed to comment that the NTUC XTRA at NEX is relatively quiet and empty. So, if you're staying around the area, be sure to check it out...

I bought:

1 Honey Roasted Chicken
12 assorted fruits (oranges and apples)
2 Pura Low Milk

The bill comes to around $18.55!!!!

Not sure if its cheap or expensive. Think its quite on the high side. Not sure if its cheaper if I buy it from the market...
Is it me or that the stuffs from NTUC is getting too expensive???

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